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During the last meeting on the proposal for a new council directive on control of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) in Brussels on June 2-3, 2004, it became evident that the tests to assess resistance and partial resistance in potato to PCN and interpretation of test results differ widely in the different countries and earlier recommendations (EPPO recommendation 92/3784) were not commonly adopted in the EU. Therefore the EU commission suggested that an expert working group should review the definition of resistance of potato to PCN and outline the procedures for an appropriate test to assess resistance of potato to PCN.


Hydraulics of subsurface flow filters (SSF) was studied by measurement of soil hydraulic conductivity (K) variation and performing tracer tests in two SSF filters consisting of 1-4 mm Ca rich sand (shell sand). Soil samples were carefully taken at several locations in Filter I. A tracer experiment was conducted in the undisturbed Filter II using KI. The measured K variability in Filter I was used to analyze the variations in tracer breakthrough. The spatial distribution of K was obtained by fitting a variogram to observed data and interpolation using Kriging. The tracer residence probability density function (PDF) was determined by modelling the tracer movement with a 3-D groundwater model. The observed and simulated tracer arrival was compared for cases with constant K, constant K and dispersion (D), and for spatially variable K and dispersion. The results show that groundwater models were well suited to simulate solute movement in the SSF system studied. An almost perfect fit to observed tracer PDF was obtained when variable K and dispersion was included in the model. This indicates that information on K variability and dispersion is important for studying solute movement in SSF constructed wetlands.


To avoid over-fertilization of potassium (K) and thereby a mineral composition in the grass crop not optimal for animal health, estimation of K release from soil is important. The analytical methods should therefore predict the total K release from soil. Furthermore, to minimize costs for the farmers they should provide information which remains valid over a period of several years. The relationship between different soil extraction procedures for K and K uptake in ley for three subsequent years after soil sampling was studied in 19 field experiments on a range of mineral soil types in Norway. Potassium determined with solutions that extracted exchangeable K or parts of exchangeable K (0.01 M CaCl2, 0.5 M NaHCO3, 1 M NH4oAc or ammonium acetate lactate) was significantly (p


Intensive harvesting, as compared to no harvesting, favoured N transfer to the leaves on the expense of stolon and root biomass production. Independently of treatment, about 75 % of the N present in leaves in the autumn was lost, while N stored in stolons and, particularly, in roots was conserved much better. However, the stolons of intensively harvested plants seemed to be less winter hardy and lost more N (55%) than did undisturbed (21%) and less intensively harvested plants (13%). Relative plant growth and N uptake rate in spring were almost equal for all treatments. The amount of inorganic N in soil after snowmelt and mineralization of white clover-derived N during the spring was small, suggesting that leaching and gas emissions may have been important N pathways.


Most countries in Europe have experienced loss of natural forest cover as land has been cleared for farming and other uses. Lack of timber and firewood resources over the last 350 years has been a driving force behind most afforestation work. This paper discusses the history and some major trends and drivers in the afforestation process in Western Norway.


For å hjelpe myndighetene til å redusere diffuse forurensnings kilder fra landbruket og implementere miljøvennlig dyrkingspraksis, er det gjennomført en sammenligning mellom eksisterende dyrkingspraksis med bestedyrkingspraksis(Best Management Practice-BMP) i det multidisiplinært prosjektet kalt AgriBMPWater (finansiert over EU"s 5. rammeprogram). Den utviklede tilnærming korresponderer med kost/nytte vurdering av forskjellige BMP"s i ulike europeiske nedbørfelt, samt en studie av bøndenes holdninger til å innføre slik praksis. Takket være en integrert vurdering av eksisterende og potensielle BMP"s, et nett av valgmuligheter bidrar til å støtte myndighetene i hvordan miljømessige, økonomiske og sosiologiske analyser kan være til hjelp for beslutningstakere. Vannkvalitetsproblemer tatt opp i dette prosjektet inkluderer nitrat, fosfor, sedimenter, pesticidbelastning og vann med lav pH. På denne måten vil det utviklet e rammeverket gi muligheter for en rekke hydrologiske og økonomiske modeller, avhengig av miljøproblemene i nedbørefeltet.