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A multiplex real-time PCR assay was developed to monitor the dynamics of the Picea abies-Heterobasidion annosum pathosystem. Tissue cultures and 32-year-old trees with low or high resistance to this pathogen were used as the host material. Probes and primers were based on a laccase gene for the pathogen and a polyubiquitin gene for the host.The real-time PCR procedure was compared to an ergosterol-based quantification method in a tissue culture experiment, and there was a strong correlation product moment correlation coefficient, 0.908) between the data sets. The multiplex real-time PCR procedure had higher resolution and sensitivity during the early stages of colonization and also could be used to monitor the host.In the tissue culture experiment, host DNA was degraded more rapidly in the clone with low resistance than in the clone with high resistance. In the field experiment, the lesions elicited were not strictly proportional to the area colonized by the pathogen.Fungal colonization was more restricted and localized in the lesion in the clone with high resistance, hereas in the clone with low resistance, the fungus could be detected until the visible end of the lesion. Thus, the real-time PCR assay gives better resolution than does the traditionally used lesion length measurement when screening host clones for resistance.

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Å kappe optimalt i forhold til de priser og reglement som gjelder er viktig. Minst like viktig er det at prislistene og apteringsinstruksene er hensiktsmessige. Etter tiår der effektivisering i form av mekanisering har betydd mye økonomisk, er det nå stor fokus på råstoffutnyttelse i form av markedsretta aptering.

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Storfuglen har i flere tusen år betydd mye for store deler av befolkningen i Norge. I tidligere tider først og fremst som en viktig matressurs. I nyere tid har artens betydning kanskje like mye vært som symbol på villmark og noe opprinnelig i norsk natur.


Strategiplanen omhandler dagens status og fremtidige utfordringer for hvordan de store innlandsfiskeressursene i Norge kan utnyttes bedre og skape økt lønnsomhet i næringen gjennom å fokusere på tiltak knyttet til nærings- og bedriftutvikling, forsknings- og utviklingstiltak og forvaltning og rammebetingelser.


Efforts to improve efficiencies in the forest industries have mainly focused on problems within the borders of the company. Thus, there is an unexploited potential for increased efficiency through integrating and coordinating activities between companies. This poster presents games that mimic the forest industry and demonstrate to...


The rationale for stand growth modelling is often either grounded in a search for improved scientific understanding or in support for management decisions. The ultimate goal under the first task is seen in mechanistic models, i.e. models that represent the stand structure realistically and predict future growth as a function of the current status of the stand. Such mechanistic models tend to be over-parameterized with respect to the data actually available for a given stand. Calibration of these models may lead to non-unique representations and unreliable predictions. Empirical models, the second major line of growth modelling, typically match available data sets as well as do process-based models. They have less degrees of freedom, hence mitigate the problem of non-unique calibration results, but they employ often parameters without physiological or physical meaning. That is why empirical models cannot be extrapolated beyond the existing conditions of observations. Here we argue that this widespread dilemma can be overcome by using interactive models as an alternative approach to mechanistic (algorithmic) models. Interactive models can be used at two levels: a) the interactions among trees of a species or ecosystem and b) the interactions between forest management and a stand structure, e.g. in thinning trials. In such a model data from a range of sources (scientific, administrative, empirical) can be incorporated into consistent growth reconstructions. Interactive selection among such growth reconstructions may be theoretically more powerful than algorithmic automatic selection. We suggest a modelling approach in which this theoretical conjecture can be put to a practical test. To this end growth models need to be equipped with interactive visualization interfaces in order to be utilized as input devices for silvicultural expertise. Interactive models will not affect the difficulties of predicting forest growth, but may be at their best in documenting and disseminating silvicultural competence in forestry.