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Rapporten inneholder ei sammenstilling av kunnskap om status for miljømessig, økonomisk og sosial bærekraft i norsk jordbruksproduksjon og er svar på et oppdrag som NIBIO fikk fra Landbruks- og matdepartementet i november 2022. Bærekraft er operasjonalisert som jordbrukets evne til å vedvare. Det bestemmes igjen av om det drives på en måte som ikke kommer i konflikt med seg sjøl og sitt eget produksjonsgrunnlag og heller ikke med livsvilkår og ressurser for mennesker og hensyn til naturmiljøet utenfor sektoren. Det er også forutsatt at norsk jordbruk skal levere goder og tjenester i tråd med mål fastlagt i norsk landbrukspolitikk. Dette betyr ikke at konservering av status er et mål. Det kan tvert imot være slik at endringer nettopp er en avgjørende forutsetning for at jordbruket i Norge kan bestå og levere godt i all framtid. Dette skal analyseres i en etterfølgende del 2 av oppdraget. Hovedpunkt fra gjennomgangen av kunnskapskilder og ei sluttvurdering av status for bærekraft finnes i et sammendrag sist i rapporten.


Formålet med dette prosjektet har vært å se på hvordan data som samles inn i Arealrepresentativ overvåking av semi-naturlig eng i Norge (ASO) kan brukes i Naturindeks. Dette har vi gjort ved først å se hvordan artsforekomster kan brukes direkte som indikatorer for endringer i biologisk mangfold, og om variabler om bruksregime er egnet for å vurdere utviklingen av det biologiske mangfoldet knyttet til åpent lavland. Til slutt har vi laget fremgangsmåter for de forskjellige datatypene i ASO for å bruke disse som indikatorer.

Til dokument


This study compared animal performance and enteric methane (CH4) emissions from dairy cows in a part-time grazing (PTG) system in northern Sweden. Twenty-four Nordic Red dairy cows were allocated to one of two treatments: DAY (10 h daytime pasture access) or NIGHT (12 h night-time pasture access). The cows in each treatment received the same ad libitum partial mixed ration (PMR) indoors and ad libitum herbage allowance. Methane was recorded using two linked GreenFeedTM emissions monitoring (GEM) units, on pasture and indoors. Day or night grazing showed no statistical differences in estimated grass or PMR intake, milk production or daily enteric CH4 emissions. There was a rapid decrease in diurnal CH4 emissions (28%) when the cows were moved from indoors to pasture in both grazing treatments. Using two GEM units (indoor, outdoor) in combination improved the diurnal assessment of enteric CH4 emissions during PTG conditions in the mixed feeding system.


A process-based model was developed to predict dry matter yields and amounts of harvested nitrogen in conventionally cropped grassland fields, accounting for within-field variation by a node network design and utilizing remotely sensed information from a drone-borne system for increased accuracy. The model, named NORNE, was kept as simple as possible regarding required input variables, but with sufficient complexity to handle central processes and minimize prediction errors. The inputs comprised weather data, soil information, management data related to fertilization, and a visual estimate of clover proportion in the aboveground biomass. A sensitivity analysis was included to apportioning variation in dry matter yield outputs to variation in model parameter settings. Using default parameter values from the literature, the model was evaluated on data from a two-year study (2016–2017, 264 research plots in total each year) conducted at two locations in Norway (i.e. in South-East and in Central Norway) with contrasting climatic conditions and with internal variation in soil characteristics. The results showed that the model could estimate dry matter yields with a relatively high accuracy without any corrections based on remote sensing, compared with published results from comparable model studies. To further improve the results, the model was calibrated shortly before harvest, using predictions of above ground dry matter biomass obtained from a drone-borne remote sensing system. The only parameters which were hereby adjusted in the NORNE model were the starting values of nitrogen content in soil (first cut) and the plant available water capacity (second cut). The calibration based on the remotely sensed information improved the predictive performance of the model significantly. At first cut, the root mean square error (RMSE) of dry matter yield prediction was reduced by 20% to a mean value of 58 g m−2, corresponding to a relative value (rRMSE) of 0.12. For the second cut, the RMSE decreased by 13% to 66 g m−2 (rRMSE: 0.18). The model was also evaluated in terms of the predictions of amounts of nitrogen in the harvested crop. Here, the calibration reduced the RMSE of the first cut by 38%, obtaining a mean RMSE value of 2.1 g N m−2 (rRMSE: 0.28). For the second cut, the RMSE reduction for simulated harvested N was 16%, corresponding to a mean RMSE value of 2.3 g N m−2 (rRMSE: 0.33). The large improvements in model accuracy for simulated dry matter and nitrogen yields obtained through calibration by utilizing remotely sensed information, indicate the importance of considering spatial variability when applying models under Nordic conditions, both for yield predictions and for decision support for nitrogen application.