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Skogens helsetilstand påvirkes i stor grad av klima og værforhold, enten direkte ved tørke, frost og vind, eller indirekte ved at klimaet påvirker omfanget av soppsykdommer og insektangrep. Klimaendringene og den forventede økningen i klimarelaterte skogskader gir store utfordringer for forvaltningen av framtidas skogressurser. Det samme gjør invaderende skadegjørere, både allerede etablerte arter og nye som kan komme til Norge i nær framtid. I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i Norge i 2021 og trender over tid for følgende temaer: (i) Landsrepresentativ skogovervåking; (ii) Skogøkologiske analyser og målinger av luftkjemi på de intensive overvåkingsflatene; (iii) Overvåking av bjørkemålere i Troms og Finnmark; (iv) Barkbilleovervåkingen 2021 og mulig overgang til to generasjoner; (v) Asiatisk askepraktbille – en dørstokkart? (vi) Overvåking av askeskuddsyke; (vii) Andre spesielle skogskader i 2021.


After fungal decay experiments chemical characterisation of the wood is often a routine and several methodological approaches are available. In this study, we tested if simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) is a valid alternative to traditional wet chemical methods since STA allows significantly smaller sample size and faster analysis. Three model fungi including the brown rot fungi Rhodonia placenta and Gloeophyllum trabeum and the white rot fungus Trametes versicolor were employed in the study using Norway spruce as substrate. The experiment was harvested after 10, 20 and 52 weeks. At each harvest interval, aliquots of the material were characterized by STA and wet chemical methods. The results validated that STA can be effectively used to estimate cell wall composition of brown rot depolymerised wood. However, STA slightly overestimated cellulose at brown rot decay above 50%. The method was not verified for simultaneous white rot because STA only estimated hemicellulose correctly compared to the wet chemical method. Hence, STA is considered suitable for brown rot fungi below 50% mass loss but not for simultaneous white rot because STA did not estimate cellulose and lignin correctly.

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Almost 95% of the area in Norway is wilderness and 38% of the land area is covered by woods. These areas are abundant in valuable renewable resources, including wild berries. In our neighbouring countries, Sweden and Finland, wild berries are already a big industry. At the same time, on the market the Norwegian wild berries are almost non-existent and berries are left unexploited. Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) is one of the most abundant and economically important wild berries in the Nordic countries. Nevertheless, lingonberry has a large untapped potential due to its unique health effects and potential for increased value creation. It is estimated that 111,500 t of lingonberry are produced in the Norwegian woods. Norway is a long and diverse country with a range of climatic conditions. Adaptations to different conditions can give differences in both yield and quality of wild berries. Yields vary enormously from year to year and among different locations. A steady supply, predictable volumes and high quality are vital for successful commercialization of wild berries. To increase the utilization of berries, there is a need for increased knowledge regarding availability and quality variation of the berries. In addition, the Norwegian market suffers from high labour costs and cannot compete in product price. Innovative solutions and new knowledge on quality aspects can open possibilities for value creation. Toward achieving this goal, we have created a project called “WildBerries”, the main objective of which is to produce research-based knowledge that will create the basis for increased commercial utilization of Norwegian wild berries.

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We compiled published peer-reviewed CO2, CH4, and N2O data on managed drained organic forest soils in boreal and temperate zones to revisit the current Tier 1 default emission factors (EFs) provided in the IPCC (2014) Wetlands Supplement: to see whether their uncertainty may be reduced; to evaluate possibilities for breaking the broad categories used for the IPCC EFs into more site-type-specific ones; and to inspect the potential relevance of a number of environmental variables for predicting the annual soil greenhouse gas (GHG) balances, on which the EFs are based. Despite a considerable number of publications applicable for compiling EFs being added, only modest changes were found compared to the Tier 1 default EFs. However, the more specific site type categories generated in this study showed narrower confidence intervals compared to the default categories. Overall, the highest CO2 EFs were found for temperate afforested agricultural lands and boreal forestry-drained sites with very low tree stand productivity. The highest CH4 EFs in turn prevailed in boreal nutrient-poor forests with very low tree stand productivity and temperate forests irrespective of nutrient status, while the EFs for afforested sites were low or showed a sink function. The highest N2O EFs were found for afforested agricultural lands and forestry-drained nutrient-rich sites. The occasional wide confidence intervals could be mainly explained by single or a few highly deviating estimates rather than the broadness of the categories applied. Our EFs for the novel categories were further supported by the statistical models connecting the annual soil GHG balances to site-specific soil nutrient status indicators, tree stand characteristics, and temperature-associated weather and climate variables. The results of this synthesis have important implications for EF revisions and national emission reporting, e.g. by the use of different categories for afforested sites and forestry-drained sites, and more specific site productivity categories based on timber production potential.


Rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Rogaland fylkeskommune og viser mengden og fordelingen av karbonrikt areal i Rogaland. Den viser også utslipps- og opptak av klimagasser angitt i tonn CO2-ekvivalenter fra nåværende bruk, historisk endret bruk og planlagt fremtidig nedbygging. Rapporten diskuterer videre utviklingen fremover i lys av historiske utviklingstrekk i arealbruk og arealbruksendringer i Rogaland. Analysen bygger på datagrunnlaget som brukes i det nye kommunevise klimagassregnskapet for arealbrukssektoren, samt en sammenstilling av kommunenes gjeldende arealplaner ved inngangen til 2023.


Key message We studied size distributions of decay-affected Norway spruce trees using cut-to-length harvester data. The harvester data comprised tree-level decay and decay severity recordings from 101 final felling stands, which enabled to analyze relationships between size distributions of all and decay-affected trees. Distribution matching technique was used to transfer the size distribution of all trees into the diameter at breast height (DBH) distribution of decay-affected trees. Context Stem decay of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) results in large economic losses in timber production in the northern hemisphere. Forest management planning typically requires information on tree size distributions. However, size distributions of decay-affected trees generally remain unknown impeding decision-making in forest management planning. Aims Our aim was to analyze and model relationships between size distributions of all and decay-affected Norway spruce trees at the level of forest stands. Methods Cut-to-length harvester data of 93,456 trees were collected from 101 final felling stands in Norway. For each Norway spruce tree (94% of trees), the presence and severity of stem decay (incipient and advanced) were recorded. The stand-level size distributions (diameter at breast height, DBH; height, H) of all and decay-affected trees were described using the Weibull distribution. We proposed distribution matching (DM) models that transform either the DBH or H distribution of all trees into DBH distributions of decay-affected trees. We compared the predictive performance of DMs with a null-model that refers to a global Weibull distribution estimated based on DBHs of all harvested decay-affected trees. Results The harvester data showed that an average-sized decay-affected tree is larger and taller compared with an average-sized tree in a forest stand, while trees with advanced decay were generally shorter and thinner compared with trees having incipient decay. DBH distributions of decay-affected trees can be matched with smaller error index (EI) values using DBH (EI = 0.14) than H distributions (EI = 0.31). DM clearly outperformed the null model that resulted in an EI of 0.32. Conclusions The harvester data analysis showed a relationship between size distributions of all and decay-affected trees that can be explained by the spread biology of decay fungi and modeled using the DM technique. Keywords Root and butt rot, Heterobasidion spp., Armillaria spp., Cut-to-length harvester, Forest management and planning