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Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena and M. fructicola cause brown rot of stone and pome fruits, which result in considerable economic losses. M. fructigena causes fruit decay in both pome and stone fruit, while M. laxa causes blossom wilt, twig blight, canker and fruit rot on stone fruit. A special form of the fungus, M. laxa f.sp. mali, is found only in apple, where it causes blossom wilt, spur-kill and canker. M. fructicola is a quarantine pathogen in the EU, and it is thus of important to have reliable identification methods and to monitor the population of these fruit pathogens. More than 90 isolates of Monilinia spp. from the main fruit producing districts in Norway was collected. The isolates originated from cherry, plum, apple, apricot and peach. They were identified by growth characteristics in culture according to EPPO standards (EPPO Bull 33: 245-47) and by a multiplex PCR method (Côté (2004) Plant Disease 88:1219-1225). Thus far, the quarantine organism M. fructicola has not been detected in Norway. M. laxa and M. fructigena were isolated from plum, apricot, cherry and apple, however in apple M. fructigena was isolated only from fruits and M. laxa only from infected fruit spurs (generative shoots). In peach only M. laxa was detected. Genetic variation among the isolates is currently being examined using AFLP.


Korncystenematoder (Heterodera spp.) er et kompleks av arter og patotyper. Så langt er det i Norge påvist den vanlige havrecystenematoden (Heterodera avenae) patotype Ha 11, H. avenae svensk patotype ”Våxtorp” og rugcystenematoden (H. filipjevi) svensk patotype ”Vest”. Biotest med disse patotypene ble gjennomført i 2004 og 2005 ved Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet i Alnarp. Tester i veksthus av 63 kornsorter viste at de fleste sortene i testen var mottakelige for Ha 11 og Ha Våxtorp. Dette var også tilfelle i tester med H. filipjevi Vest for sorter av bygg og vårhvete, mens et flertall av havresortene var mer eller mindre resistente. Resultatene viser også at det finnes flere sorter på det norske markedet som kan benyttes for å holde korncystenematodene på et lavt nivå. I bygg var Frisko, Helium Meltan, Otira og Simba resistente mot Ha 11. For Ha Våxtorp viste ingen av de testede sortene seg å være resistente. Byggsortene Antaria, Frisko, Gunilla, Iver, Pernilla og Sunnita var resistente mot H. filipjevi Vest. I havre viste sortene Sanna, Gunhild og Vital resistens mot Ha 11, og mot Ha Våxtorp var sortene Gunhild, NK98059, Sanna og Vital resistente. Mot H. filipjevi Vest var Bikini, Bessin, Gunhild, Kerstin, Liberto, Matilda, NK 98008, NK980591, Olram, Pol, Sanna, SW 98195 og Vital resistente.


Feeding by the Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus rugulipennis Popp.) has caused severe damage in Norwegian nurseries. Large quantities of seedlings have been removed after sorting. The life cycle of the insect has been well studied and documented. This study was a first attempt to investigate how the seedlings develop after the insect attacks.The first visible sign of damage is the development of multiple terminal buds. Two-year-old containerised seedlings were planted and followed for four years. Before planting, the seedlings were sorted into three damage classes, (0) undamaged, (I) moderately damaged; up to ten fully developed buds, and (II) severely damaged; from ten to twenty small buds and without any dominant apical bud.The damaged seedlings were somewhat shorter at planting but this difference disappeared with time. The seedlings in the two damaged classes differed in their development of multiple shoots. At the end of the four-year period about 50 % of the seedlings in ClassII and about 20 % from Class I still had multiple leaders, or lateral stems or side branches that would probably in the future produce spike knots. The sorting routine currently used at the nursery was found to reduce the problem to an acceptable level for seedlings that were planted in the forest.