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Removal of logging residues causes significant nutrient losses from the harvesting site. Furthermore,collection of residues into piles could lead to small-scale differences in establishment conditions for seedlings. We studied the effects of stem-only (SOH) and aboveground whole-tree harvesting (WTH) on Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedling growth and pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) damage at two sites (SE and W Norway). We also compared two planting environments within the WTH plots (WTH-0: areas with no residues, WTH-1: areas where residue piles had been placed and removed before planting). In practice, one-third of the residues were left on site after WTH. After three growing seasons there were no differences for height or diameter increment between SOH and WTH (WTH-1 and WTH-0 combined) treatments. However, relative diameter increment was largest for WTH-1 seedlings and lowest for WTH-0 seedlings. Few seedlings sustained pine weevil attacks at the W Norway site, with no differences among treatments. At the SE Norway site, the percent of seedlings damaged by pine weevils and average debarked area were significantly higher after WTH (82% and 3.3 cm2) compared to SOH (62% and 1.7 cm2). We conclude that WTH may lead to spatial differences in establishment conditions.

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1. Population-level management is difficult to achieve if wildlife routinely crosses administrative boundaries, as is particularly frequent for migratory populations. However, the degree of mismatch between management units and scales at which ecological processes operate has rarely been quantified. Such insight is vital for delimiting functional population units of partially migratory species common in northern forest ecosystems. 2. We combined an extensive dataset of 412 GPS-marked red deer (Cervus elaphus) across Norway with information on the size and borders of two administrative levels, the governmental level (municipality) and landowner level (local management units, LMUs), to determine the timing and scale of mismatch between animal space use and management units. We analysed how landscape characteristics affected the use of management units and the timing and likelihood of crossing borders between them, in an effort to delineate more appropriate units in various landscapes. 3. Median municipality size could potentially cover 70% of female and 62% of male annual ranges, while only 12% and 4% of LMUs were expansive enough to accommodate migratory routes in females and males, respectively. Red deer migrate along elevational gradients and are more likely to find both suitable lowland winter habitat and higher summer habitat within management units with variable topography. Consistent with this, the likelihood of border crossing decreased with increasing diversity of elevations. 4. Synthesis and applications. We demonstrate a considerable mismatch between animal space use and management units. Far-ranging movements and frequent administrative border crossings during autumn migration coincides with the period of active management (hunting season). Our study also highlights that, due to extensive movements of males, coordination of management aims may provide a more realistic avenue than increasing sizes of local management units. A more general insight is that the degree of mismatch between range use and management units depends on the season and landscape type. This needs to be accounted for when delimitating functional population units of migratory populations.


Skog er en viktig del av den globale karbonsyklusen, både som lager og som opptaker av karbon fra atmosfæren. Norge rapporterer årlig utslipp og opptak av klimagasser i skog til FNs klimakonvensjon, samt til Kyotoprotokollen. Skog rapporteres under landsektoren (Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry; LULUCF). I 2015 var netto-opptaket i skog 29,0 millioner tonn CO2-ekvivalenter, mens det totale utslippet av klimagasser i Norge i de øvrige sektorene var 53,9 millioner tonn. Netto opptak i skog tilsvarer dermed 54 prosent av klimagassutslippene i de øvrige sektorene.

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I rapporten undersøkes mulighetene for å kunne predikere forekomster av MiS-miljøer basert på enkle landskapsvariabler fra kart. Disse variablene er helning, bonitet, høyde over havet og avstand fra vei. Vi bruker oversikt over registrerte MiS-miljøer (bruttolister) fra skogbruksplaner fra 10 kommuner på sør-og østlandet til å utarbeide prediksjonsmodeller. Disse prediksjonsmodellene blir så testet ut i 10 andre kommuner fra samme region. Resultatene viser at det er stor variasjon mellom kommuner i hvor stor grad modellene klarer å fange opp MiS-miljøer. Videre arbeid må undersøke mulighetene for å utarbeide ulike modeller i ulike regioner med ulike typer landskap.