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Since 2005, the population of the trans-border brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Trilateral Park Pasvik-Inari (Norway-Finland-Russia) has been monitored by using genetic analyses of hair and faeces collected randomly in the field. A more systematic method using hair traps every fourth year was initiated in 2007 to collect brown bear hairs for genetic analysis. The method consisted of 56 hair traps in Norway, Finland and Russia in a 5 x 5 km2 grid cell system (ca 1400 km2). The project was repeated in 2011, 2015, 2019 and now in 2023. This season’s sampling was carried out in Pasvik (Norway) - Inari (Finland) area (43 squares, 1075 km2), using the same methodology as in the previous studies. A total of 97 samples were collected, where 45 samples came from Finland and 52 samples from Norway. In the bear specific analysis, 71 (73 %) of the 97 hair samples were positive. A complete DNA profile could be determined for 63 of the positive samples. In total, 22 different bear individuals were detected (10 females and 12 males). Of these 22 bears, 12 bears were detected in previous years, while 10 were previously unknown bears. In total, 13 bears were detected in Finland and 11 bears in Norway. This year’s sampling has the 2nd highest success rate in number of individuals detected per grid square, with 0,51 individual per grid square compared to 0,81 individuals in 2019 (highest success rate), 0,49 in 2015, 0,35 in 2011 and 0,42 in 2009. Our results showed that even with a smaller study area, the hair trap project every 4th year provides valuable information on the brown bear individuals in addition to a random sampling in the field (The National Monitoring Program for brown bears in Norway).

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Takflater i byene skal helst være flerfunksjonelle der det skal produsere energi, håndtere overvann, bidra til biologisk mangfold, bidra til å kjøle ned byen i varme perioder osv. Slik flerbruk av takflater kan gi en del målkonflikter, men også noen synergier. I et prosjekt for Oslobygg ble målkonflikter ved bruk av solcellepaneler på grønne tak undersøkt. Prosjektet ble gjennomført med befaringer av kombinasjonstak med målinger og prøvetaking på tak, målrettede intervjuer og en workshop med næringsaktører og byggeiere. Til sammen 10 kombinasjonstak ble inkludert i befaringene. Prosjektet avdekket svakheter på flere nivå - fra selve konseptutviklingen, til anbud og kontrakter, og videre gjennom anleggsfasen, vedlikehold og drift. Rapporten tar for seg disse svakhetene og drar sammen en syntese og presenterer noen anbefalinger som kan brukes aktivt i implementeringen av klima- og overvannstrategier. Undersøkelsene viste tydelig konflikter mellom optimalisering og vedlikehold av vegetasjonen og energiproduksjonen for de fleste takene, men det er også eksempler på tak der det fungerer godt. Synergiene i form av mer effektiv energiproduksjon var mindre tydelige, men også mindre undersøkt. Flere av disse konfliktene kan unngås ved bedre prosjektering og involvering av leverandører i en tidlig fase. I tillegg til dette er det et stort behov for opplæring og instrukser for driftspersonell, både for den grønne delen av taket og for panelene.


To facilitate nutrient management and the use of manure as a feedstock for biogas production, manure is often separated into a solid and a liquid fraction. The former fraction is usually high in P and low in N, so when incorporated in the soil as fertilizer, it needs to be supplemented by N from, e.g., mineral fertilizers or nitrogen-fixing species. To explore strategies to manage N with solid-separated manure, we examined how the amount of digestate and the N:P ratio of pig digestate, i.e., manure that had partially undergone anaerobic digestion, affected the productivity of Westerwolds ryegrass and red clover in a pot experiment with one soil which was rich and another which was poor in plant nutrients. The soil and plant species treatments were combined with four doses of digestate, which gave plant available phosphorus (P) concentrations of 2, 4, 8, or 16 mg P100 g−1 soil. Ammonium nitrate was dosed to obtain factorial combinations of digestate amount and N:P ratios of 1.8, 4, 8, and 16. Clover was harvested once at the beginning of flowering (15 weeks after seeding), while Westerwolds ryegrass was allowed to regrow three times after being cut at the shooting stage (in total, 4 cuts, 6, 9, 12, and 15 weeks after seeding). Ryegrass yield increased by up to 2.9 times with digestate dosage. Interactions with the N:P ratio and soil type were weak. Hence, the effect of increasing the N:P ratio was additive across digestate dosages. Red clover biomass also increased by up to 39% with digestate dosage. Residual nutrients in the soil after red clover cultivation were affected by the initial differences in soil characteristics but not by digestate treatment or biomass of harvested red clover. A targeted N management is required to benefit from the P-rich digestate in grass cultivation, while the long-term effects of red clover culture on N input need further investigation.