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Annika Pieterse Ben Rowson Louwrens Tiedt Antoinette P. Malan Solveig Haukeland Jenna L. RossSammendrag
A new species of Phasmarhabditis was isolated from the slug, Polytoxon robustum, from Nairobi, Kenya. The nematode was identified using morphological, morphometric, molecular and phylogenetic analyses. Phasmarhabditis kenyaensis n. sp. is characterised by an infective juvenile with the longest body length in the genus, measuring 1232 (1107-1336) μm, by the presence of males with a bursa bearing nine bilateral pairs of genital bursal papillae and one pair of papilliform phasmids flanking the tail, cephalate paired spicules, with an arc length of 71 (57-81) μm, as well as by females with a vulva located at the mid-body region and a conoid tail shape, with two phasmids located at ca 40% of the tail length. The molecular phylogeny of the new species, as inferred from its SSU (small subunit) rRNA gene, places P. kenyaensis n. sp. genetically close to undescribed phasmarhabditids from South Africa, suggesting an African grouping, while the D2-D3 (large ribosomal subunit) and ITS region analyses relate P. kenyaensis n. sp. to P. meridionalis, with weak bootstrap support. This is the third new Phasmarhabditis species described from the African continent, the new species bringing the total known complement of the genus to 14 species. A morphometric compendium to all species cultured in vivo is supplied.
Lina Raudone Mindaugas Liaudanskas Gabriele Vilkickyte Darius Kviklys Vaidotas Žvikas Jonas Viškelis Pranas ViškelisSammendrag
Lonicera caerulea L. is an early fruit-bearing plant that originates from harsh environments. Raw materials contain a body of different phenolic origin compounds that determine the multidirectional antioxidant and pharmacological activities. The aim of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the phenolic composition, antioxidant capacities, vegetative, pomological, and sensory properties and their interrelations of selected L. caerulea cultivars, namely ‘Amphora’, ‘Wojtek’, ‘Iga’, ’Leningradskij Velikan’, ‘Nimfa’, ‘Indigo Gem’, ‘Tundra’, ‘Tola’, and fruit powders. Combined chromatographic systems were applied for the qualitative and quantitative profiling of 23 constituents belonging to the classes of anthocyanins, flavonols, flavones, proanthocyanidins, and phenolic acids. The determined markers of phytochemical profiles were cyanidin-3-glucoside, rutin, chlorogenic, and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid. Anthocyanins and the predominant compound, cyanidin-3-glucoside, were the determinants of antioxidant activity. Cultivars ‘Amphora’, ‘Indigo Gem’, and ‘Tundra’ contained the greatest total amounts of identified phenolic compounds. Phenotypic characterization revealed the superiority of cultivars ‘Wojtek’ and ’Tundra’ compared to other cultivars, although ’Wojtek’ had low phenolic content and antioxidant activity and ’Tundra’ got lower sensory evaluation scores. Coupling the results of phenotypic and phytochemical characterization, cultivar ‘Tundra’ could be suitable for commercial plantations.
Cornelya KlutschSammendrag
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Ying Yen Ralf Rautenberger Martin Riis Weisbjerg Adriána Fečkaninová Margarita Novoa-GarridoSammendrag
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Venche Talgø Martin Pettersson Magnhild Sekse Erdal May Bente Brurberg Sigrid Mogan Arne StensvandSammendrag
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Sigridur DalmannsdottirSammendrag
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Undersøkelsen av kunstsnø ble gjennomført fordi vi tidligere har påvist flere Phytophthora-arter i og nært Sørkedalselva som brukes som vannkilde for produksjon av kunstsnø; P. cryptogea, P.gonapodyides, P. lacustris, P. plurivora, P. rosaecearum, P. taxon raspberry and P. uniformis. Man fryktet at snøen kunne spre smitte av Phytophthora til skianlegg i Oslo-området via små partikler fra jord og planter, men smitte via svermesporer var utelukket på grunn av lav temperatur i vannet. Phytophthora ble påvist med en hurtigtest av en grannål fra grovfilteret til en snøkanon, men ikke ved isolering fra finmaska filter som den smelta snøen ble filtrert gjennom. En DNA-analyse av filtrene som vannprøvene ble sugd gjennom, noe som er en mer sensetiv metode enn isolering på agar, ga heller ikke utslag for Phytophthora.
I 2020 ble både brunørret og biofilter fra et settefiskanlegg i Sørkedalen undersøkt for Phytophthora. Dette ble gjort fordi vi hadde påvist flere Phytophthora-arter i Sørkedalsvassdraget som tidligere ble brukt som vannkilde i anlegget, og det ble funnet P. lacustris i vannet i en av fiskekummene på uteområdet. Man fryktet derfor at fisken kunne være en potensiell kilde til spredning av Phytophthora til vassdrag i Nordmarka og andre steder. Prøvene i 2020 ble tatt ut etter at hele produksjon var flyttet innendørs med bruk av kommunalt vann. Vi brukte både klassiske mikrobiologiske metoder og DNA-analyse, men det ble ikke påvist Phytophthora i prøvene.
Eva Narten HøbergSammendrag
Svineribbe, pinnekjøtt eller lutefisk? Dette er julemat som produseres på svært ulike ressurser. Ribbe av sau er derfor eldre enn ribbe av svin. Som julaftensmat står likevel lutefisken i en særstilling. Hvorfor er det slik?
Irina Orestovna Averkina Muhammad Harris Edward Ohene Asare Bérénice Hourdin Ivan Paponov Cathrine LilloSammendrag
Background PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2A (PP2A) expression is crucial for the symbiotic association between plants and various microbes, and knowledge on these symbiotic processes is important for sustainable agriculture. Here we tested the hypothesis that PP2A regulatory subunits, especially B’φ and B’θ, are involved in signalling between plants and mycorrhizal fungi or plant-growth promoting bacteria. Results Treatment of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum) with the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas simiae indicated a role for the PP2A B’θ subunit in responses to PGPR. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influenced B’θ transcript levels in soil-grown plants with canonical arbuscular mycorrhizae. In plant roots, transcripts of B’φ were scarce under all conditions tested and at a lower level than all other PP2A subunit transcripts. In transformed tomato plants with 10-fold enhanced B’φ expression, mycorrhization frequency was decreased in vermiculite-grown plants. Furthermore, the high B’φ expression was related to abscisic acid and gibberellic acid responses known to be involved in plant growth and mycorrhization. B’φ overexpressor plants showed less vigorous growth, and although fruits were normal size, the number of seeds per fruit was reduced by 60% compared to the original cultivar. Conclusions Expression of the B’θ gene in tomato roots is strongly influenced by beneficial microbes. Analysis of B’φ overexpressor tomato plants and established tomato cultivars substantiated a function of B’φ in growth and development in addition to a role in mycorrhization. Keywords: Abscisic acid, Azospirillum brasilense, Funneliformis mosseae, Gibberellin, Mycorrhiza, PP2A, PGPR, Pseudomonas simiae, Rhizophagus irregularis, Tomato