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Økologisk frøavl av timotei og engsvingel i Norge er preget av store forskjeller i frøavling  mellom ulike dyrkere. Fremmede kulturarter (særlig kløver) og ugras fører ofte til svake planter og små førsteårsavlinger. Utsatt såing av gjenlegget på grunn av ugrasharving reduserer også ofte frøavlinga i første engår. Ved etablering av økologisk frøeng på bruk uten husdyr kan førsteårsavlinga bedres ved å etablere timoteifrøenga sammen med jordkløver (Trifolium subterranerum) som samdyrkingsvekst.

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Det er blitt en årlig tradisjon å arrangere etegilde og fagseminar på økologisk vis. Dette ble også gjort i 2005 på Reisafjord Hotell. Det ble servert mye god mat basert på økologiske råvarer og fokusert på hvordan forholde seg til nytt nasjonelt mål innen økologisk landbruk, bruk av økologisk mat i storhusholdning og økologisk landbruk som grunnlag for bedriftsutvikling på gården. Framover er det viktig å satse på de som er motiverte, bygge opp nettverk, bruk av økologisk mat ved festivaler og skoler og omsetning og marked.


The Concerted Action on potato late blight `Eucablight" (www.eucablight.org) was launched in 2003 to promote collaboration between researchers across Europe and to collate the previously fragmented data on host resistance to late blight and characterization of its causal pathogen, Phytophthora infestans. Central to the project was the development of standardized protocols, databases and data collection tools with which data from across Europe could be centralized. The ultimate aim was to capitalize on the vast resource of data available in order to allow a pan-European analysis to be conducted. The P. infestans database is currently populated with information relating to over 13,800 isolates from 20 European countries. The host resistance database holds primary disease data and derived statistics from more than 50 field trials assessing mainly foliage blight resistance. The use of seven standard cultivars in these trials facilitated the comparison of resistance information across years and regions. The host database is structured, and made accessible, in such a way that DSS builders can access the model parameters they need to construct locally adapted forecasting systems. In this presentation we describe the data collection and data analyzing tools that have been developed in this project and how they are directly applicable to other host-pathogen systems.


Kronikk i Nationen om gjengroing av kystlyngheiane. Kronikken oppfordrar til fokus på skjøtsel og bruk, politisk vilje, ressursar og heilskapleg tenking, dersom ein skal klare å ta vare på verdiane i dei opne lyngheiane.


EU-kommisjonen har vedtatt Rammedirektiv for jord som innebærer at medlemslandene og Norge må sette i verk risikovurdering og tiltak for å beskytte jord.


From 2003 to 2006, three varieties of velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina), thirteen varieties of creeping bentgrass, nine varieties of colonial bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris), four varieties of slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra var. trichophylla), thirteen varieties of chewings fescue (Festuca rubra var. commutata), and one variety of annual bluegrass (Poa annua var. reptans) were evaluated for establishment rate, overall turf quality (visual merit), tiller density, color, leaf fineness, per cent living plant cover, winter injury, disease resistance, spring green-up, daily height growth, and thatch accumulation in trials on USGA-spec. putting greens at the Bioforsk research stations Landvik (58°N, 12 m a.s.l.) and Apelsvoll (61°N, 250 m a.s.l.) in south-east Norway. These experimental sites are considered representative for the southern/coastal and the northern/ continental zone of Scandinavia, respectively. The trials were mowed three times per week to 3 mm for bentgrass species and annual bluegrass and to 4.5-5.0 mm for red fescues, fertilized with easily soluble, small-grain mineral fertilizer every second week, and otherwise managed as putting greens with respect to irrigation, vertical mowing, topdressing etc. The greens were not open to regular play, but articifial wear was imposed by rolling friction-drums with golf-spikes over the trials three timers per week. On average for varieties within each species, velvet bentgrass had the highest visual merit scores at both experimental sites. Velvet bentgrass had higher density and finer leaves than any other species in the study. Along with colonial bentgrass, it also had better winter survival than creeping bentgrass, red fescue and annual bluegrass. The main disadvantage of velvet bentgrass is the rapid formation of thatch; this problem must be resolved before a general recommendation for use of velvet bentgrass on Scandinavian putting greens can be given. Next to velvet bentgrass, colonial bentgrass and creeping bentgrass were ranked as the most suitable species for golf courses in the northern/continental and southern/coastal zone, respectively. Red fescues should be preferred on golf courses not using fungicides and with limited maintenance budgets. While annual bluegrass `True Putt" cannot be recommended for putting greens in any part of Scandinavia, the ranking of varieties within each species depended, for the most part, on climatic zone. The following list of recommended varieties for putting greens has been presented to the Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation:


This oral presentation summarizes results from the project "Evaluation of Agrostis and Festuca varieties on Scandinavian golfgreens" as of 1 June 2006.  See Aamlid, Molteberg, Enger, Steensohn & Susort 2006: Bioforsk Report 189(1) for more complete results. Some preliminary results from variety testing on fairway are also included.