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NIBIO har etter forespørsel fra Miljødirektoratet vurdert ulike materialer som brukes i torvreduserte og torvfrie blandete dyrkingsmedier og i anleggsjord (strukturmaterialer og næringsrike materialer). Lite omdannet torv har unike fysiske og kjemiske egenskaper, og det finnes per i dag ingen produkter som kan erstatte torv i alle bruksområder (gartnernæringen, hobbyhagebruk, torvtak og anleggsjord). I rapporten vurderes muligheter og utfordringer ved bruk av torverstatningsprodukter i de ulike bruksområdene, og behov for videre FoU er angitt.

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This concluding report contains all the monitoring data collected in the course of five years, from Jan. 2013 to Aug. 2017 from the protected archaeological deposits at Øvregaten 19, Bergen. The deposits had high contents of organic material and high water content before monitoring started. Data showed minimum temperatures close to 0-2°C under winter conditions and Maximum temperatures at 14°C during the first year of monitoring 2013. In 2014 the minimum temperature increased to 6-7°C and the maximum temperature increased to 17-18°C. Data recorded in 2015 showed minimum temperature 7-9°C and maximum temperature at 16-19°C. The average and median values calculated in the last two years 2016 & 2017 were increased to 22°C in the upper part of the pit and stable at 14°C in the deeper layers. This high temperature in the upper part of the pit, which is higher than mean ambient air temperature, may be due to the new house and the flagstones placed over and close to the pit where the monitoring equipment was installed.High soil moisture was found in all layers, and fluctuated with precipitation. This increased more frequently in 2014 and 2015 under periods with high precipitation. This high precipitation frequency and the infiltration of roof water has decreased the redox potential to more anoxic conditions, which is positive for the preservation of the archaeological remains.

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Application of fish sludge as fertiliser to agricultural land can contribute to closing nutrient cycles in fish farming. The effect of different treatment technologies on the nitrogen fertilisation effects of fish sludge was studied by a bioassay with barley (Hordeum vulgare), an incubation and a field experiment. Dried fish sludge resulted in relative agronomic efficiency of 50–80% compared with mineral fertiliser. The anaerobic digestate based on fish sludge (20 vol%) and dairy manure did not increase nitrogen uptake in barley. Increasing the ratio of fish sludge in the digestate increased the fertilisation effect, but requires optimisation of the biogas process. A simple logistics analysis conducted for a case hatchery showed that on-site drying and co-digestion of fish sludge in a central biogas plant can be regarded as equal in terms of costs. Norway can become an exporter of fish sludge-based recycling fertilisers if current regulations are modified to facilitate nutrient recycling.


Matching high performing varieties of legumes with effective symbiotic N-fixing bacteria can potentially enhance production volumes and economic returns when cultivating grain legumes. We investigated whether field inoculation with local or introduced Rhizobia to six different varieties of faba bean improved growth, nitrogen (N) fixation and protein content in a field experiment in Southern Norway. In 2016, a full factorial experiment featuring three inoculation treatments (a mixture of four morphotypes of Rhizobia isolated from locally grown faba bean, a mix of two efficient and well documented Rhizobium strains from Latvia, and a non-inoculated control treatment) and six faba bean (Vicia faba) genotypes (Agua Dulce, Bauska, Jõgeva, Gloria, Julia, Lielplatones) was set up in an experimental field with sandy loam soil with no recent legume culture history (>10 years). At late flowering/early pod formation stage we quantified N fixation of the crop using the N-15 natural abundance method, using weeds from the same plots as reference plants. We also assessed morphological and phenological characters, seed yields and protein levels at plant maturity. Clear differences were observed, and detailed results from this study will be presented at the conference (analyses are still pending). This research is a part of the EU FP7 project Eurolegume.


I denne rapporten er det foretatt en gjennomgang av bestemmelsene i gjeldende gjødselvareforskrift og utarbeidet forslag til endringer basert på omfattende forskning på organiske avfallsmaterialer. Det er foreslått nye klassegrenser for flere tungmetaller som medfører at tungmetallbelastingen pr. dekar blir lik uavhengig av kvalitetsklasse. I tillegg har en foreslått at mengden av organiske avfallsprodukter må tilpasses plantenes behov for næringsstoffer. Det er derfor foreslått bruksbegrensninger ut fra nitrogen og fosforinnhold i tillegg til innhold av tungmetaller. Dessuten er det foreslått noen endringer i deklarasjonskravet for organisk gjødsel....