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The rapid increase in development and production of manufactured nanoparticles (NP) has given rise to concern for health and environment. While toxicity in higher organisms and workers exposure have received attention and benefited from substantial research efforts in later years, the environmental impact of spreading NP and ecotoxicity have received far less attention. To the extent that NP may be toxic to higher organisms and man, the redistribution of NP from major environmental recipients like soils and sediments represents a route for exposure that may also have implication for public health. Research on environmental aspects of spreading NP has suffered from a lack of appropriate tools that allow studies on fate, mobility and uptake in organisms, particularly in dirty matrices like soil, sediments and waste. We are currently exploring the possibilities for tracing different NP (metals, oxides, CNT) in soil and sediments/water using functionalization, radiotracers, and fluorescence labelling, and exploit these tools in quantification of adsorption, mobility and transfer, including organismal uptake and internal distribution/accumulation in different organs of earthworms and fish. In combination with an increasing knowledge on toxicity, these tools, if proven suitable, may permit a range of studies on environmental behaviour of NP which can form a basis for environmental risk assessment, and ultimately regulatory actions that may limit exposure of biota and Man.


Toppkapping som metode i ungskogpleien er omtalt, både den historiske bakgrunnen samt resultater og kommentarer til Nordiske forsøk.


Traceability in a supply chain can be established using several different technologies. The basic idea is marking each item with an identifier which can be rgistrered as the item flows downstream in the supply chain. Abilities to track and trace products and components have become requirements in many supply chains. Systems for traceability may also be used to improve logistics across the supply chain. Supply chain management implies applyin holistic perspectives on solutions, spanning from the vendor of raw materials to the consumer. This article presents a Norwegian case in which tracebility solutions based on Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) were tested in a supply chain for poles delivered to power lines. Logs were marked with standard RFID tags in the forest and were registered with a standard RFID reader on several sages frm forest to finished product. The standard equipment performed well even when exposed to rough handling, high and low temperatures and high pressure. The results show that even when individual actors may benefit from implementing traceability solutions it is challenging to develop joint and profitable solutions for several actors in a supply chain. Three main obstackles were identified as impediments for supply chain traceability. There are diffrences in objectives as som firms focus on optimising logistics and production, while others aim at reducing errors from manual registrations. There are differences in requirements for technical solutions, especially concerning where the tag should be placed on the log. Finally, there are differences in willingness and readiness to adopt new technology.


Deponering i strandkantdeponi er en av flere mulige tiltak for å redusere miljøvirkninger av forurensete sedimenter. Valg av riktige filtermaterialer til bruk i permeable barrierer er viktig for å redusere spredningen fra slike deponier. Forskningsresultater viser at spredningen av tributyltinn (TBT) fra strandkantdeponier kan reduseres ved riktig sammensetning av filtermaterialer i slike barrierer. Her gis en kort oppsummering av forskning som er gjennomført ved Bioforsk Jord og miljø for å forbedre tiltaksløsninger og kost-nytte vurderinger ved deponering av forurensede sedimenter i strandkantdeponier.


Leakage of tributyltin (TBT) to coastal environment is documented globally and represents environmental hazards because of long half lives in anaerobic environment and accumulation in biota. Concentrations below 1 ng/l influence marine organisms. Hence, pollution control authorities request abatements to mitigate toxic concentration levels. Dredging of contaminated sediments is one abatement strategy, but this approach requires safe landfill repositories. An alternative strategy is to cover contaminated sea bottom areas by cap layers of favourable composition and thereby reduce TBT exposure to the environment. Both abatement strategies require understanding of chemical and physical processes involved at the pore scale and at the field scale. In the present study pore scale processes are investigated by laboratory experiments on dredged sediments from contaminated sea bottom and integrated to field scale by numerical simulations. The distribution of TBT between solid and water phase is a function of several parameters viz texture; composition of clay minerals; content of organic matter; pH; and salinity in the pore water. The influences of these parameters on the mobility of TBT in sediments are studied with emphasize on variable salinity flux through the porous media. In our data the mobility of TBT increases as a function of decreasing salinity. Long term leakage of TBT is simulated in a typified near shore landfill with initial marine salt water concentration in the pore water. Initial TBT concentration in pore water is estimated to 30 ng/l, which is corresponding to a chemical equilibrium of 1 mg/kg of TBT in the sediments. Because sorption of TBT varies as a function of salinity, the transport of TBT has to be coupled to concentration of NaCl in the pore water. The pore water flow depends not only on the relation between infiltration of meteoric water and permeability of the sediments, but also on the concentration of NaCl, thus Darcy law has to be coupled to transport of NaCl. In this way transport of TBT require a coupling of three types of physics. First is Darcy pore water flow coupled to concentration of NaCl, and then concentration of NaCl is coupled to desorption of TBT.


Trevinduers kvalitet og levetid er avhengig av en rekke faktorer. Kvalitet på trevirke er en slik faktor og utgangspunktet for all vindusproduksjon. En state of the art rapport fra Norsk institutt for skog og landskap belyser og diskuterer trekvalitet i et vindusperspektiv.