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Aluminium (Al) has been considered to be a central element for risk evaluation of forest damage due to acidification. It has been hypothesised that Al reduces root growth, nutrient uptake and forest vitality. However, forest monitoring studies fail to show correlations between soil acidification and forest health. In general, no direct relation between Al concentration and forest health has been established. Here, Al concentrations in soil solution were manipulated by weekly additions of dilute AlCl3 to levels that are believed to be unfavorable for plant growth. Four treatments (in triplicate) including a reference and three Al addition levels were established. Effects of enhanced Al concentrations on fine root growth, nutrient uptake and crown condition in a mature Norway spruce forest in Norway were tested (1996-1999). After three years of manipulation, crown condition, tree growth and fine root growth were not affected by potentially toxic Al concentrations. However, the Mg content in current year\"s needles decreased at the highest Al addition treatment. The Mg/Al ratio of fine roots of the same treatment had declined too, which suggests that Al blocked Mg uptake at the root surface. The manipulation will be continued for two more years.


Forsøk har vist at testlagring kan gi uttrykk for lagringsevnen hos ulike parti av kepaløk. Det ble tatt ut 100 løk i hver testprøve. Uttak for vurdering av råte ble gjort like etter at løken var ferdig tørket. Denne testløken ble vurdert i desember. Løk for vurdering av groing ble tatt ut fra løkpartiene i desember og lagret ved 20oC til første halvdel av mars. Kvile i løken gjør at en ikke kan vente utslag for groing tidligere.


Six sites for forest ecosystem monitoring were established to perform a long-term study of effects of air pollution on pine forest ecosystems along a pollution gradient in the border areas between Norway and Russia. The main pollution source is a nickel smelter.Several methods and analyses were used to investigate different compartments of this northern boreal forest ecosystem. The differences in ecological condition and diversity observed among the research sites are probably due to the air pollution load in the area. The elevated concentrations of Ni and Cu detected in plant tissues, the reduced lichen vegetation on stems and on the forest floor, and the reduced or absent moss vegetation are the most obvious impacts in the investigated area.