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The sustainable production of perennial grasses in Northern Norway is at risk due to the ongoing climate change. The predicted increase in temperatures and variable weather patterns are further expected to create challenges for winter survival of timothy (Phleum pratense L.). Knowledge about the molecular mechanisms underlying freezing tolerance is crucial for developing robust cultivars. The current study is aimed at identifying genes involved in freezing stress response of timothy and studying gene expression differentiation due to field selection in contrasting environments using RNAseq. Four timothy cultivars were field tested for three years in Tromsø and Vesterålen, in Northern Norway. The surviving material from the field tests, along with plants raised from the original seed lots, were subjected to freezing tests. LT50 values varied across cultivars and materials. Many genes coding for transcription factors and proteins known to play an important role in freezing tolerance, like dehydrins, c-repeat binding factors, and late embryogenesis abundant proteins were upregulated with decreasing temperatures. Moreover, genes associated with glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle, glutathione metabolism, proteasome pathways and genes encoding autophagy-related proteins, plasma membrane-associated proteins, sugar and amino acid transporters had elevated expression in field survivors compared to plants raised from the original material. The lower freezing stress tolerance of field survivors despite the elevated expression of several stress-responsive genes might be due to a combination of selection in the field and the age effect. Furthermore, differences in freezing stress response between northern and southern adapted cultivars and surviving material from two field trial locations are discussed.

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In this work, 12 apple cultivars grown organically in three regions of Norway (Telemark, Ullensvang, Viken) were analyzed in terms of fruit quality, with the aim of equating different growing regions under specific climatic conditions. Apples were analyzed for concentration levels of minerals, sugars, sugar alcohols, organic acids, total phenolic content (TPC), radical scavenging activity (RSA), and phenolic profiles. Discovery “Rose” from Telemark stored the highest level of minerals (24,094.5 mg/kg dry weight). Glucose, fructose, sucrose, and sorbitol were the major carbohydrates, whereas the predominant organic acids were quinic acid and malic acid. Cultivar Discovery from Ullensvang had the highest TPC (9.22 g/kg) and RSA (229.32 mmol TE/kg). Of the polyphenols quantified, chlorogenic acid and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside were the most abounded, accounting for 85.50%. Principal component analysis (PCA) shows that the Ullensvang region is the richest source of most carbohydrates, organic acids (quinic, shikimic, and galacturonic), and most polyphenols, whereas the highest content of minerals and maleic acid characterized Viken. Regardless of location, the Discovery cultivar had, on average, the highest sugar and polyphenol contents. The results obtained suggest that organic apples from Norway are a rich source of beneficial compounds that can have a positive impact on human health. In addition, these results may be useful for consumers in identifying apple cultivars with desirable characteristics and for the fruit industry in tracing back the origin of apples. The findings could also be of great interest for locations with similar climate and soil conditions worldwide.


Rød jonsokblom (Silene dioica) er en flerårig urt i nellikfamilien. Siden rød jonsokblom tåler næringsrik jord og lar seg frøhøste med skurtresker, er den med i NIBIOs robustfrøblandinger for pollinatorsoner på Sørøstlandet og vil fra 2025 også komme med i robustfrøblandinga for Midt-Norge.