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Med utgangspunkt i de meterologiske målingene på værstasjonen til Planteforsk Landvik i Grimstad gir artikkelen en oversikt over været i 2003. Målingene viste at årsmiddeltemperaturen for 2003 var 7.7oC. Dette er 0.8oC over normalen på 6.9oC, og dermed det sjuende varmeste året siden målingene starta i på Landvik i 1957. Bare månedene januar, mai og oktober hadde middeltemperatur under normalen. De resterende ni månedene var varmere enn normalt. I løpet av året 2003 kom det totalt 1100 mm nedbør. Dette er elleve prosent mindre enn årsnormalen på 1230 mm.


NIJOS driver et nasjonalt program for registrering av tilstand og endring i jordbrukets kulturlandskap. Programmet er basert på kartlegging og statistiske analyser av et representativt utvalg jordbrukslandskap som dekker hele landet. Tilstandsregistreringen skal gjentas hvert femte år. Resultatene fra overvåkingen presenteres som et sett av indikatorer som beskriver tilstand til landskapets arealstruktur, biologisk mangfold, kulturminner og tilgjengelighet. Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal, og Sør-Trøndelag.


NIJOS driver et nasjonalt program for registrering av tilstand og endring i jordbrukets kulturlandskap. Programmet er basert på kartlegging og statistiske analyser av et representativt utvalg jordbrukslandskap som dekker hele landet. Tilstandsregistreringen skal gjentas hvert femte år. Resultatene fra overvåkingen presenteres som et sett av indikatorer som beskriver tilstand til landskapets arealstruktur, biologisk mangfold, kulturminner og tilgjengelighet. Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra Buskerud, Telemark, Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder og Rogaland.

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Denne rapporten er første trykte utgave av 3Q Instruks for flybildetolking. Den har foreligget som internt dokument siden 1998. Instruksen gir detaljerte regler for avgrensing og figurering av areal, linjeelement og punktobjekt som tolkes fra flybilder i målestokk 1:12.500 på 1 km² store 3Q-flater i jordbrukets kulturlandskap. Arealklassifikasjonen er bygd opp hierarkisk, med 3 nivå. I alt er 94 ulike arealtyper definert på nivå 3.

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The level of support to Norwegian agriculture is partly justified with reference to agriculture’s multifunctionality. The concept of multifunctionality involves the provision of so-called “public goods» by agriculture, in addition to the production of food and fibre. Examples of these public goods include cultural landscape, biodiversity, ecological functions, cultural heritage, the viability of rural areas, and food security. The overall aim of the research project “Operationalization of multifunctionality using the CAPRI modeling system» is to study the effects of policy instruments on agriculture’s multifunctionality by defining quantitative indicators for selected elements of agriculture’s multifunctionality that can be implemented in the agricultural sector model CAPRI. This working paper takes a first step towards the appropriate regionalization when multifunctionality is concerned. The current regionalization of the CAPRI model is at the county level. This approach fails when multifunctionality is concerned, because many issues of multifunctionaliy (e.g., cultural landscape aspects) are independent of administrative borders at that level. As the aim of the overall project is to study the effects of policy instruments on agriculture’s multifunctionality, it is important to design regions within the CAPRI model that to a greater extent exhibit similar characteristics with respect to aspects of agriculture’s multifunctionality. Accordingly, it is reasonable to assume that policy changes will have quite similar effects on the multifunctionality indicators within each of these CAPRI regions. This task has been addressed by performing a cluster analysis by which Norwegian municipalities have been grouped with respect to their performance on variables that are expected to describe different aspects of the multifunctionality of agriculture. This information will then later on be used to regionalize the CAPRI model accordingly. […]


Maturation and release of ascospores of Venturia inaequalis was assessed at Geneva and Highland, New York; and at Durham, NH. Airborne ascospore dose was monitored at each location by volumetric spore traps. Maturation and discharge of ascospores at each location was also assessed by microscopic examination of crushed pseudothecia (squash mounts). Additional assessments were made at New York locations to quantify release from leaf disks collected weekly from orchards (discharge tests). Finally, ascospore maturity was estimated for each location by a degree-day model developed in an earlier study. Ascospore maturation and release as measured by squash mounts and discharge tests lagged significantly behind cumulative ascospore release as determined by volumetric spore traps. The mean date of 98% ascospore discharge as determined by squash mounts or discharge tests occurred from 20-30 days after the mean date on which cumulative ascospore release had been detected by volumetric traps. Cumulative ascospore maturity estimated by the degree-day model was highly correlated (r2 = 0.82) with observed cumulative ascospore release as monitored by the volumetric traps. Although large differences between predicted maturity and observed discharge were common during the exponential phase of ascospore development (125 to 350 degree days after the occurrence of the green tip stage of apple fruit buds), the date of 98% cumulative ascospore maturity predicted by the model was generally within 1 to 9 calendar days of the date of 98% cumulative ascospore release as determined by the volumetric traps. Cumulative ascospore discharge as monitored by the volumetric traps always exceeded 98% at 600 degree days after green tip. Estimating the relative quantity of primary inoculum indirectly by means of a degree-day model was more closely aligned with observed ascospore release, as measured by volumetric traps, than actual assessments of ascospore maturity and discharge obtained through squash mounts and discharge tests.