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Total forfattarliste: Franić, I., Prospero, S., Adamson, K., Allan, A., Auger-Rozenberg, A-M, Augustin, S., Avtzis, D., Barta, M., Boroń, P., Bragança, H., Brestovanská, T., Brurberg, M. B., Burgess, B., Burokienė, D., Černý, K., Cleary, M., Corley, J., Coyle, D. R., Csóka, G., Davydenko, K., Elsafy, M. A. O., Eötvös, C., de Groot, M., Diez, J. J., Lehtijärvi, H. T. D., Drenkhan, R., Fan, J., Grabowski, M., Grad, B., Havrdova, L., Hrabetova, M., Iede, E. T., Kacprzyk, M., Kenis, M., Kirichenko25,45, N., Lacković26,N., Lazarević, J., Leskiv, M., Li, H., Madsen, C.L., Matošević, D., Matsiakh, I., Meffert, J., Migliorini, D., Mikó, Á., Nikolov, C., O'Hanlon, R., Oskay, F., Paap, T., Parpan, T., Petrakis, P.V., Piškur, B., Ravn, H.P., Ronse, A., Roques, A., Schühli, G.S., Sivickis, K., Talgø, V., Tomoshevich, M., Uimari, A., Ulyshen, M., Vettraino, A.M., Villari, C., Wang, Y., Witzell, J., Zlatković, M., Eschen, R.


Total forfattarliste: Franić, I., Prospero, S., Adamson, K., Allan, A., Auger-Rozenberg, A-M, Augustin, S., Avtzis, D., Barta, M., Boroń, P., Bragança, H., Brestovanská, T., Brurberg, M. B., Burgess, B., Burokienė, D., Černý, K., Cleary, M., Corley, J., Coyle, D. R., Csóka, G., Davydenko, K., Elsafy, M. A. O., Eötvös, C., de Groot, M., Diez, J. J., Lehtijärvi, H. T. D., Drenkhan, R., Fan, J., Grabowski, M., Grad, B., Havrdova, L., Hrabetova, M., Iede, E. T., Kacprzyk, M., Kenis, M., Kirichenko25,45, N., Lacković26,N., Lazarević, J., Leskiv, M., Li, H., Madsen, C.L., Matošević, D., Matsiakh, I., Meffert, J., Migliorini, D., Mikó, Á., Nikolov, C., O'Hanlon, R., Oskay, F., Paap, T., Parpan, T., Petrakis, P.V., Piškur, B., Ravn, H.P., Ronse, A., Roques, A., Schühli, G.S., Sivickis, K., Talgø, V., Tomoshevich, M., Uimari, A., Ulyshen, M., Vettraino, A.M., Villari, C., Wang, Y., Witzell, J., Zlatković, M., Eschen, R.


The plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium langsethiae produces the highly potent mycotoxins HT-2 and T-2. Since these toxins are frequently detected at high levels in oat grain lots, they pose a considerable risk for food and feed safety in Norway, as well as in other north European countries. To reduce the risk of HT-2/T- 2-contaminated grain lots to enter the food and feed chain, it is important to identify factors that influence F. langsethiae infection and mycotoxin development in oats. However, the epidemiology of F. langsethiae is unclear. A three-year survey was performed to reveal more of the life cycle of F. langsethiae and its interactions with oats, other Fusarium species, as well as insects, mites and weeds. We searched for inoculum sources by quantifying the amount of F. langsethiae DNA in crop residues, weeds, and soil sampled from a selection of oat-fields. To be able to define the onset of infection, we analysed the amount of F. langsethiae DNA in oat plant material sampled at selected growth stages (between booting and maturation), as well as the amount of F. langsethiae DNA and HT-2 and T-2 toxins in the mature grain. We also studied the presence of possible insect- and mite vectors sampled at the selected growth stages using Berlese funnel traps. The different types of materials were also analysed for the presence F. graminearum DNA, the most important deoxynivalenol producer observed in Norwegian cereals, and which presence has shown a striking lack of correlation with the presence of F. langsethiae in oat. Results show that F. langsethiae DNA may occur in the oat plant already before heading and flowering. Some F. langsethiae DNA was observed in crop residues and weeds, though at relatively low levels. No Fusarium DNA was detected in soil samples. Of the arthropods that were associated with the collected oat plants, aphids and thrips species were dominating. Further details will be given at the meeting.

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Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection can be prevented by vaccination. Vaccines containing the small (S)envelope protein are currently used in universal vaccination programs and achieve protective immuneresponse in more than 90% of recipients. However, new vaccination strategies are necessary for successfulimmunization of the remaining non- or low-responders. We have previously characterized a novel HBVchimeric antigen, which combines neutralization epitopes of the S and the preS1 domain of the large (L)envelope protein (genotype D). The S/preS121–47chimera produced in mammalian cells and Nicotianabenthamiana plants, induced a significantly stronger immune response in parenterally vaccinated micethan the S protein. Here we describe the transient expression of the S/preS121–47antigen in an edibleplant, Lactuca sativa, for potential development of an oral HBV vaccine. Our study shows that oral admin-istration of adjuvant-free Lactuca sativa expressing the S/preS121–47antigen, three times, at 1lg/dose,was sufficient to trigger a humoral immune response in mice. Importantly, the elicited antibodies wereable to neutralize HBV infection in an NTCP-expressing infection system (HepG2-NTCP cell line) moreefficiently than those induced by mice fed on Lactuca sativa expressing the S protein. These results sup-port the S/preS121–47antigen as a promising candidate for future development as an edible HBV vaccine.


Undersøkelse av antibiotikaresistensmarkørgenet neomycin fosfotransferase II (nptII) i prøver fra 12 ville arter fra Norge I et prosjekt fra Miljødirektoratet har vi testa for tilstedeværelse av nptII genet i 219 prøver fra 12 ulike ville arter fra hele Norge. Utvalget av prøver inkluderte planter (løvetann, rødkløver og markjordbær), insekter (skogmaur, rognebærmøll og liten høstmåler), snegl (brunsnegl), fisk (ørret og rognkjeks) og pattedyr (rødrev, brunbjørn og isbjørn). Vi brukte to ulike sanntids-PCR (Real-Time-PCR) tester for å undersøke fo tilstedeværelsen av kopier av nptII-genet i de 219 prøvene. Vi fant at nesten alle prøvene var negative (99%), mens kun tre enkeltprøver (løvetann, rødkløver og skogmaur) viste et svært lavt nivå av nptII (3-4 kopier). De positive prøvene kan være naturlige varianter eller kontaminering fra forskningslaboratorier. Vi konkluderer med at der er behov for utvida undersøkelser innenen for dette fagfeltet.


The proportion of Norwegian wheat used for food has varied significantly during the recent decade, mainly because of the instability of factors that are essential to baking quality (i.e. protein content and gluten functionality). During the same period, serious contamination of Fusarium spp. and mycotoxins was observed in some grain lots [1, 2]. A project was established to generate greater knowledge of the interface between gluten functionality and effects of Fusarium species and other microorganisms on Norwegian wheat quality. Instances of severe degradation of gluten proteins that resulted in an almost complete loss of gluten functionality were observed in some lots of Norwegian wheat. The degradation of the gluten appeared to be caused by exogenous proteases. Metabarcoding of fungi and bacteria in these grain lots identified fungi within the Fusarium Head Blight complex, as well as one bacterial species, as candidate species for influencing gluten functionality. Some of these candidates were inoculated on wheat during flowering [3]. Analysis of baking quality of the flour from this experiment revealed a reduced proportion of un-extractable polymeric proteins (%UPP) and severe reductions in the gluten’s resistance to stretching (RMAX) in wheat flour from plants inoculated with Fusarium graminearum. Flour from wheat inoculated with Fusarium avenaceum was generally less infested, and showed minimal or no reduction in gluten functionality and %UPP compared to flour from the F. graminearum infested samples. Flour from wheat inoculated with Michrodochium majus is yet to be analysed. References 1. Koga, S., et al., Investigating environmental factors that cause extreme gluten quality deficiency in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil & Plant Science, 2016. 66(3): p. 237-246. 2. Hofgaard, I., et al., Associations between Fusarium species and mycotoxins in oats and spring wheat from farmers’ fields in Norway over a six-year period. World Mycotoxin Journal, 2016. 9(3): p. 365-378. 3. Nielsen, K.A.G., Effect of microorganisms on gluten quality in wheat., in Faculty of Biosciences. 2017, Norwegian University of Life Sciences: Ås.