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Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, this report presents methodologies for estimating annual numbers of animals and enteric methane emissions for pigs. The methodologies are designed for the Norwegian national inventory of GHG emissions (NIR) and are dynamic, reflecting the effects of progress in genetics and management of the pork production. The data sources for the proposed methodologies are the register for deliveries of carcasses to Norwegian slaughterhouses available from Statistics Norway, and the Norwegian litter recording system (Ingris) of the Norwegian meat and poultry research centre (Animalia).


Through the joint project Climate Smart Agriculture, the agricultural sector in Norway have successfully implemented the whole-farm models HolosNor models as farm advisory tools for milk, beef, pig, sheep, poultry, and crop production. The HolosNor modes are empirical models based on the methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with modifications to Norwegian conditions. The models estimate direct emissions of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) from on-farm livestock production and includes indirect emissions of N2O and CO2 associated with inputs used on the farm in addition to including soil carbon balance through the ICBM model. The digital GHG Calculator automatically collects data from sources the farmer already uses for farm management, such as herd recording systems, manure planning systems, farm accounts, concentrate invoice, dairy, slaughterhouse, in addition to site-specific soil and weather data. Based on the collected data, both total emissions from the production and emission intensities for the different products are estimated. The emission intensities are shown by source relative to a reference group consisting of farms with the same type of production and production volume. Using the GHG Calculator, the farmers have the unique opportunity to have tailor-made mitigation plans to reduce emissions from the farm trough certified climate advisors. Participation and results from the GHG Calculator will be presented in addition to experiences from implementation of a GHG model as a farm advisory tool for commercial farms.

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Sustainable water resources management roots in monitoring data reliability and a full engagement of all institutions involved in the water sector. When competences and interests are overlapping, however, coordination may be difficult, thus hampering cooperative actions. This is the case of Santa Cruz Island (Galápagos, Ecuador). A comprehensive assessment on water quality data (physico-chemical parameters, major elements, trace elements and coliforms) collected since 1985 revealed the need of optimizing monitoring efforts to fill knowledge gaps and to better target decision-making processes. A Water Committee (Comité de la gestión del Agua) was established to foster the coordinated action among stakeholders and to pave the way for joint monitoring in the island that can optimize the efforts for water quality assessment and protection. Shared procedures for data collection, sample analysis, evaluation and data assessment by an open-access geodatabase were proposed and implemented for the first time as a prototype in order to improve accountability and outreach towards civil society and water users. The overall results reveal the high potential of a well-structured and effective joint monitoring approach within a complex, multi-stakeholder framework.

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Norsk genressurssenter har, i samarbeid med Norsk Sau og Geit, raselag og avlsbesetninger, kartlagt forekomsten av blant annet finnegenvarianten hos rygjasau, steigarsau, grå trøndersau og gammelnorsk spælsau. I tillegg har vi sett på genetiske distanser mellom norske saueraser.