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In the Nordic countries, ice encasement of golf greens and agricultural grass fields under sunlight heat often leads to grass death due to oxygen depletion and accumulation of carbon dioxide and metabolites from anaerobic respiration under the ice layer. The phenomenon is termed ‘isbrann’ in Norwegian and it is a severe type of winter damage that may also affect germination and growth after reseeding. We have employed soil water metabolome analyses to differentiate and identify small, water-soluble metabolites produced in ice-encased grass for a better understanding of how ice and anoxic soils might affect grass plants.


The large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) is a major regeneration pest in commercial forestry. Pesticide application has historically been the preferred control method, but pesticides are now being phased out in several countries for environmental reasons. There is, thus, a need for alternative plant protection strategies. We applied methyl jasmonate (MeJA), salicylic acid (SA) or oxalic acid (OxA) on the stem of 2-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) plants to determine effects on inducible defenses and plant growth. Anatomical examination of stem cross-sections 9 weeks after application of 100 mM MeJA revealed massive formation of traumatic resin ducts and greatly reduced sapwood growth. Application of high concentrations of SA or OxA (500 and 200 mM, respectively) induced much weaker physiological responses than 100 mM MeJA. All three treatments reduced plant height growth significantly, but the reduction was larger for MeJA (~55%) than for SA and OxA (34-35%). Lower MeJA concentrations (5-50 mM) induced comparable traumatic resin duct formation as the high MeJA concentration but caused moderate (and non-significant) reductions in plant growth. Two-year-old spruce plants treated with 100 mM MeJA showed reduced mortality after exposure to pine weevils in the field, and this enhanced resistance-effect was statistically significant for three years after treatment.

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Temperature conditions experienced during embryogenesis and seed development may induce epigenetic changes that increase phenotypic variation in plants. Here we investigate if embryogenesis and seed development at two different temperatures (28 vs. 18°C) result in lasting phenotypic effects and DNA methylation changes in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca). Using five European ecotypes from Spain (ES12), Iceland (ICE2), Italy (IT4), and Norway (NOR2 and NOR29), we found statistically significant differences between plants from seeds produced at 18 or 28°C in three of four phenotypic features investigated under common garden conditions. This indicates the establishment of a temperature-induced epigenetic memory-like response during embryogenesis and seed development. The memory effect was significant in two ecotypes: in NOR2 flowering time, number of growth points and petiole length were affected, and in ES12 number of growth points was affected. This indicates that genetic differences between ecotypes in their epigenetic machinery, or other allelic differences, impact this type of plasticity. We observed statistically significant differences between ecotypes in DNA methylation marks in repetitive elements, pseudogenes, and genic elements. Leaf transcriptomes were also affected by embryonic temperature in an ecotype-specific manner. Although we observed significant and lasting phenotypic change in at least some ecotypes, there was considerable variation in DNA methylation between individual plants within each temperature treatment. This within-treatment variability in DNA methylation marks in F. vesca progeny may partly be a result of allelic redistribution from recombination during meiosis and subsequent epigenetic reprogramming during embryogenesis.

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ANC er nøkkelparameteren for å vurdere endringer i kjemisk vannkvalitet med endringer i sur nedbør, klima og arealbruk. Imidlertid har parameteren lav presisjon, siden den er basert på ladningsbalansen mellom mange målte verdier. Det er derfor ønskelig å utlede alternative måter å beregne ANC. ANC er et estimat for overskuddet av svake syrers baser i vannet. I naturlig vann er dette tilnærmet lik differansen mellom konsentrasjonen av H+ og summen av bikarbonat og organiske anioner i løsning. Titrert alkalitet er et mål for det samme, men som en erstatning for ANC, må verdien korrigeres for operasjonelle kilder til avvik. Her utledes og testes to teoretiske modeller og en empirisk tilpasset modell for ANC basert på målinger av alkalitet. I de fleste vann anbefales modellen basert på bikarbonat betegnet som ALK02. I svært forsuringsfølsomt vann (nær kvantifiseringsgrense for titrert alkalitet), anbefales imidlertid en empirisk tilpasset modell som erstatning for beregnet ANC.


Tire wear particles (TWP) are a major source of microplastics that are mainly transported by stormwater from roads to the environment. Their risk has not yet been sufficiently evaluated, mainly because of the lack of suitable analytical methods for identifying and measuring their environmental concentrations. Moreover, TWP are persistent in the environment while their generation is increasing, which calls for action to limit their environmental spread. Conversely, stormwater management solutions are becoming a growing fixture in the road environment for their multipurpose role in controlling peak runoff and reducing pollution. However, knowledge of the effect of stormwater management solutions in removing TWP is limited. The overall goal of this Ph.D. study was to introduce a suitable analytical method for detecting and quantifying TWP in the environment and measuring the actual concentrations of TWP in sediments of stormwater management solutions associated with roads. Three study sites and laboratory experiments were used as data sources for the studies included in this thesis (Papers I–IV). Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to analyze the samples, and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was used for data analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests were used for statistical analysis.

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The spatial distribution of organic substrates and microscale soil heterogeneity significantly influence organic matter (OM) persistence as constraints on OM accessibility to microorganisms. However, it is unclear how changes in OM spatial heterogeneity driven by factors such as soil depth affect the relative importance of substrate spatial distribution on OM persistence. This work evaluated the decomposition and persistence of 13C and 15N labeled water-extractable OM inputs over 50 days as either hotspot (i.e., pelleted in 1 – 2 mm-size pieces) or distributed (i.e., added as OM < 0.07 µm suspended in water) forms in topsoil (0-0.2 m) and subsoil (0.8-0.9 m) samples of an Andisol. We observed greater persistence of added C in the subsoil with distributed OM inputs relative to hotspot OM, indicated by a 17% reduction in cumulative mineralization of the added C and a 10% higher conversion to mineral-associated OM. A lower substrate availability potentially reduced mineralization due to OM dispersion throughout the soil. NanoSIMS (nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry) analysis identified organo-mineral associations on cross-sectioned aggregate interiors in the subsoil. On the other hand, in the topsoil, we did not observe significant differences in the persistence of OM, suggesting that the large amounts of particulate OM already present in the soil outweighed the influence of added OM spatial distribution. Here, we demonstrated under laboratory conditions that the spatial distribution of fresh OM input alone significantly affected the decomposition and persistence of OM inputs in the subsoil. On the other hand, spatial distribution seems to play a lower role in topsoils rich in particulate OM. The divergence in the influence of OM spatial distribution between the top and subsoil is likely driven by differences in soil mineralogy and OM composition.