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Yields of dry matter (DM) and water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) were determined in two varieties (AberDart and Fennema) of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) grown in small-plot field experiments at a total of nine sites in Norway, Sweden, Germany, UK and Ireland. AberDart, which had been bred to accumulate high levels of WSC and Fennema, which was a standard variety which accumulates normal levels of WSC, were investigated in a three- or four-cut silage system in the first year of ley. Trials were established in 2000 or 2001. Compared to Fennema, AberDart had significantly lower total DM yields at five sites and a significantly greater DM yield at one site. A strong interaction (p


Improved infrastructure in the last two decades has greatly enhanced access to markets for agricultural producers of the Mid-hills of Central Nepal. This coupled with the rising human and livestock populations (the hills accommodating the major proportion of the national population) resulted in the need to increase agricultural production. There is today little room for expansion of agricultural land in the quest to increase production. Increased production must therefore take the form of increased production per unit area (2-3 crops per unit area per annum, instead of 1). A prerequisite to achieving this is that nutriens that are removed be replaced, and the challenges posed by pests and diseases must be overcome. This is again achived by increased use of agro-chemicals, which may have detrimental effects on the environment. Mid-hill regions of Nepal which are very vulnerable to erosion are facing substantially increased human and livestock population pressures leading to intensification of land use, particulary that of agriculture and animal husbandry. Since the hills are at the head-reach of the country"s large river basins, any ernvironmental problem originating there swiftly embraces entire basins and watersheds. Unsustainable practices have led to land and forest degradation, soil erosion, fertility decline, and water quality/supply issues, which are now identified to be among the most serious environmental priorities facing Nepal. Hence, there is an urgent need to address the issues of soil productivity loss and water contamination by eroded sediment and agro-chemicals. The use of agro-chemicals in intensive agriculture is aimed at increasing production and thereby improved socio-economics conditions. However, the indiscriminate use of diverse dypes of pesticides and the exposure of the farmers to these raises a number of questions relating to safety and health. Produce contamination is also another aspect which needs to be addressed. The present 3-year study, which is implemented by Kathmandu University, coordinated by Jordforsk, and with the collaboration of Noragric, aims to provide: - a clearer understanding of the potentially adverse impacts that intensification of agriculture may have on soil fertility, crop productivity and soil erosion in the mid-hills of Nepal; - insights into the effects of intensive farming on water quality and possible option to mitigate adverse impacts; - improved understanding of how market forces and external interventions may impacy socio-economic development of rural communities and factors motivating farmers to adopt intensive production systems in the mid-hills; and - Useful policy formulation and implementation guidelines and tools for rapid assessment of land use and agricultural impacts on soil and water quality and on environment and human health. The first year of the project has been completed putting in place a solid basis for the achivement of the set objectives, among others: - Literature review completed; - Collection of biophysical and socioeconomic baseline data completed; - Establishment of field plots have been completed - Four M.Sc and one Ph.D students have been enrolled; - Incorporation of agricultural intensification into the M.Sc.Env.Course at Kathmandu Univ.; - Lab improvement through the procurement of atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS); - Strong involvement of local population through frequent participation in training workshops. However, due to the political situation of the country, it may be difficult to guarantee unproblematic visits to the selected watersheds and the smooth interaction with the local population.


Agroforestry i Trøndelag, lauvtrevirke, beiteplanter, landskapsopplevelse, forskningas oppgave, Planteforsk Kvithamar


Når den årvisse, hektiske perioden med hausting og sal av juletre, kristtorn og diverse klyppegrønt er tilbakelagt, er det viktig at ein ikkje gløymer felta resten av vinteren. For å redusera angrep av sopp og skadedyr, er det fleire arbeidsoppgåver som kan utførast før vekstsesongen tek til, spesielt rydding og diverse skjering. Frå februar/mars og fram til skyting er det ofte tørt og kaldt og difor minimal fare for å få soppinfeksjon i sårflater etter skjering.


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