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The necrotrophic fungus Drechslera teres causes net blotch disease in barley by secreting necrotrophic effectors (NEs) which, in the presence of corresponding host susceptibility factors (SF), act as virulence factors in order to enable host colonization. At present the resistance within most Norwegian cultivars is insufficient. This study aims at detecting QTL associated with resistance and susceptibility in the Nordic barley breeding material and at discovering new NE _ SF interactions. This knowledge together with an understanding of the genetic background of the Norwegian net blotch population will be utilized to speed up resistance breeding. Resistance of a segregating mapping population of a cross between the closely related Norwegian varieties Arve and Lavrans to three Norwegian D. teres isolates was assessed at seedling stage in the greenhouse and in adult plants in the field. QTL mapping revealed four major QTL on chromosomes 4H, 5H, 6H and 7H. The 5H and 6H QTL accounted for up to 47% and 14.1% of the genetic variance, respectively, and were found both in seedlings and adult plants with the latter QTL being an isolate-specific association. The high correlation of seedling and adult resistance (R2=0.49) suggests that components of adult plant resistance can be predicted already at the seedling stage. Selected isolates and their culture filtrates will be screened on selected barley lines to characterize novel NE - SF interactions and to map the corresponding sensitivity loci. Effector protein candidates will be purified and further analysed to verify their effect on disease development. Additionally, 365 Norwegian D. teres isolates and a selection of globally collected isolates are currently being ddRAD genotyped in order to obtain SNP markers to study the genetic diversity and population structure of the current Norwegian fungal population. This data will also allow us to perform Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) to identify potential novel NE genes.


Finding new ways to simultaneously account for monetary and non-monetary goals in ecosystem services is needed in order to establish a new modelling framework for the facilitation of trade-offs between competing stakeholder interests. The socioecological sustainability of an ecosystem service is dependent on the consent of the people in the area of the ESS. An important reason is that a given ecosystem service may have highly different value in different stakeholder cultures. In this aspect is also the understanding of disservices and hidden services. The kind and level of conflict tend to differ with location and the operational level of decision-making. It is crucial work to identify all linked subservices and organise them into a common framework for evaluation. In our research group (MULTIESS) we try to develop multi-criteria tools to assess the implications of prioritizing different interests on ecological, sociological and economic output. Similarly, changes in the human population and environment will interact and influence on the services and their values, demanding such parameters to be evaluated for the whole range of potential scenarios. We maintain that in order to make multi-criteria analyses (MCA) successful, service outputs and externalities must and can be measured in familiar terms (e.g. money, biomass) without the use of direct or stated pricing of non-commodities such as welfare, recreation or biodiversity.

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Global environmental changes are causing Lyme disease to emerge in Europe. The life cycle of Ixodes ricinus, the tick vector of Lyme disease, involves an ontogenetic niche shift, from the larval and nymphal stages utilizing a wide range of hosts, picking up the pathogens causing Lyme disease from small vertebrates, to the adult stage depending on larger (non-transmission) hosts, typically deer. Because of this complexity the role of different host species for emergence of Lyme disease remains controversial. Here, by analysing long-term data on incidence in humans over a broad geographical scale in Norway, we show that both high spatial and temporal deer population density increase Lyme disease incidence. However, the trajectories of deer population sizes play an overall limited role for the recent emergence of the disease. Our study suggests that managing deer populations will have some effect on disease incidence, but that Lyme disease may nevertheless increase as multiple drivers are involved.