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Strong creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L. spp. rubra Gaudin) is a cool-season perennial turfgrass widely used in temperate and subalpine regions around the globe. Although creeping red fescue turf is tolerant of shade, low fertility acidic soils, and drought conditions, creeping red fescue seed crops grown in optimal growing environments can lodge, ultimately reducing yield in regions where this important turfgrass is grown for seed. To address this issue, we investigated the effects of two plant growth regulators (PGRs), chlormequat chloride (CCC) and trinexapac-ethyl (TE), on plant height, lodging, and seed yield of strong creeping red fescue over 9 site-years in the Peace River region of western Canada. The study encompassed 6 site-years with first-year stands and 3 site-years with second-year stands. The PGRs were applied alone and in a TE + CCC mixture at the two-node (BBCH 32–33, where BBCH is Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and Chemische Industrie) and early head emergence (BBCH 51–52) growth stages in first- and second-year stands, respectively. The application of TE, CCC, and their mixture resulted in a differential decrease in lodging and an increase in seed yield in first-year stands. However, PGRs applied at BBCH 51–52 on second-year stands had no effect on seed yield but reduced plant height and lodging. This study found a negative correlation between seed yield and lodging. Among the PGR treatments, the CCC + TE mixture was the most effective in reducing lodging and increasing seed yield of strong creeping red fescue.

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The use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) to control weeds has increased exponentially in recent decades, and their residues and degradation products have been found in soils across the globe. GBH residues in soil have been shown to affect plant physiology and specialised metabolite biosynthesis, which, in turn, may impact plant resistance to biotic stressors. In a greenhouse study, we investigated the interactive effects between soil GBH residues and herbivory on the performance, phytohormone concentrations, phenolic compound concentrations and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions of two woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) genotypes, which were classified as herbivore resistant and herbivore susceptible. Plants were subjected to herbivory by strawberry leaf beetle (Galerucella tenella) larvae, and to GBH residues by growing in soil collected from a field site with GBH treatments twice a year over the past eight years. Soil GBH residues reduced the belowground biomass of the susceptible genotype and the aboveground biomass of both woodland strawberry genotypes. Herbivory increased the belowground biomass of the resistant genotype and the root–shoot ratio of both genotypes. At the metabolite level, herbivory induced the emission of several VOCs. Jasmonic acid, abscisic acid and auxin concentrations were induced by herbivory, in contrast to salicylic acid, which was only induced by herbivory in combination with soil GBH residues in the resistant genotype. The concentrations of phenolic compounds were higher in the resistant genotype compared to the susceptible genotype and were induced by soil GBH residues in the resistant genotype. Our results indicate that soil GBH residues can differentially affect plant performance, phytohormone concentrations and phenolic compound concentrations under herbivore attack, in a genotype-dependent manner. Soil GBH altered plant responses to herbivory, which may impact plant resistance traits and species interactions. With ongoing agrochemical pollution, we need to consider plant cultivars with better resistance to polluted soils while maintaining plant resilience under challenging environmental conditions.

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Jorddekke med plantehakk (PH) kan redusere ugras, tilføre næringsstoffer og redusere vannforbruket. Forsøkene her er gjort på NIBIO Apelsvoll og Landvik, på Tingvoll, og i NLR Innlandet i løk og purre med friskt gras avklipp eller rundballer. Videre er det testet toppdekke med karbonrikt materiale, halm eller flis, for om mulig å minske utvasking av nitrogen. PH hadde en positiv effekt på avling i purre, på Apelsvoll og Landvik. Det var ingen forskjell i løkavling på Apelsvoll, men på Landvik lavere avling ved bruk av bare PH i løk i kl. 65-85mm. PH ga generelt en sikker reduksjon i ugras og tiden brukt til luking. Feltet på Tingvoll lå på ompløyd eng med purre i 2021; i 2022 løk på samme feltet. Det var en tendens til økt avling i purre ved bruk av PH. Det var ikke noen forskjell mellom tre ulike materialer brukt til toppdekke. Ugrastrykket ble sterkt redusert etter et år med bruk av PH, som derfor kan være en god start på omlegging fra eng til radkulturer. I produsentforsøket i løk ble ugraset redusert, men mindre effekt på flerårige arter. Avlingen i løk ble redusert ved tre ganger pålegg av PH, muligvis pga bladskade. Mekanisk utlegging av halm med trommel for utlegging av halm i jordbær er testet og vi fant ingen sikker forskjeller i avling. Det var en tendens til økt avling og økt N innhold i korn dyrket etter bruk av PH i feltet på Apelsvoll. I disse feltene ble det tilført to til fire ganger så mye N som i kontroll med gjødsling. Det var en tendens til høyere N-gjenvinning i purre når PH var dekket med halm. Lagringskvaliteten i løken var generelt like god etter behandling med PH som i vanlige gjødslet behandling. Jordhelsen ble bedret med PH. Jordrespirasjonen var 15-145 % høyere i behandlinger med PH og mikrobielt karbon var 12-81% høyere.