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Juletreproduksjon er et godt alternativ for bønder som er på jakt etter nye produksjoner. Dersom juletrenæringen skal kunne utvikle seg i Norge, må en bruke dyrka jord, ellers kan en ikke konkurre med dansk produksjon.


Glen Ample er den beste sorten i et pågående sortsforsøk i bringebær: I hageblåbær har flere sorter brukbart resultat, men de nye australske sortene Birgitta Blue og Blue Rose modner for seint, og blir ike modne hvert år på friland. Artikkelen omtaler også teknikker for å dyrke bringebær, bjørnebær og hageblåbær dyrket i kar under klimaregulerte forhold


Several studies conclude that sun-exposed habitats with sufficient supply of dead wood are essential for many saproxylic and mycetophagous beetle species in forests. This has induced Scandinavian foresters to leave artificial tall stumps on clear-cuts in spruce forests.In the present study of Norway spruce forest, habitat preferences during flight were studied for saproxylic and mycetophagous beetles recorded as sporocarp-visitors of Fomitopsis pinicola and Fomes fomentarius, using 690 randomly placed window traps in 69 sites covering three forest types: clear-cuts, young and oldgrowth stands.Many of the sporocarp-visitors showed a strong preference for oldgrowth forest, avoiding clear-cuts and young replantations. By stepwise linear multiple regression, presence of canopy cover appeared as a major factor while variables associated with sporocarps and dead wood were most often secondary in importance. The results indicate that sufficient canopy cover is important for many sporocarp-visiting beetles in Norway spruce forests

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In this article, we present an empirical account of how the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), as an intergovernmental body, has changed after being referred to in the SPS Agreement of the WTO as the reference point for the elaboration of international food standards. We explore key issues that have recently been discussed in the Codex and which may have a significant impact on international food trade. Further, we develop a theoretical framework based on two alternative versions of institutional theory. We then analyze the observed changes of the role and functioning of Codex from these frameworks. Our conclusion is that a logic of consequences prevails over a logic of appropriateness in explaining nation-state behavior in an international context. Finally, our study of the Codex recognizes the importance of identifying the core interests of states, their strategic use of arguments based on these interests, as well as the institutional framework that affects them.


Cereal cyst nematodes (CCN), Heterodera spp., are common pests of cereal crops in Norway. Fifteen populations were investigated morphologically, through biotests, and through electrophoretic studies, using isoelectric focusing and silver staining of proteins. In the biotest the populations were grouped by their virulence on barley differentials (resistance genes) Varde (Rha), Emir (Rha"E"), Ortolan (Rha1), KVL 191 (Rha2), Siri (Rha2) and Morocco C.I. 3902 (Rha3). Eleven populations expressed themselves as H. avenae pathotype Ha11. These were all fairly similar morphologically and electrophoretically. The biotest further suggested two populations belonging to pathotype Ha12. One of them was morphologically and electrophoretically similar to H. avenae; the other different in both respects, indicating a possible undescribed species. Two other populations appeared to be H. filipjevi, pathotype `West". One population under study was different in all aspects, morphologically, in the biotest and biochemically. Earlier studies in Norway have also indicated the occurrence of CCN pathotype Ha51. Thus, the situation in Norway regarding the CCN is very complicated.


Phytopththora infestans is an important pathogen on potato and tomato in Vietnam during the winter season. There are no earlier reports on studies of P. infestans populations in this country. During January 2002 leaf samples were collected from potato and tomato in three provinces in north of Vietnam; Lao Cai, Hanoi and Hai Phong. About 120 pure isolates were obtained. Results from testing of these isolates for mating type, metalaxyl resistance and mitochondrial DNA haplotype will be presented.