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Hege HovdSammendrag
Mange planter og dyr som fantes i det tradisjonelle jordbrukslandskapet har mista sine leveområder på grunn av forandringer i driftsmåter i jordbruket. Noen av disse artene kan overleve i forskjellige kanter, som for eksempel eng- og åkerkanter, vegkanter og kanter langs elver, bekker og vatn. Kantene kan være viktige leveområder for både planter, sopp, insekter, fugler og smådyr, og de kan fungere som nettverk ved spredning og forflytning av planter og dyr i landskapet. I dagens jordbrukslandskap har derfor kantene en viktig rolle med hensyn til det biologiske mangfoldet. Innholdet i denne artikkelen ble presentert på Kvithamardagene 2004.
K.R. RobertsenSammendrag
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Peder Gjerdrum Olav HøibøSammendrag
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Peder Gjerdrum Olav Albert HøibøSammendrag
Automatic heartwood detection will improve the ability to produce timber of prescribed properties and increase sawmill revenues. In fresh crosscuts, evaporation cools the surface more in the moist sapwood than in the drier heartwood areas.In this semi-industrial investigation, infrared exposures of 180 pine sawlogs were analysed. An algorithm was established to determine the heartwood diameter fraction in a digital temperature profile through the crosscut. Top end heartwood diameter could then be computed automatically by multiplying top end diameter (measured by a traditional log scanner) with the heartwood fraction calculated from an infrared exposure taken at an arbitrary end.The temperature gradient between the heart- and sapwood indicated the accuracy of the method. A promising application would be to use the heartwood fraction to estimate mean annual ring width and other related wood properties, and to use the temperature gradient to indicate the log freshness.
K.R. RobertsenSammendrag
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O. NordalSammendrag
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Magne SætersdalSammendrag
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M.T. Sebastià A. Lüscher J Connolly R.P Collins I. Delgado A. De Vliegher P. Evans M. Fothergill B. Frankow-Lindberg A. Helgadóttir C Iliadis Marit Jørgensen Z Kad\"iuliene O. Nissinen D. Nyfeler C. PorquedduSammendrag
A common experiment was established in 39 sites in Europe, Australia and Canada within Working Group 2 of COST action 852 to 1) assess the benefits of grass / legume mixtures over monocultures, 2) test their stability and 3) evaluate the consistency of the observed patterns over broad environmental gradients. Results of the first harvest from 12 sites covering a North-South gradient from Iceland to Spain suggest that mixing grasses and legumes enhances productivity and increases the stability of the sward by reducing weed invasion. Mixing fast- and slow-growing grasses was found to provide yield benefits in a few sites, but mixing fast- and slow-growing legumes did not produce any effect. Effects of fast- and slow-growing species are expected to become more important over time, when succession of the species may increase the stability of the mixtures. The emerging patterns were quite consistent and, due to the large environmental gradient taken into account in this study, they are considered to be reliable.
G.T. Slavov G.T. Howe Igor A. Yakovlev K.J. Edwards K.V. Krutovskii G.A. Tuskan J.E. Carlson Steven H. Strauss W.T. AdamsSammendrag
Twenty-two highly variable SSR markers were developed in Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] from five SSR-enriched genomic libraries. Fifteen PCR primer pairs amplified a single codominant locus, while seven primer pairs occasionally amplified two loci. The Mendelian inheritance of all 22 SSRs was confirmed via segregation analyses in several Douglas-fir families. The mean observed heterozygosity and the mean number of alleles per locus were 0.855 (SE=0.020) and 23 (SE=1.6), respectively. Twenty markers were used in genetic linkage analysis and mapped to ten known linkage groups. Because of their high polymorphism and unambiguous phenotypes, 15 single-locus markers were selected as the most suitable for DNA fingerprinting and parentage analysis. Only three SSRs were sufficient to achieve an average probability of exclusion from paternity of 0.998 in a Douglas-fir seed orchard block consisting of 59 parents.