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Arguments for developing explicit ways of clarifying the scope of scientific methods are the content of the first paragraph. Then several concepts like phenomenon, parameter and model are defined and discussed. The well known general scientific method, the hypothetico-deductive principle is then discussed and given a more restrictive interpretation than usual, and the outcome of this discussion is a proposal of a documentation system of meteorological parameters, either measured parameters or parameters derived by model calculation. The concept of quality of meteorological data is then defined. The main lines of a system for automatic control of hourly data from an automated station network are shortly discussed. An example of the use of the proposed documentation system is presented, and in the last paragraph of the report some explicit recommendations for sets of meta-data connected to exchange of meteorological data between institutions are presented.


An interpretation of the general scientific method, the hypothetico-deductive principle, is first presented and discussed. It is containing a slightly more restrictive interpretation than usual (The test of a system is interpreted not as a testing merely of scientific hypotheses in a mathematical shape, but as an explicit testing of the definition of the quantitative parameters and the measuring systems of these parameters as well). The outcome of this discussion is a proposal of a documentation system of quantitative meteorological and biological parameters, either measured parameters or parameters derived by model calculation. The documentation system presented is currently being implemented in a web-based system for administration of meteorological parameters at The Norwegian Crop Research Institute. An example of using this documentation system in a biological context, connected to a simple pest warning model for potato late blight is presented. The significance of discussing the scope of such methods concludes the paper.


We collected shrews using pitfall traps in a forest area in Kvam, Hordaland, Western Norway in 1997-98. Altogether, 205 individuals of pygmy shrew, Sorex minutus and 129 individuals of common shrew, Sorex araneus were collected. Both shrew species occurred over a wide range of forest types. Common shrew was absent in bogs and pygmy shrew apparently was absent in alder forest. Common shrew was relatively evenly distributed among forest types while the catches of pygmy shrew was significantly lower in deciduo


Timed catches of Cydia pomonella (L.) males in sex pheromone traps were used to investigate the influence of twilight and climatic parameters on the flight activity of the moths at different latitudes. Traps were operated from 15 May until 31 July at several locations between 59ºN and 60ºN in south-eastern Norway, and at Sogndal (61ºN) in western Norway, during 1997-2000. Time and duration of twilights were calculated from May-August for each trap-location, and compared with the activity of C. pomonella. Flight response appeared to be determined by the daily photoperiod, corresponding to time of sunset at the different latitudes involved in the study. This response began about two hours before sunset, and declined around 23:00 and 24:00 hours in the evening, in western and eastern Norway, respectively. Main flight activity in both eastern and western Norway was recorded when temperatures were in the range 10-20 ºC, the relative humidity was above 50 %, and at wind speeds below three m/s at the time of capture. In Norway, light conditions are suitable for C. pomonella flight activity all night long during the entire lifetime of the adult moths. It is concluded that temperature is the limiting factor for flight at high latitudes.


Forest owners get only a nominal pay when delievering forest residues for energy purposes. At the same time there might be negative environmental effects as nutrient loss and production loss. Compensation measures could be ash disposal and fertilization. This has a cost, but due to sustainability restrictions compensation measures might be seen as obligatory. Other negative environmental effects include possible effects on biodiversity and acidification. Positive effects include impact on GHG balance and reduced silvicultural costs. We study this problem from the forest owner?s view and from the society?s view in a cost-benefit context. The results vary with physical inputs as deposition and soil type and with assumptions concerning economic variables as shadow price of carbon.