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Zumry Niyas Charuni I. Madhushani Miyuru Gunathilake Vindhya Basnayaka Komali Kantamaneni Upaka RathnayakeSammendrag
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Petter Haas Brubakk Halvard Hauer Jorulf B. Slide Knut Lutnæs Egil Chr. Hoen Guro Bøe Wensaas Ingrid Kleiva Møller Lone Flyvholm Gunstein Instefjord Per Christian Rålm Bjørn Tore Kyllo Aina Elstad Stensgård Hilde Haug Simonhjell Alexander Schjøll Ana Karina CarvajalSammendrag
Norge har et mål om å halvere matsvinnet fra 2015 til 2030. Matsvinnutvalgets utgangspunkt har vært at til tross for at det gjøres mye godt arbeid i mange sektorer, virksomheter og av enkeltpersoner, vil dette målet ikke vil bli nådd. Utvalget har derfor prioritert å foreslå tiltak som samlet sett vil kunne bidra til at Norge når målet om halvert matsvinn i løpet av de seks årene som gjenstår til 2030. Det foreslås både forsterkning og tilpasning av eksisterende virkemidler, og nye virkemidler som vil virke i hele verdikjeden inkludert forbruker. Det er kort tid igjen til 2030, og det haster med å iverksette virkemidler og tiltak som gjør at halveringsmålet kan nås. Derfor har utvalget måttet prioritere mellom hva som gir effekt på kort og mellomlang sikt, og hva som vil kunne ha virkning på noe lenger sikt. Utvalgets forslag til hovedgrep er innføring av et aktsomhetskrav og styrking av bransjeavtalen som treffer både private og offentlige virksomheter. Dette vil fordre at virksomhetene gjør risikovurderinger og iverksetter skreddersydde tiltak for å unngå matsvinn i egen virksomhet og på tvers av verdikjeden, inkludert ut mot forbruker. Dette vil både være et treffsikkert og kostnadseffektivt grep. Utvalget foreslår også andre regulatoriske grep som donasjonsplikt og krav til nedprising i dagligvarebutikkene.
Jorunn BørveSammendrag
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Tilde Hjermann Nikolai Antonsen Bilet Inger Maren Rivrud Erling Meisingset Pål Thorvaldsen Atle MysterudSammendrag
Grazing by wildlife on agricultural land is widespread across geographical regions, and can cause human–wildlife conflicts due to reduced crop yield when the grazing pressure is high. Growing red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations in Europe call for an increased understanding of their grazing patterns to mitigate damages. We quantified how red deer grazing pressure (grazing presence and grazing level) on agricultural grass meadows (n = 60) in Norway varied across multiple spatial scales. We used a nested, hierarchical study design transcending from a broad scale (meadows across the landscape) to intermediate (between nearby meadows) and local (within-meadow) scales, allowing us to identify at which scale the variation in grazing pressure was strongest. We estimated how grazing was determined by broad-scale factors influencing forage availability and quality through population density, distance to coastline, and differences between the first versus second harvest, by intermediate-scale factors in terms of meadow management causing differences in botanical composition and quality, and by local-scale factors in terms of perceived predation risk and disturbance. At a broad scale, higher population densities were associated with higher grazing pressure, and more grazing occurred before the first compared to the second harvest. Intermediate-scale factors explained the most variation of grazing pressure from red deer, with higher grazing pressure on newly renewed meadows compared to other nearby meadows. On a local scale, more grazing occurred closer to the forest edge, providing cover, and further away from infrastructure, with increased risk and disturbance. Overall, our study highlights how drivers of grazing pressure on agricultural land vary across spatial scales. Population reductions on a broader scale may have some effect in reducing the grazing pressure, but renewed meadows will nevertheless attract red deer, causing higher grazing pressure compared to neighbouring meadows. This insight is crucial for determining effective mitigation strategies facing rising red deer populations across Europe.
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Background and Aims Epichloë endophytes are vertically transmitted via grass seeds and chemically defend their hosts against herbivory. Endophyte-conferred plant defence via alkaloid biosynthesis may occur independently of costs for host plant growth. However, fitness consequences of endophyte-conferred defence and transgenerational effects on herbivore resistance of progeny plants, are rarely studied. The aim of this study was to test whether severe defoliation in mother plants affects their seed production, seed germination rate, and the endophyte-conferred resistance of progeny plants. Methods In a field study, we tested the effects of defoliation and endophyte symbiosis (Epichloë uncinata) on host plant (Festuca pratensis) performance, loline alkaloid concentrations in leaves and seeds, seed biomass and seed germination rates. In a subsequent greenhouse study, we challenged the progeny of the plants from the field study to aphid herbivory and tested whether defoliation of mother plants affects endophyte-conferred resistance against aphids in progeny plants. Key Results Defoliation of the mother plants resulted in a reduction of alkaloid concentrations in leaves and elevated the alkaloid concentrations in seeds when compared with non-defoliated endophyte-symbiotic plants. Viability and germination rate of seeds of defoliated endophyte-symbiotic plants were significantly lower compared to those of non-defoliated endophyte-symbiotic plants and endophyte-free (defoliated and non-defoliated) plants. During six weeks growth, seedlings of defoliated endophyte-symbiotic mother plants had elevated alkaloid concentrations, which negatively correlated with aphid performance. Conclusions Endophyte-conferred investment in higher alkaloid levels in seeds -elicited by defoliation- provided herbivore protection in progenies during the first weeks of plant establishment. Better protection of seeds via high alkaloid concentrations negatively correlated with seed germination indicating trade-off between protection and viability.
Erlend Hustad Honningdalsnes Erik Stensrud Marstein Dag Lindholm Helge Bonesmo Heine Nygard RiiseSammendrag
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Lars Johan RustadSammendrag
Referansebruksberegningene er beregninger på bruksnivå for ulike produksjoner, bruksstørrelser og områder. Hensikten med beregningene er blant annet å vise inntektsutviklingen og å beregne virkninger av endringer som følge av jordbruksoppgjørene. Referansebruksberegningene er en del av grunnlagsmaterialet til jordbruksforhandlingene.
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