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Monitoring the extent to which invasive alien species (IAS) negatively impact the environment is crucial for understanding and mitigating biological invasions. Indeed, such information is vital for achieving Target 6 of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. However, to-date indicators for tracking the environmental impacts of IAS have been either lacking or insufficient. Capitalizing on advances in data availability and impact assessment protocols, we developed environmental impact indicators to track realized and potential impacts of IAS. We also developed an information status indicator to assess the adequacy of the data underlying the impact indicators. We used data on 75 naturalized amphibians from 82 countries to demonstrate the indicators at a global scale. The information status indicator shows variation in the reliability of the data and highlights areas where absence of impact should be interpreted with caution. Impact indicators show that growth in potential impacts are dominated by predatory species, while potential impacts from both predation and disease transmission are distributed worldwide. Using open access data, the indicators are reproducible and adaptable across scales and taxa and can be used to assess global trends and distributions of IAS, assisting authorities in prioritizing control efforts and identifying areas at risk of future invasions.


Organisk materiale i jord er den primære næringskilden til alt jordliv. Høyt innhold av organisk materiale gir høy mikrobiell aktivitet som bidrar til god jordhelse. Dette kan ha hemmende effekt på plantesjukdommer som forårsakes av smitte via jord. Innhold av organisk materiale i jord og mikrobiell aktivitet påvirkes av dyrkingssystem, jordtype, lokalitet og klima.

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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) refers to the integration of all available techniques for control of diseases, harmful insects and weeds and keep the use of pesticides to levels that are economically justified and environmentally sustainable (FAO, 2016). In compliance with regulations 2009/128/EU and 2009/1107/EU, the five Nordic countries, UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal and Italy have all imposed strict regulations on pesticide use (STERF, 2016). In this context, a main challenge for golf courses is to secure high-quality playing conditions for current and future generations while at the same time reducing the dependency on chemical plant protection products. IPM has for many years been one of STERF’s highest research priorities with a focus on: Evaluation and management of turfgrass species, varieties and mixtures to create more disease resistant, stress tolerant and weed-competitive turf (i); Identification and understanding the biology and proliferation of harmful organisms in turf (ii) Safer and more efficient use of pesticides (including reduced risk for surface runoff and leaching to the environment (http://www.sterf.org/sv/projects/project-list?pid=12) (iii). Due to common EU directives, global warming and other reasons, golf courses in other parts of Northern Europe mostly experience the same IPM challenges as in the Nordic countries. This project addresses UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 12, 13 and 15 as described by R&A and STERF in ‘Golf Course Scandinavia 2030’. It is also a direct follow-up of R&A’s GC2030 ‘Action Plans for ‘Golf Course Condition and Playability’ (1) and ‘Resources’ which request projects that identify alternative approaches to pesticide use and discuss their efficacy (2). The overall goal of this project was to investigate cultural practices and new technologies for prevention and control of the two most important and destructive turfgrass diseases on golf course putting greens - microdochium patch and dollar spot, and to get insight on situation and methods for prevention and control of insect pests on golf courses with a minimum use of pesticides in the Nordic countries.


I 2024 går fangstene av granbarkbille ned i alle fylker unntatt Telemark, Sør-Trøndelag og Nordland. Årets fangster er høyest i Telemark og Buskerud. I Telemark er fangstene de høyeste siden det store granbarkbilleutbruddet som startet midt på 1970-tallet. I Buskerud synker fangstene fra i fjor, men ligger fremdeles på et forholdsvis høyt nivå historisk sett. I Oppland går fangstene betydelig ned fra det historiske toppåret 2023, men holder seg på et middels høyt nivå. For Sør-Norge sett under ett ligger årets fangster litt over gjennomsnittet for de siste 46 årene. De forholdsvis høye fangstene i Buskerud og Oppland er trolig en forsinket respons på stormfellingene i november 2021, siden kommuner som ble hardt rammet av 2021-stormen har spesielt høye fangster. I tillegg til høye fangster rapporteres det i 2024 om angrep på stående skog i områder som hadde mye vindfelt skog etter 2021-stormen. Mange av disse skaderapportene dreier seg trolig om trær som ble angrepet av biller i 2023 eller året før, men som først viser tydelige symptomer i år. Årets barkbillesesong var preget av at mai var svært tørr og varm mange steder, mens resten av sommeren var til dels svært våt med normale eller litt lave temperaturer. Det varme været i mai sammenfaller med den viktigste fluktperioden til granbarkbillen og var dermed gunstig for billenes flukt og egglegging. Det varme og tørre været i mai kan også ha stresset granskogen og gjort trærne mindre motstandsdyktige mot barkbilleangrep. Det fuktige været resten av sommeren har trolig vært positivt for trærne og noe negativt for billene. Samlet sett var trolig værforholdene i 2024-sesongen forholdsvis gunstige for billene. Beregninger fra en temperaturbasert utviklingsmodell indikerer at granbarkbillen per 17. september kan ha rukket å gjennomføre to generasjoner i området rundt Oslofjorden, langs sørlandskysten og i lavereliggende dalstrøk lengre inn i landet. Disse modellresultatene betyr ikke nødvendigvis at billene gjennomførte to generasjoner i 2024, men at disse områdene har vært tilstrekkelig varme til at det har vært mulig.


Mountain areas in Norway provide important resources for livestock grazing. These resources are crucial for agricultural production in a country with limited agricultural land and a climate and topography that restrict production of feed and food. A key contributor in the harvest of these resources has been mountain summer farming and outfield grazing in general. However, the use of mountainous grazing resources has been declining strongly for several decades with the regrowth of formerly open areas as a consequence. In contrast, recreational use, number of holiday cabins and associated infrastructure is rapidly increasing. Conflicts between recreational and agriculture use have received increasing attention in different media. We investigated the spatial patterns of cabin development and key grazing areas in Norwegian mountain areas, analysing data on livestock, cabins, and associated infrastructure. We found a large number of cabins and associated infrastructure within high-quality grazing areas indicating that the quality of grazing has not been adequately considered in the location of new cabins. Taking into consideration that cabin development seems not to decrease, the reduced availability of grazing resources may result in an increasing level of conflict and also impact food security in the long run.


Here you will find 40 articles from the past year, providing a glimpse into the vast array of professional activities at NIBIO. These articles can be considered as samples from our extensive portfolio, which includes around 1500 ongoing projects across our five specialised divisions.