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Jaroslaw Stefan GrodekSammendrag
Artikkel med omtale av prosjekt Teknopotet. I forbindelse med feltforsøk hos en potetprodusent og deltaker i prosjketet Hans Håkon Vestlund var det arrangert en markdag med presentasjon av prosjektets formål og forsøksopplegg til potet produsenter i INllnadet. Markdag ble arrangert i samarbeid med NLR Innlandet.
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Henrik Forsberg MathiesenSammendrag
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Growth and flower bud initiation (FBI) were studied in single-stem plants of four biennial-fruiting cultivars in a controlled environment and under field conditions at 60°40′ N. Shoot growth varied widely among the cultivars but was significantly enhanced by high temperature (20 °C) in all cultivars, whereas photoperiod had a subordinate growth effect. FBI data from bud dissection after 6 weeks of cultivation in the phytotron were used to calculate FBI indices for the various cultivars and environment conditions. The indices also varied much among the cultivars but were enhanced by elevated temperature, being highest in ‘Natchez’ and ‘Sweet Royalla’, while ‘Natchez’ was the only cultivar in which FBI was significantly enhanced by short days. The non-vigorous and erect growing ‘Ouachita’ remained vegetative at both temperatures but flowered in spring after overwintering at 0.5 °C. The field experiment confirmed the superior growth vigor of ‘Loch Ness’ and ‘Sweet Royalla’ as well as the photoperiodic sensitivity of ‘Natchez’. The results also confirmed that floral initiation starts in lateral buds located 10–20 nodes below the apex, and from there it progresses in both acropetal and basipetal direction. We conclude that temperature is at least as important as the photoperiod for the control of FBI in biennial-fruiting blackberries.
Linn Vassvik Vigdis Vandvik Silje Andrea Hjortland Östman Anders Nielsen Aud Helen HalbritterSammendrag
Plant reproduction in alpine environments is affected by climate both directly through climate impacts on growth and phenology, and indirectly through impacts on the biotic interactions affecting pollination success. These effects can be highly variable in time and space. In this study we investigated how different abiotic and biotic factors influence reproductive investment and success in populations of Ranunculus acris across an alpine landscape over a two-year period. In an alpine area at Finse, southern Norway, we measured reproductive investment (total seed mass) and reproductive success (seed-set rate) in 38 sites differing in temperature (related to elevation) and length of the growing season (related to time of snowmelt). To assess biotic interactions, we measured floral density and pollinator visits and conducted a supplemental pollen experiment. Reproductive investment and success increased with temperature, but only when floral density and/or number of pollinator visits was high, and only in the warmer year (2016). Reproduction in R. acris was pollen-limited in both years, especially at warmer temperature and in sites with early snowmelt. Pollinator visits increased with temperature and with higher floral density, suggesting a shift in relative importance of the biotic factors (from plants to pollinators) in limiting reproduction with increasing temperature. Our study shows that reproductive investment and success in R. acris is affected by climate through the interactive effects of abiotic and biotic processes. These effects vary between years and across the landscape, suggesting a potential for larger-scale buffering of climate change effects in heterogeneous landscapes.
Jean-Claude Grégoire Jochem Bonte Andy Bourke Dragos Cocos Nick Fielding Jostein Gohli Daegan Inward Maartje Klapwijk Christo Nikolov Bjørn Økland Martin Schroeder Florentine Spaans Jozef Vakula Max Blake Rafael De Andrade Moral Maria Destefanis Christine Griffin Andrej Kunca Archie Murchie Cathal Ryan Aoife Smith Hugh F. EvansSammendrag
Six species of Ips de Geer (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; Scolytinae) occur in Europe. They attack weakened or dead conifers but may become aggressive and mass-attack living trees. All species have expanded their ranges in Europe since the late 19th century. Here, we analyse the patterns of this spread and discuss the factors at play. Starting with an assessment of distribution changes of the insects and of their host trees since the nineteenth century, we describe how and, when known, why territorial changes occurred in Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland), Central Europe (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Germany), the Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain. Based on these country narratives, we discuss the conditions for, and causes of, territorial expansion. A necessary condition is the presence of host trees of vulnerable ages and sizes, resulting from the post-glaciation expansion of host range. Population changes and territorial expansion are influenced by environmental or anthropic drivers: climatic events (droughts and storms), silvicultural practices and trade. Three main factors favour or hamper the response of the different species to these drivers: active and passive flight capacity, dispersal upon emergence and response to pheromones after take-off, and pre-dispersal mating. These criteria enable identification of differences in the invasive capacities of the six species. In particular, Ips typographus appears to be a poor invader worldwide because of its wide dispersal upon emergence and its delayed response to pheromones. Finally, we discuss the risks to the Irish forests so far uncolonised by Ips species.
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Formålet med arbeidet var å sammenligne møller for maling av grasprøver før kjemisk analyse og NIR-analyse. Alternative mølletyper ble testet for homogenitet av malt tørket gras (kornfordeling). Ferdig malte prøver er analysert for fôrkvalitetsparametre på to forskjellige NIR-analyseapparat for å teste om mølletype påvirker resultatene. Konklusjon er at valg av mølle ikke påvirker analyseresultatet.
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