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Winter dormancy reduces or inhibits totally the growth ability of buds. Dormancy release and budburst in Scandinavian Betula pendula Roth. and B. pubescens Ehrh. ecotypes were studied in controlled environments. There was a gradual decline in the heat-sum requirement for budburst with increasing chilling time. Two main clines in time of dormancy release appeared in ecotypes of different geographic origin, a latitudinal cline and a coastal-inland cline in which the duration of dormancy increased southwards and towards the coast. In addition, dormancy was later alleviated in high-altitude than in lowland B. pubescens ecotypes. In late autumn, after 44 chilling days, time to budburst at 15C was less in plants chilled at 0C than in plants chilled at 10C, indicating that 0C was most effective for dormancy release. In January, after 105 chilling days, however, dormancy release was completed, and budburst was earliest in plants chilled at 10C. At this stage there were no detectable differences in effectiveness between fluctuating and corresponding constant temperatures (6 to 21C) in promoting growth and budburst in B. pubescens. Long photoperiods significantly reduced time to budburst in partly dormant buds, but had no effect when dormancy was fully released


In the Apelsvoll cropping system experiment, the productivity, environmental side-effects and farm economy of the following six cropping systems are investigated: conventional arable (CON-A), integrated arable (INT-A), ecological arable (ECO-A), conventional forage (CON-F), integrated forage (INT-F) and ecological forage (ECO-F). Each system, which have eight year rotations, is established on model farms of 0.2 ha each. Presented here are the yield results of the first crop rotation period. The average grain yields of barley in the systems INT-A, ECO-A, CON-F, INT-F and ECO-F were 85, 66, 95, 76 and 67%, respectively, of  the CON-A system. Wheat grain yields showed an even greater yield reduction with ecological as compared to conventional cropping than barley, while a mixture of oats and peas gave higher yield than barley in ecological cropping. The grain protein content and grain size in ecologically grown wheat were lower than in conventionally grown wheat. Both for potatoes, root and forage crops, the yield reduction incurred by integrated and ecological cropping was smaller than for cereals, and it is concluded that, with regard to yields, a change from conventional to integrated or ecological cropping is easier to achieve in mixed farming systems with livestock than in arable farming systems without livestock. For cereals there tended to be a positive yield effect going from single (ARABLE) to mixed (FORAGE) cropping systems. Otherwise, the yield relations between individual crops and between cropping systems were fairly stable during this eight year cropping period, and it is postulated that, under most Norwegian conditions, the yields with integrated and ecological cropping will stabilise at a significantly lower level than the yields obtained formerly with conventional farming.


Planteforsk Njøs undersøkte i 1998 årsaker til fråsortering i frukt av fleire sortar av eple, pære og plomme frå nokre hagar med økologisk drift i Sogn og Fjordane


Flere faktorer som har betydning for avlingsnivået blir analysert og omtalt. Avlingsnivået i Norge i forhold til utlandet, og framtiden for norsk korndyrking blir også diskutert.