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Luvisol er selvdrenert og leirholdig jordsmonn, der leirinnholdet øker med dybden på grunn av leirnedvasking. Dette er ei jord som er svært godt egnet for plantedyrking.


Lysforurensing har blitt et økende problem mange steder i verden – med uheldige konsekvenser for naturen. De siste årene har internasjonal forskning vist at kunstig belysning kan bidra til nedgang i insektbestander. I et forskningssamarbeid mellom NIBIO, Statens vegvesen og Universitet i Sørøst-Norge undersøkes det hvordan vegbelysning påvirker flyvende insekter.

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Understanding the effects of variation in resource availability and habitat disturbance on the ecology of mammals is vital for successful conservation management. In this study, we examined how human disturbances, resource availability and elevation gradients influence mammal assemblages in both managed coffee forest and natural forest of the Belete-Gera National Forest Priority Area, southwestern Ethiopia. We surveyed mammals using motion-detecting infrared camera traps in 90 locations for a total of 4142 camera days. We measured distance from main roads and settlements as disturbance factors, and distance from water sources, key grazing sites, and forest edges and woody plant diversity as resource variables. We assessed the mammal assemblages in coffee forest and natural forests using generalized linear models. Further, we used linear modelling to compare the relationships of mammal detection rates by feeding guilds and body size to resource variables. In total, we recorded 8815 videos identifying 23 different mammal species. The mammal assemblages in coffee forests were negatively associated with increasing distances from key grazing sites, water sources, and elevation. In contrast, the association with increasing distance from the road and woody plant diversity was positive. In addition, herbivores and large (25–200 kg) and very large (≥200 kg) mammals, were all negatively associated with increasing distance from the natural forest edges. With the conversion of natural forest to coffee forest and the intensification of coffee forest management, sustainable management of key grazing sites, water sources, and diverse woody plant species will be essential to the conservation of mammals. In addition, to ensure mammal conservation, adjacent natural forests around coffee forests should also be protected.


Faba beans and other cool climate legumes are well suited for cultivation in Vestfold and Østfold in the Norwegian south-east because of their requirement for long growing seasons and are desired due to their high protein content and beneficial biological nitrogen fixation properties. Including such crops in rotations is an advantage due to the subsequent reduction in costs and CO2 emissions from fertilizer production. Additionally, their presence in rotations could be a tool for improving integrated pest management in cereals by reducing disease pressure. A challenge specifically related to the management of faba bean crops is the disease chocolate spot (cs) caused by pathogen species in the genus Botrytis, typically Botrytis fabae Sardiña. and Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fr. Management of chocolate spot epidemics is limited by the number of fungicides available to commercial growers, and the development of fungicide resistance is a challenge currently being investigated. A randomized factorial split-plot field trial with 3 replicates was set up in at Vollebekk research farm in Ås in the spring of 2023 and separated by early and late varieties. For each section three seed rates, two cultivars and four fungicide treatments were used. The severity of disease was scored, the developmental stages of the crops were recorded, and the resulting yield was dried and weighed. By collecting diseased leaves and making single spore isolates, the pathogens available in the field were sequenced using a NEP2 primer and tested against the active compounds in the currently utilized fungicide Signum®. Causal organisms were B. fabae and B. cinerea, there was no relationship between severity and fungal species, and no noteworthy signs of resistance to fungicide compounds were found. Results showed significant differences in chocolate spot levels between treated and untreated plots in early and late varieties, and the severity was lowest in plots treated with Elatus® Era, a fungicide currently unavailable for use in faba beans. Yield and chocolate spot correlated negatively, and the yield was highest in plots treated after the first symptoms appeared. The difference in yield between this treatment and untreated plots was significant in late varieties. Canopy density measured by sowing rate had no significant effect on disease severity in either early or late varieties, although the correlation was positive in both.