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Our objective in an ongoing study is to improving weed harrowing in organic cereal production as well as implementing weed harrowing as an alternative for herbicides in conventional farming. The study includes experiments on three locations during three years. The experiments have included different types of spring tine weed harrows used with different aggressiveness (by differing tine working depths and speeds), cereal developmental stages, soil types (locations) and conditions as well as competition levels (natural variation in severity of weed infestation during three years on three locations). Cereal yield and quality, number and dry matter weight (biomass) of weed and soil water content, soil share strength and soil penetration resistance are recorded. Pre-emergence harrowing, or harrowing at early 1-leaf stage reduced in general weed number and biomass compared to untreated control. The mean weed reduction over locations and years was about 40%, but this reduction was not always significant different to control plots. In general pre-emergence harrowing or at early 1-leaf stage increased the yield compared to untreated, but harrowing at that stage has also under certain circumstances given small yield reductions as well. The combination of pre-emergence harrowing and harrowing at 3-4 leaf stage gave a significant reduction of weed number and biomass compared to untreated control. In general, harrowing twice gave increased cereal yield, but the differences were only significant at one of the locations. The potential benefit of a second harrowing at the 3-4 leaf stage depends on the weed situation, number and biomass, as well as the compatibility of the cereal. Furthermore, our results indicate that the different types of harrows and tines will not do a proper job on all soil types. On light soils all of them have given satisfying results. A normal tine (7 mm bent Einböck or a 10 mm long straight CMN) is not rigid enough on soil types that build a crust after rain. An 8 mm bend Einböck tine, however, broke down the crust and gave increased cereal emergence on such soils. On the other hand it is important not to adjust this tine to aggressive when there is no crust. Other trial show that in stony soils a straight tine will pick up less stones compared with a bent one, stones witch can damage the combine harvester. Our result from one of the location (medium light soil with stones) indicate no difference in yield, reductions in weed number or biomass pr m² with a straight tine compared width a bent one.


The concept of native plant material is increasingly acknowledged and practically applied all over Europe. The main objective of this paper is to suggest the use of organic material from early succession plant species as conceptual material for revegetation efforts in general, and as alternative materials for the production of erosion control mats in particular.

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I et infiltrasjonsanlegg renses vannet via mekaniske, kjemiske og biologiske prosesser ved at avløpsvannet filtreres gjennom naturlig lagrede jordmasser. Etablering av infiltrasjonsanlegg forutsetter sandholdige jordmasser med evne til å holde tilbake aktuelle forurensningsstoffer. Infiltrasjonsanlegg anbefales i områder definert som følsomme og normale i forurensningsforskriften fordi dette er en driftssikker løsning med svært god renseevne. I mange tilfeller vil infiltrasjon også være den økonomisk rimeligste løsningen for å tilfredsstille kommunenes krav til rensing av avløpsvann. Infiltrasjonsanlegg har stor utbredelse både i Norge og andre land.


Forage legumes are valuable alternatives for mineral N fertilizers in grassland, due to their N fixing capacity and the assumed increase in forage quality of the sward. However, forage quality of binary swards may differ in response to site and legume species. The objective of the present study, carried out within the frame of the COST Action 852, was to identify the influence of legume species growing in contrasting environments on legume proportion, crude protein (CP) and metabolisable energy (ME) contents. At each of the five participating sites the experiment was carried out as a completely randomized block design with three replications. Four legume species were tested: white clover, red clover, alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil. The first cut was performed in spring after first node detection in grass and repeated 30±3 days afterwards (5-cut system). Legume proportion varied largely from 5% to 79%, with birdsfoot trefoil showing the lowest legume proportion in the swards across sites. Alfalfa had the highest N contents at all sites. Results show that, especially in ME content, legumes are less responsive to variation due to contrasting environments than the companion grass.


Norwegian agriculture is totally dependent on a safe supply of seed of winter-hardy timothy varieties. The annual seed consumption varies depending on the extent of winter damages, particularly in northern Norway, and the average seed yield varies with weather and harvest conditions in the seed-producing districts in the southeastern and central part of the country. To buffer these variations, seed companies always keep stocks corresponding to 50-100 % of the average annual seed consumption. Such large stocks are risky to maintain as seed lots will loose germination over time. Our objective was to elucidate the effect of seed harvest time and seed storage location on the longevity of timothy seed. In 2003, timothy ‘Grindstad’ was combined directly on 2, 5 or 8 August corresponding to a seed moisture content (SMC) of 34, 27 and 20 %, respectively. After harvest the seed was dried to 10-11 % SMC. Germination analyses were accomplished 3, 15, 26 and 38 months after seed harvest; the three latter after splitting each seed lot into four sub-lots that were stored either in a conditioned seed store (4ºC, 30% RH), or in unconditioned warehouses at there climatically different locations. While seed harvest time had no effect on germination three months after harvest, differences became increasingly evident as time went by. After 38 months’ storage, seed stored in the conditioned store or in the warehouse at the continental location Tynset germinated, on average for harvest times, 15-16 units better than seed stored in the warehouse at the coastal location Vaksdal; and seed lots harvested at 20 % SMC germinated, on average for storage locations, 24 units better than seed harvested at 37 % SMC. While it has long been documented that direct combining at high SMC may damage seed germination, there has been less awareness that this damage may not manifest itself until after a certain storage period.


Norwegian agriculture is totally dependent on a safe supply of seed of winter-hardy timothy varieties. The annual seed consumption varies depending on the extent of winter damages, particularly in northern Norway, and the average seed yield varies with weather and harvest conditions in the seed-producing districts in the southeastern and central part of the country. To buffer these variations, seed companies always keep stocks corresponding to 50-100 % of the average annual seed consumption. Such large stocks are risky to maintain as seed lots will loose germination over time. Our objective was to elucidate the effect of seed harvest time and seed storage location on the longevity of timothy seed. In 2003, timothy `Grindstad" was combined directly on 2, 5 or 8 August corresponding to a seed moisture content (SMC) of 34, 27 and 20 %, respectively. After harvest the seed was dried to 10-11 % SMC. Germination analyses were accomplished 3, 15, 26 and 38 months after seed harvest; the three latter after splitting each seed lot into four sub-lots that were stored either in a conditioned seed store (4ºC, 30% RH), or in unconditioned warehouses at there climatically different locations. While seed harvest time had no effect on germination three months after harvest, differences became increasingly evident as time went by. After 38 months" storage, seed stored in the conditioned store or in the warehouse at the continental location Tynset germinated, on average for harvest times, 15-16 units better than seed stored in the warehouse at the coastal location Vaksdal; and seed lots harvested at 20 % SMC germinated, on average for storage locations, 24 units better than seed harvested at 37 % SMC. While it has long been documented that direct combining at high SMC may damage seed germination, there has been less awareness that this damage may not manifest itself until after a certain storage period.


The effects of photoperiod (12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 h), day-temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 27"C) and night-temperature (6, 9 or 12 oC) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated by exposing 4 week old runner planst of strawberry cvs. Korona and Elsanta during a period of 3 weeks. A daily photoperiod of 12 or 13 h resulted in the highest numbers of plants with emerged flowers. A photoperiod of 14 h or more strongly reduced this number, while no flowers emerged at a photoperiod of 16 h. Plants exposed to photoperiods of 12 or 13 h flowered earlier and had longer flower trusses. A day-temperature of 18 oC and a night temperature of 12 oC were optimal for plants to emerge flowers and resulted in shortest time to flowering. A night temperature of 6 oC strongly reduced the number of plants that emerged flowers, especially when combined with lower day-temperatures. Photoperiod and temperature had no effect on the number of inflorescences, all flowering plants produced on average one inflorescence. The number of flowers on the inflorescence increased with decreasing day temperature and when photoperiod was raised fra 12 to 15 h. In general, `Korona" was more sensitive to photoperiod and temperature than `Elsanta", and had a lower optimal day-temperature for flower emergence. Results of this experiment may be used to produce high quality plant material or to define optimal conditions when combining flower induction and fruit production.


Informasjonsfaldar om utegangarsau. Faldaren tek føre seg delar av undersøkingane Bioforsk Vest Fureneset har gjort på utegangarsau på Lyngheisenteret på Lygra.