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Bioforsk Nord Tjøtta har på oppdrag fra Fylkesmannen i Nordland v/ Lomsdal-Visten nasjonalparkstyre kartlagt botanisk artsforekomst ved Fjellgården i Skjørlegda, Vefsn kommune og Strompdalsgården, Brønnøy kommune. Arter og vegetasjonstyper ble kartlagt. I Strompdal ble det i tillegg til kulturbetinget vegetasjon også kartlagt hvilke arter som fremdeles står igjen i Knut Strompdals botaniske hage. Det ble også gjort en vurdering av hvilke av disse arter som sprer seg og potensielt kan true de øvrige verdiene i området.

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Sallow (Salix caprea L.) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) constitute small proportions of the deciduous tree volume in Scandinavia, but are highly preferred winter forage for moose and red deer, which occur at historically high densities. Thus, a possible decline of these tree species has been indicated. Against this background, we have reviewed the life histories of relevance for browsing, as well as the basic biology and genetics of sallow and rowan. The species show similarities with respect to short lifespan, small size and sympodial growth pattern, which are risk factors in a browsing context. They also have high juvenile growth rate, important for growing quickly out of reach of browsers. Sallow depends strongly on disturbance for establishment and is more demanding with respect to soil and light conditions than rowan, possibly important for the substantially lower abundance of sallow on the Norwegian Forest Inventory plots. Similarly, the relative recruitment of small size classes of sallow is less than for rowan. Although recruitment is reported to be hampered in wintering areas with high moose or red deer densities, the inventory data, however, dating only back to 1994, do not suggest a general decrease in any of the species. Sallow and rowan saplings show low mortality in moose and deer dominated areas and the species can be characterised as rather resilient to browsing. Of more concern is that browsing can constrain the development of mature rowan and sallow trees locally, with possible consequences for associated epiphytic biodiversity.