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A few ideas connected to the scope of scientific work in agronomy and agro meteorology and the scope of the scientific principle is first outlined. Then the concepts of `sustainability" and `sustainable agriculture" is presented, and the content of different definitions of these concepts is discussed. General ideas of using quantitative parameters, indices, to measure sustainability is presented. Then different ways of defining indices is discussed.A concept connected to `subsistence farmimg" called `tiny orchard" is presented and discussed, and the possible use of this concept `tiny orchard" as a referenc system for measuring and definig `sustainable agriculture" is discussed. The actual life cycle of a commercial agricultural product , an apple to be consumed fresh, is outlined; and this is compared to what is happening in a `tiny orchard" with and apple on an apple tree. Some importantant cycles connected to sustainable agriculture is mentioned, the fresh water cycle and the cycles of nitrogen and phosphorous. The following idea is discussed:"The idea of changing the focus in agricultural production from maximizing the crop yield to keeping the ecolological system of the farming and the local area sound and in order". Man is an organism like other organisms. He ought to take care of his surroundings and the other species, to take care of a ttallity of biological systems on the Eatth. probaly no god or gods will take care of him if does not succed in doeng this.The content of the concepts of adaption and mitigation connected to clobal change is also finally mentioned. References and biblography: Leane, M., 2005, The quest for an Environmental Metric: gazing at weather systems, a ground-breaking scientist spawned on ecological accounting standard the Wall Street might one day embrace ( http:// www.cfo/printable/article.cfn/530007?f=options), CFO Publishing Maine, T., 2005, Towards a Metric of Sustanability ( http://www.isoconference.org.au/ papers/ Maine.pdf), CSIRO Publish Jain, R., 2005, Sustainability metrics, specific indicators and preference index (http://www.springerlink.com/media/h4d4779uuq0yynfhktb6/contributions/t/2/2/5/t22524055312t88.pdf), Clean Techn. Environ. Polocy /:71-72


A main scourge in Norwegian sheep farming is tick-borne fever (TBF) caused by the bacteria A. phagocytophilum and transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus. The aim of this poster is to present a new research project on resistance to TBF in sheep (2007?2010).


Boreal forests are increasing in age partly due to reduced logging and efficient wildfire control. As a result, they also stock more carbon. Whether increased forest C stock causes greater production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is uncertain. DOC in bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil water was studied in 10-, 30-, 60- and 120-year-old stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) DOC concentrations in throughfall and O horizon soil water followed the order 10<30<60 = 120 and 10 = 30<120<60, respectively. DOC fluxes followed the order 10 = 30<60 = 120 in throughfall, while no significant difference between stands was found for O horizon soil water. Above-ground tree litter varied according to 10<30<60 = 120, a pattern identical to that for DOC concentrations in throughfall and resembling but not identical to that for DOC concentrations in O horizon soil water. This indicates additional sources for DOC in soil water. Seasonality in DOC concentrations was observed at the base of the O horizon, and seasonality in DOC fluxes in both throughfall and O horizon soil water. Our results suggest differences in the polarity of DOC between the 10-year stand and the others, which we interpret as reflecting the lack of grown trees and possibly the different vegetation on the 10-year stand.


In most of the profiles on clay soil there were high values of P-AL in the deepest layers. This was true also for the uncultivated soil, where the P-AL values were as high as 100-120 mg P kg -1. In the deepest layers of cultivated soil, P-AL values of 150-200 mg P kg-1 were observed in some of the profiles. These high values are probably a result of transport of P rich particles from the topsoil through macropores. This is supported by a significant positive relationship between P-AL in topsoil (0-10 cm) and the average P-AL at 80-100 cm depth, and a higher P-AL to Ca-AL ratio in the cultivated than in the uncultivated soils in deep profile layers. The P-CaCl2 concentration in the subsoil was zero or close to zero in all the profiles, despite high P-AL values. Increasing pH with depth influences the distribution of P among the different P fractions.


Det første og viktigste trinn i bekjempelse av planteskadegjørere er en korrekt identifisering av organismen som forårsaker skade. Testmetoder som er basert på deteksjon av arvestoff (DNA) til en organisme har vist seg å være svært nyttige i diagnostikken. Vi har etablert en DNA-basert test for identifisering av potetcystenematoder.


Hovudformålet med driftsgranskingane er å presentere årlege resultat og den meir langsiktige utviklinga for økonomien på gardsbruk der inntekta frå jordbruket har eit vesentleg omfang. Driftsgranskingane byggjer på skatterekneskapar som er omarbeidde til driftsrekneskap. Rekneskapane kjem frå gardsbruk som er spreidde rundt i heile landet. For rekneskapsåret 2006 deltok 912 bruk i driftsgranskingane i jordbruket. Av desse var 162 også med i dei spesielle driftsgranskingane i skogbruket. Driftsgranskingane omfattar i hovudsak familiebruk med ein arbeidsinnsats i jordbruket på mellom 1 800 og 6 000 normerte timar. Eit årsverk i jordbruket er definert til å vere 1 845 arbeidstimar. Samdrifter i kumjølkproduksjonen, og tilleggsnæringar til tradisjonelt landbruk, er no spesialfelt innafor driftsgranskingane. I tillegg til at dei viktigaste resultata vert tekne med her i hovudpublikasjonen, vert det gitt ut eigne notat om desse to emna. […]


Dvale er første fase i potetens fysiologiske utvikling. Den er viktig for å hindre at knollene begynner å gro for tidlig. Vi har undersøkt hvordan dyrkings- og lagringstemperaturer påvirker dvaleperiodens lengde hos sorten Asterix, og hvilken betydning dette har for egenskapene som settepotet.