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This Pest Risk Assessment (PRA) of the fire blight bacterium Erwinia amylovora was initiated by a review or revision of a policy by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Fire blight was detected in Norway for the first time in 1986. The focus of infection was in and around the city of Stavanger in Rogaland county on the south west coast of the country. Mainly Cotoneaster bullatus and C. salicifolius were attacked.  The disease was contained and finally eradicated from the area in 1992. However, in 2000 fire blight re-emerged, in the same county, on the island Karmøy, separated from the first outbreak by 25 km open sea. A new containment and eradication programme was started. Nevertheless the disease continued to spread to the north, mainly due to the movement of beehives contaminated with E. amylovora, from areas with diseased plants to areas free from fire blight with warm and humid weather conditions, favorable for the development of the disease. Fire blight has been detected in private gardens, around public buildings, in recreation grounds, along roads, and in rural areas in the coastal areas of the counties of Rogaland, Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane. It has not been detected in nurseries, in fruit-growing areas, or in other parts of the country. The main hosts are still C. bullatus and C. salicifolius and some other Cotoneaster spp. Occasionally diseased Sorbus aria, Pyrachanta and apple and pear have been detected. Recently a very limited outbreak on C. bullatus and C. salicifolius was detected in the city of Kristiansand in Vest-Agder county. The endangered area, where presence of fire blight will result in economically important loss is the commercial fruit growing areas of Norway. If E. amylovora is introduced into the main fruit growing districts, it is expected that the damage and losses to commercial fruit production and nurseries will be minor, under the current phytosanitary regime in Norway. Relaxation of the regulations in force for fighting fire blight in Norway will increase the expected damage and losses to commercial fruit production and nurseries to a moderate level. Importation of fruit trees and fruit tree propagation material from countries where fire blight is established is not expected to increase the risk of fire blight in Norway significantly, given that appropriate phytosanitary requirements and quarantine are followed.


Et feltforsøk med to grønnsaker (long beans (Vigna sesquipedalis) and leaf mustard (Brassica juncea)) ble utført for å studere effekten av å bruke IPM-prinsippene ved dyrking sammenlignet med konvensjonell dyrkingspraksis i 3 provinser i nord-Vietnam. Leaf mustard inneholdt flere pesticider og høyere restverdier enn long beans. Det ble dessuten påvist flere pesticider i prøvene som ikke var rapportert brukt av bøndene, både i prøver fra IPM-felt og de konvensjonelel feltene. Generelt ble det funnet lavere pesticidkonsentrasjoner i prøver fra IPM-felt enn fra de konvensjonelle feltene. Pesticidanalysene ble utført av Northern Pesticide Control Centre (NPCC) i Hanoi i samarbeid med Bioforsk.

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Pesticide losses to the environment are unwanted due to possible environmental and health hazards. An experimental wetland is established to study the efficiency with respect to retention of sediments, nutrients and pesticides. Pesticides were applied on an arable soil plot in the watershed. Statistical analyses were carried out on three selected pesticides; propachlor, metalaxyl and chlorfenvinfoss. All pesticides were found in the experimental wetland, with peak concenttrations shortly after spraying. In 2003 pesticide retention varied from 11% to 42% and in 2004 retention varied from 19% to 56 %. Comparing eight different wetland filters, we found that L6 and L8, with flagstones and straw, respectively, had a higher total pesticide retention than a standard Norwegian wetland (L4). When the compounds were treated separately, however, the picture was different. Statistical analyses showed that the treatments were signficantly different from zero in six of the wetlands for remowal of propachlor, for removal of metalaxyl none were significantly different, and for removal of chlorfenvinphos four treatments were significantly different. For the three compounds none of the relative treatments were significantly different from L4. Chemical properties of the pesticides could explain some of the behaviour in the watershed and in the wetland.


Innhaldet av antocyanar og total fenolar vart målt i 9 søtkirsebærsortar. Antocyanininnhaldet i mørke frukter var høgare enn i frukter med ljos gul saft. Mellom dei mørke sortane var det nær 10 gonger så mykje antocyanar i sorten med høgast innhald i høve til sorten med lågast. Samla fenolinnhald varierte frå 23 til 168 mg/100g FW, og den antioksiderande kapasiteten var frå 0,44 til 2,67 mmol/100g FW. Det var god korrelasjon mellom den antioksiderande kapasiteten og både antocyanin og totalt fenolinnhald. Søtkirsebærsorten "Agila" hadde høgast innhald av antocyaninar, total fenolar og antioksiderande kapasitet. Hjå plommer fann ein mest antocyaninar i dei mørk blå plommene "Edda", "Souffriau" og "Jubileum". "Victoria hadde minst antocyaninar, men likevel høgast innhald av total fenolar og antioksiderande kapasitet. FRAP-verdiane varierte frå 0,61 til 1,28 mmol/100g FW. Den antioksiderande kapasiteten var nært korrelert med totalt fenolinnhald.


Quantifying P losses to surface waters at different scales and partitioning of the loads into P losses from point sources and diffuse sources are significant future challenges for river basin managers. The agricultural share of P losses to surface waters is, in many river basins, increasing and therefore becoming more important to quantify and analyse. The importance of phosphorus losses from agricultural land was analysed using monitoring data and two different models for 35 micro-catchments (50 000 km2). Average annual phosphorus loss from agricultural land in the micro-catchments varied from 0.1 to 4.7 kg P ha)1 and showed no relationship with the short-term P surplus on agricultural land. The average annual total P loss from agricultural land showed equally large variation in the 17 macro-catchments (0.1"6.0 kg P ha)1), but the range was less for the 10 larger river basins (0.09"2.0 kg P ha)1). The annual P loss from the 35 micro-catchments was greatest in the micro-catchments characterized by soil erosion and a high proportion of surface run-off as in the Norwegian catchments. The same pattern was true for the 17 macro-catchments where the model-simulated total P loss from agricultural land was greatest in the catchments in northern and southern parts of Europe. The main diffuse pathways for total P loads in the 17 macro-catchments were simulated with the MONERIS model. On average, soil erosion and surface run-off was estimated to have contributed 53% (4.1"81%), groundwater 14% (0.2"41.7%) and tile drainage water 3% (0"14.0%).


Filtralite P® and shellsand as ideal constructed wetland substrates have been tested for their P sorption capacity, both with batch and column experiments. Two columns were filled with Filtralite P® and one column with shellsand. The shellsand (SSPS) and one of the Filtralite P® columns (FLSP) were loaded with a synthetic P solution, while the second Filtralite P® column (FLWW) was loaded with secondary wastewater. Ca, Mg, pH and the P concentrations were measured in the inlet and the 7 outlets along the height of the three vertical upflow columns for up to 303 days. An overall P removal rate of 92, 91 and 54% was measured in the columns SSPS, FLWW and FLPS, respectively, for the entire experimental period. The comparison of FLWW and FLPS showed that FLWW kept its high P removal efficiency (91%) throughout the experimental period while the removal efficiency of FLPS decreased fast after reaching the 1 ppm effluent P concentration. The competition of other negative ions and the development of biofilm did not have a negative effect on P removal from wastewater. The batch experiments showed a better sorption capacity of Filtralite P® at low initial concentrations, while for high initial concentrations the shellsand sorbed more. Shellsand had, however, a higher sorption capacity in batch experiments with used column material and high initial P concentrations. The results from both the batch and the column experiment suggest that the shellsand has a more durable P sorption capacity than the Filtralite P® material, possibly due to the persistent high concentrations of Ca in the shellsand.

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Filtralite P (R) and shellsand as ideal constructed wetland substrates have been tested for their P sorption capacity, both with batch and column experiments. Two columns were filled with Filtralite PI and one column with shellsand. The shellsand (SSPS) and one of the Filtralite P (R) columns (FLSP) were loaded with a synthetic P solution, while the second Filtralite P (R) column (FLWW) was loaded with secondary wastewater. Ca, Mg, pH, and the P concentrations were measured in the inlet and the seven outlets along the height of the three vertical upflow columns for up to 303 days. An overall P removal rate of 92, 91, and 54% was measured in the columns SSPS, FLWW, and FLPS, respectively, for the entire experimental period. The comparison of FLWW and FLPS showed that FLWW kept its high P removal efficiency (91%) throughout the experimental period while the removal efficiency of FLPS decreased fast after reaching the 1 ppm effluent P concentration. The competition of other negative ions and the development of biofilm did not have a negative effect on P removal from wastewater. The batch experiments showed a better sorption capacity of Filtralite P (R) at low initial concentrations, while for high initial concentrations the shellsand sorbed more. Shellsand had, however, a higher sorption capacity in batch experiments with used column material and high initial P concentrations. The results from both the batch and the column experiment suggest that the shellsand has a more durable P sorption capacity than the Filtralite P (R) material, possibly due to the persistent high concentrations of Ca in the shellsand. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


In 2004, Phytophthora symptoms were observed on two different fir species used for Christmas trees in Norway. Isolations resulted in a Phytophthora sp. related to P. inundata from relatively newly established nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana) and P. megasperma from seven-year-old subalpine fir (A. lasiocarpa). The nordmann fir plantation was most severely damaged, with approximately 70% of the trees dead or dying. In the field with subalpine fir, approximately 25% of the trees had yellow or brown foliage and stem canker. Pathogenicity was proven for both Phytophthora isolates on seedlings from their respective host plants. The massive infestation in the nordmann fir plantation approximately one year after planting suggests that the pathogen was introduced into the planting with the transplants. Except for a recent report of P. cambivora on noble fir (A. procera) produced for bough production (17), Phytophthora has never been reported before on fir in Norway.