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Purpose Sorption could be a way to concentrate nutrients in diluted waste streams to bring more nutrients back to agriculture. The aim of this work was to model the fate of sorbed NH4+ content in liquid waste streams by adding nitrogen (N) sorbed to a sorbent, zeolite, and study its effect on early growth and potential leaching losses. Methods A pot experiment with two soil types and wheat as test crop was conducted. Mineral N in soil was measured, and a leaching experiment performed. 15N labelled ammonium was sorbed to zeolite. The fertilizer effect was then compared to ammonium fertilizer applied the conventional way, with and without zeolite. Results Early uptake of sorbed ammonium was reduced by 56% compared to ammonium applied conventionally, and soil uptake compensated only very early. Nitrate concentration in leachates was reduced by 12% in sandy soil when N was applied sorbed to zeolite. However, leaching of water through the profile increased 71% when N was applied sorbed to zeolite, so that there was only a tendency to lower N losses when N was applied sorbed to zeolite. Conclusion Ammonium-N sorbed to zeolite is less plant available than conventionally applied N but may also be less prone to leaching losses.

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Members of the smoothhound shark genus Mustelus display a widespread distribution pattern across ocean basins with a high degree of sub-regional endemism. The patterns and processes that resulted in smoothhound biodiversity and present-day distribution remain largely unknown. We infer the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Mustelus, based on sequence data (3474 bp) from three mitochondrial genes (CR, NADH-2 and 12S-16SrRNA) and a nuclear gene (KBTBD2) from seven species of Mustelus distributed across the eastern Atlantic- and Indo-Pacific oceans. Using the CR and KBTBD2 dataset, we infer the phylogeographic placement of Old World Mustelus, with particular reference to species from southern Africa. Using a near-complete phylogeny of the genus including Old World and New World species of Mustelus and publicly available sequences of the NADH-2 gene, we found supporting evidence indicating a major cladogenic event separating placental and aplacental species. Biogeographical analyses further revealed that the radiation of Mustelus in the southern African region was driven primarily by long-distance dispersal during the upper Miocene to lower Pleistocene. The placement of the placental blackspotted smoothhound Mustelus punctulatus at the base of the placental non-spotted clade suggests the secondary loss of black spots in the genus, and this was also supported by the ancestral state reconstruction. The results furthermore suggest that the Southern Hemisphere species of the genus arose from multiple separate dispersal events from the Northern Hemisphere which is in line with the earliest record of Mustelus in the Northern Hemisphere.


Forsvarsbygg rapporterer årlig fra vannprøvetaking i nedlagte skyte- og øvingsfelt. I 2019 har det blitt tatt ut vannprøver vår, sommer og høst fra 15 skyte- og øvingsfelt i utvalgte bekker og elver. Denne rapporten beskriver nivå og tidsutvikling for bly, kobber, sink og antimon. Utlekking og tiltak vurderes.