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Lokal verdiskaping basert på utmarka i verdsarvområda Vestlandsk fjordlandskap kan ikkje sjåast isolert, men er tett knytt til heile samfunnsutviklinga på desse stadene. Det tradisjonelle landbruket i desse områda har skapt verdfulle naturgode som biologisk mangfald, opne turområde med høg rekreasjonsverdi, turstiar og anna. Fleire av desse naturgoda er viktige for reiselivsnæringa. Kulturlandskapet er også viktig for verdsarvstatusen i seg sjølv, ettersom dette er ein viktig del av kjerneverdiane til området (OUV). Utviklinga i landbruket gjer at tungdrivne areal også i verdsarvområda går ut av bruk. Opphøyr eller låg bruksintensitet går spesielt ut over utmarksressursane og dei seminaturlege naturtypane. Utmarka i Geirangerfjordområdet er særleg trua, da tradisjonell bruk med beiting, slått og hausting no i stor grad har teke slutt, og naturtypane gror att med buskar og kratt. Gjengroing fører til tap avvariasjon, artar og økologiske funksjonar. Intensivering av landbruket vil også forringe naturverdiane og landskapskvalitetane. For at landbruket ikkje berre skal vere eit «kulisselandbruk», men vere del av eit berekraftig driftssystem, må tilgjengelege arealressursar på innmark og utmark nyttast til matproduksjon og andre livsviktige økosystemtenester. Gjeldande landbrukspolitikk, med mål om stordrift og effektivisering av matproduksjonen, er ei sterkare drivkraft enn dei tiltaka som er sett inn for å bremse og motverke at tungdrivne areal går ut av bruk i verdsarvområda. Den lokale turist- og reiselivsnæringa kan også hamne i noko av same marginaliserte situasjonen som landbruksnæringa fordi dei ikkje lenger er dei mest sentrale aktørane. Eksterne aktørar representert ved cruiseindustri, turbussar og storskala reisearrangørar er ofte i enda større grad premissleverandørar. Det trengs ei heilskapleg tilnærming for å løyse utfordringane. Ein prosess som forskyv maktbalansen frå eksterne aktørar innan masseturisme og i retning lokalt næringsliv og verdiskaping og som inkluderer innbyggjarane, krev nytenking, utvikling av nye forretningsmodellar og evne til gjennomføring gjennom demokratiske planprosessar. Av ulike konkrete verkemiddel som kan prøvast ut, men da helst som element i ein større endringsprosess, vil vi peike på særskilde landbrukspolitiske verkemiddel i retning sveitsisk modell, turistskatt, anna betaling for fellesgode og bygdeutviklingsprosjekt som kan gi auka tilflytting og ny næringsaktivitet. Dialog og partnarskapsbygging kan fremme ansvarleg medverknad.Forskingsbehova for verdsarvområda og tilsvarande område med store og unytta ressursar i utmarka er mange, og arbeidsgruppa si vurdering er summert og konkretisert i denne rapporten


The objective of this paper was to examine how cutting frequency, silage fermentation patterns and clover performance in grass-clover swards influence the use of inputs and profitability in an organic dairy system. A linear programming model was developed to compare a three-cut and a two-cut system for a model farm in Central Norway, either with restricted or extensive silage fermentation at low or high red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) proportion in the sward, giving 8 different silage types in all. Input-output relations incorporated into the model were derived from a meta-analysis of organic grassland field trials in Norway as well as a silage fermentation experiment, and with feed intakes and milk yields from simulations with the ‘TINE Optifôr’ feed ration planner in the Norfor feed evaluation system. The model maximized total gross margin of farms with 260,000 l milk quota and housing capacity for 45 cows, with separate model versions for each of the 8 silage types. Farmland availability varied from 30 to 70 ha with 40 ha as the basis. Our results suggested that farmland availability and marginal return of a competing barley crop profoundly influenced the profitability of the different silage types. A high clover proportion increased dry matter (DM) yields and was far more important for profitability than the score on the other factors considered at restricted land availabilities. Profits with the three-cut systems were always greater than those with the two-cut systems, the former being associated with greater silage intakes and improved dairy cow performances but lower DM forage yields. Three-cut systems were further favoured as land availability increased and also by a lower marginal return of barley. Although use of an acidifying silage additive improved feed intakes and milk production per cow, the practice reduced total milk production and depressed profit compared to untreated, extensively fermented silage at restrictive land availabilities. With more land available, and in particular at a low marginal return of barley, use of a silage additive was profitable.


En økning i karbonlagring i landbruksjord er angitt som et viktig klimatiltak både internasjonalt og i Norge. Tiltaket er godt begrunnet: Jorden inneholder to til tre ganger så mye karbon som atmosfæren, noe som innebærer at relative små endringer i innhold av karbon i jord kan ha betydelige effekter på CO2-innholdet i atmosfæren og det globale klimaet. Det er godt dokumentert at intensive jordbruksmetoder har ført til en reduksjon i jordkarbon og derfor ønskes det en reversering av denne trenden (dvs. økt karbonbinding i jord), som tiltak både for klima og matproduksjon. I denne rapporten er det gjort vurderinger av hvordan dette kan gjøres i Norge og hvilken klimaeffekt som kan oppnås...


Reindeer-train-collisions (RTC) are a challenge for Norwegian society and the northern Norwegian train company Bane NOR with regard to animal welfare, wildlife ecology, animal husbandry, reindeer herding and the working environment for train drivers and employees of Bane NOR. On behalf of Bane NOR the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) investigated putative technological solutions to improve RTCs. The study is a result of literature research, interviews with Bane NOR employees, reindeer herders, researchers, companies and road administration project leaders and an analysis of Bane NOR´s own database of animal-train-collisions. The RTC records of the last 11 years (jan 2008 – dec 2018) revealed that prioritizing preventive measures against collisions with female reindeer along the Saltfjellet region during winter, especially during the Arctic night, are most promising. This also happens to be the most damaging time of the year for reindeer herders as they struggle to find damaged animals in the dark. Expensive and timeconsuming search efforts are a major concern with regard to animal welfare. Additionally, damaged animals are often – if at all – found long after the accident and can not be brought into Connection with a specific RTC, i.e. the herders can not claim monetary compensation…….



Increasing species diversity often promotes ecosystem functions in grasslands, but sward diversity may be reduced over time through competitive interactions among species. We investigated the development of species’ relative abundances in intensively managed agricultural grassland mixtures over three years to identify the drivers of diversity change. A continental-scale field experiment was conducted at 31 sites using 11 different four-species mixtures each sown at two seed abundances. The four species consisted of two grasses and two legumes, of which one was fast establishing and the other temporally persistent. We modelled the dynamics of the four-species mixtures over the three-year period. The relative abundances shifted substantially over time; in particular, the relative abundance of legumes declined over time but stayed above 15% in year three at many sites. We found that species’ dynamics were primarily driven by differences in the relative growth rates of competing species and secondarily by density dependence and climate. Alongside this, positive diversity effects in yield were found in all years at many sites.


Weed suppression was investigated in a field experiment across 31 international sites. The study included 15 plant communities at each site, based on two grasses and two legumes, each sown in monoculture and 11 four-species mixtures varying in the relative proportions of the four species. At each site, one grass and one legume species was selected as fast establishing and the other two species were selected for persistence. Average weed biomass in mixtures over the whole experiment was 52% less (95% confidence interval, 30 to 75%) than in the most suppressive monoculture (transgressive suppression). Transgressive suppression of weed biomass persisted over each year for each mixture. Weed biomass was consistently low and relatively similar across all mixtures and years. Average sown species biomass was greater in all mixtures than in any monoculture. The suppressive effect of sown forage species on weeds in mixtures was achieved without any herbicide use. At each site, weed biomass for almost every mixture was lower than the average across the four monocultures. The average proportion of weed biomass in mixtures was less than in the most suppressive monoculture in two thirds of sites. Mixtures outyielded monocultures, and mixture yield comprised far lower weed biomass.

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Although pasture is low-cost feed, many farmers find it difficult to maintain high milk yield when using pasturefor high-yielding dairy cows in automatically milked herds. Therefore, a seven-week experiment with 40 cows inearly to mid-lactation was performed to evaluate a management model for including pasture in the diet withoutjeopardizing milk production. Within a part-time grazing system with morning and evening outdoor access, wecompared a group with ad libitum grass silage indoors combined with access to a small grass-covered permanentpaddock for exercise and recreation (group EX) with a group offered production pasture at a high allowance percow and day combined with restricted grass silage allowance at night (group PROD). Both groups had the sameoutdoor access times and the same concentrate allowance based on pre-experimental milk yield. Milk yield andmilking frequency were recorded daily in the automatic milking unit. Milk recordings and samplings for de-termination of milk composition took place weekly and outdoor behaviour of cows was recorded during pastureaccess hours on six observation days, evenly distributed over the experimental period. During the experiment,average metabolisable energy concentration was higher in the grass silage offered both groups than in pastureherbage. However, our results showed no significant difference in daily milk yield between treatments.Furthermore, no signifi cant differences between treatments were found in energy-corrected milk, milk fatproduction, or body weight change. Milk protein production was, however, significantly higher in group PROD.In early lactation, no difference in milking frequency was observed between treatments while for cows in mid- tolate lactation, milking frequency was significantly higher in group EX than group PROD. Over the entire ex-periment, group EX cows spent significantly less time outdoors than group PROD. In conclusion, offering highyielding dairy cows in automatic milking systems high-quality pasture at a high allowance for a few hours inmorning and afternoon appears to be an interesting alternative to exercise paddock with full indoor feeding, as itcan reduce costs for supplementary silage, facilitate natural behaviour, and encourage cows to spend more timeoutdoors, while maintaining milk production at a level comparable to that of full indoor feeding.