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Fruit-set involves a series of physiological and morphological changes that are well described for tomato and Arabidopsis, but largely unknown for sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum). The aim of this paper is to investigate whether mechanisms of fruit-set observed in Arabidopsis and tomato are also applicable to C. annuum. To do this, we accurately timed the physiological and morphological changes in a post-pollinated and un-pollinated ovary. A vascular connection between ovule and replum was observed in fertilized ovaries that undergo fruit development, and this connection was absent in unfertilized ovaries that abort. This indicates that vascular connection between ovule and replum is an early indicator for successful fruit development after pollination and fertilization. Evaluation of histological changes in the carpel of a fertilized and unfertilized ovary indicated that increase in cell number and cell diameter both contribute to early fruit growth. Cell division contributes more during early fruit growth while cell expansion contributes more at later stages of fruit growth in C. annuum. The simultaneous occurrence of a peak in auxin concentration and a strong increase in cell diameter in the carpel of seeded fruits suggest that indole-3-acetic acid stimulates a major increase in cell diameter at later stages of fruit growth. The series of physiological and morphological events observed during fruit-set in C. annuum are similar to what has been reported for tomato and Arabidopsis. This indicates that tomato and Arabidopsis are suitable model plants to understand details of fruit-set mechanisms in C. annuum.

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The use of forest biomass for bioenergy purposes, directly or through refinement processes, has increased in the last decade. One example of such use is the utilization of logging residues. Branch biomass constitutes typically a considerable part of the logging residues, and should be quantified and included in future forest inventories. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is widely used when collecting data for forest inventories, and even methods to derive information at the single-tree level has been described. Procedures for estimation of single-tree branch biomass of Norway spruce using features derived from ALS data are proposed in the present study. As field reference data the dry weight branch biomass of 50 trees were obtained through destructive sampling. Variables were further derived from the ALS echoes from each tree, including crown volume calculated from an interpolated crown surface constructed with a radial basis function. Spatial information derived from the pulse vectors were also incorporated when calculating the crown volume. Regression models with branch biomass as response variable were fit to the data, and the prediction accuracy assessed through a cross-validation procedure. Random forest regression models were compared to stepwise and simple linear least squares models. In the present study branch biomass was estimated with a higher accuracy by the best ALS-based models than by existing allometric biomass equations based on field measurements. An improved prediction accuracy was observed when incorporating information from the laser pulse vectors into the calculation of the crown volume variable, and a linear model with the crown volume as a single predictor gave the best overall results with a root mean square error of 35% in the validation.

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I følge Meld. St. 9 (2011-2012) skal norsk matproduksjon økes. En av de viktigste forutsetningene for å nå målet om økt matproduksjon er å ta vare på produksjonsgrunnlaget på inn- og utmark. For å nå målet vil en god utnytting av beiteressursen og verdifulle beiter være viktig. Dersom bruk av verdifulle beiter skal sikres med tanke på matproduksjon og tilleggsverdier som blant annet kulturlandskap, er det vår oppfatning at det er nødvendig med en større grad av helhetlig,langsiktig planlegging og tilrettelegging. 1. Kartlegging: Hvilke beiteområder er verdifulle, og hvor er disse lokalisert 2. Prioritering: I mange områder er det ikke nok beitedyr til å opprettholde tilfredsstillende beitetrykk, og noen områder må prioriteres på bekostning av andre områder. 3. Tilrettelegging: Tid er en begrenset ressurs i kommunal forvaltning. Tilrettelegging for beiting i områder med for lavt/ingen beiting er tidkrevende. Det bør derfor bevilges eksterne midler og ressurser til å jobbe med beiterelaterte utfordringer og tilrettelegging for bruk av verdifulle, prioriterte beiteområder.