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Jiunn Luh Tan Nina Trandem Zhibo Hamborg Bijaya Sapkota Dag-Ragnar Blystad Jana Fránová Rostislav ZemekSammendrag
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Trygve S. AamlidSammendrag
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Ritter Atoundem Guimapi Berit Nordskog Anne-Grete Roer Hjelkrem Ingeborg Klingen Ghislain Tchoromi Tepa-Yotto Manuele Tamò Karl ThunesSammendrag
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, situation in Africa remains a priority threat despite significant efforts made since the first outbreaks in 2016 to control the pest and thereby reduce yield losses. Field surveys in Benin and Mali reported that approximately one-week post-emergence of maize plants, the presence of fall armyworm (egg/neonates) could be observed in the field. Scouting for fall armyworm eggs and neonates is, however, difficult and time consuming. In this study, we therefore hypothesized that the optimum timeframe for the fall armyworm female arriving to lay eggs in sown maize fields could be predicted. We did this by back-calculating from interval censored data of egg and neonates collected in emerging maize seedlings at young leaf developmental stage. Early time of ovipositing fall armyworm after sowing was recorded in field experiments. By using temperature-based models to predict phenological development for maize and fall armyworm, combined with analytical approaches for time-to-event data with censored status, we estimated that about 210 accumulated Degree Days (DD) is needed for early detection of neonate larvae in the field. This work is meant to provide new insights on timely pest detection and to guide for precise timing of control measures.
Carl FriskSammendrag
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Riccardo Favaro Miroslav Berka Martin Pettersson Gunda Thöming Carla C. M. Arce Maria L. Inácio Ted C. J. Turlings Jorge M. S. Faria Thomas Jung Damien Bazin Alberto Pozzebon Sergio Angeli Luca CappellinSammendrag
Invasive pests and plant pathogens pose a significant threat to ecosystems and economies worldwide, prompting the need of anticipatory strategies. Preventing their introduction by detection at the ports of entry has been proven extremely difficult. This review explores the potential of biogenic volatile detection as a reliable preventive solution. It underscores the importance of early detection and rapid response as integral components of effective invasive pest management, and it discusses the limitations of current control measures and the increasing globalization that facilitates the spread of pests and pathogens. Through a synthesis of existing literature, this review analyzes the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions in five invasive model species: three insects, Halyomorpha halys, Spodoptera frugiperda, Helicoverpa armigera, a nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, and an oomycete, Phytophthora ramorum. The review focuses on the specific volatiles, released by both the invasive organisms and the infested host plants. If available, the volatiles emitted from similar species were considered for comparison. Ultimately, this review highlights specific pest volatile and shared Herbivore Induced Plant Volatiles (HIPVs) as a reliable and innovative solution in pest detection. If possible, candidate compounds are provided, whilst the lack of some emphasizes the urge of expanding the information available.
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Arne StensvandSammendrag
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Darius KviklysSammendrag
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