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In Norway, and many other countries, subsurface drainage systems are a necessity to practice agriculture. Drainage systems, through control of the groundwater level, have a direct influence on the soil moisture content. To facilitate tillage practices and harvesting depending on soil type, the soil moisture content has to be at 80 – 90% of the field capacity in the top 20 cm of the soil profile. The main objective was to get information about the half time , i.e. the time required to reduce the runoff to 50% of the runoff at the onset of a recession period. The average half time for the small field scale catchments varied from 6 – 16 hours, indicating a fast drawdown of the water Level. The analysis of subsurface drainage is carried out as part of IRIDA, an EU/JPI funded project.

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Crop growth and yield are affected by water use during the season: the green water footprint (WF) accounts for rain water, the blue WF for irrigation and the grey WF for diluting agri-chemicals. We calibrated crop yield for FAO’s water balance model “Aquacrop” at field level. We collected weather, soil and crop inputs for 45 locations for the period 1992–2012. Calibrated model runs were conducted for wheat, barley, grain maize, oilseed rape, potato and sugar beet. The WF of cereals could be up to 20 times larger than the WF of tuber and root crops; the largest share was attributed to the green WF. The green and blue WF compared favourably with global benchmark values (R2 = 0.64–0.80; d = 0.91–0.95). The variability in the WF of arable crops across different regions in Europe is mainly due to variability in crop yield (cv = 45%) and to a lesser extent to variability in crop water use (cv = 21%). The WF variability between countries (cv = 14%) is lower than the variability between seasons (cv = 22%) and between crops (cv = 46%). Though modelled yields increased up to 50% under sprinkler irrigation, the water footprint still increased between 1% and 25%. Confronted with drainage and runoff, the grey WF tended to overestimate the contribution of nitrogen to the surface and groundwater. The results showed that the water footprint provides a measurable indicator that may support European water governance.


The determination of environmentally minimum water level in lakes is essential for the protection of their ecosystems. The assessment of minimum water level depends on a number of biotic and abiotic factors of the lake ecosystem; however, in many cases these factors are not easy to collect and assess in their entirety. At the same time, the lakes in many cases consist an important water reserve to meet the requirements arising from economic activities, e.g. industry, agriculture. In this paper, the morphological features in four lakes – Vegoritida, Petron, Cheimaditida and Zazari – of Northern Greece are analysed in order to assess their environmentally minimum water level. The morphological analysis is based on the relationship of the lake surface area and volume with the water level. An optimization method is applied taking into account that the biodiversity is favoured as the surface area covered by the lake is increased and the human water requirements are satisfied to the greatest possible extent by the available water volume of the lake. The environmentally minimum water level determined by the morphological analysis in the four lakes is compared with the minimum water level based on the analysis of the requirements of fish fauna and macrophytes.


Rapporten gir resultatene av en multiparameteranalyse av vannkjemi (næringsstoffer og suspendert sediment) og om lag 20 ulike feltkarakteristika i leirvassdrag. Korrelasjonsmatrisene viser at det i overveiende grad er leirdekningsgrad som påvirker fosfornivået i skogsvassdrag, og leirdekningsgrad sammen med andel jordbruksareal i vassdrag med jordbruksaktivitet i nedbørfeltet. Resultatene er av betydning for gjennomføringen av vannforskriften, og er benyttet som grunnlag for anbefalinger om referansetilstand i leirvassdrag.

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Rapporten gir resultater fra overvåkingen av Vansjø, Bindingsvann, Langen, Våg, Mjær og Sæbyvannet, samt i elver og bekker i vannområde Morsa i perioden 1. november 2015 – 31. oktober 2016. Resultatene inkluderer oversikter over konsentrasjoner av næringsstoffer og suspendert sediment i alle stasjoner, samt tarmbakterier i elver og bekker, og klorofyll og algetellinger i innsjøer. Et infoark som er satt inn bakerst i rapporten oppsummerer resultatene.......