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The strategy to mitigate phosphorus (P) losses in areas of arable cropping in Norway has focused on measures to reduce erosion. Risk assessment of erosion has formed the basis for implementation of measures. The soil P content has increased during the last decades motivating an evaluation of its effect on P transfer in the landscape. The present study describes the spatial variability of runoff P concentrations from an agricultural dominated catchment (4.5 km2) representative for agriculture in south-eastern Norway. The concentrations of suspended sediments (SS), total P (TP) and dissolved reactive P (DRP) in runoff from 22 subcatchments (0.3 "263 ha) during one year (monthly and during runoff-events) were evaluated. Contributions from point sources were 38 kg TP yr-1 compared to a total P loss of 685 kg yr-1 from the whole catchment. During low flow, mean diffuse TP concentration in runoff from subcatchments varied from 28 to 382 µg L-1. The mean low flow TP concentration was 39 µg L-1 from the housing area (only diffuse runoff) and 33 µg L-1 from the forested area. During high flow the highest diffuse TP concentration was measured in an area with high erosion risk and high soil P status. At the subcatchment level the transfer of SS varied from 25 to 175% of the whole catchment SS transfer. Correspondingly for TP, the transfer varied from 50 to 260% of the whole catchment TP transfer. For each of five agricultural subcatchments the slope of the relationship between TP and SS concentrations reflected the mean soil P status of the subcatchment. Erosion risk estimates were closely related to the SS concentration (R2 = 0.83). The study illustrates that soil P status in addition to soil erosion are important factors for P transfer.


Statens vegvesen har besluttet å etablere feltmålinger langs riksvei 356 på strekningen mellom Kilebygda og rierfjorden. Veien er ikke saltet tidligere. Planen er å starte med konvensjonell salting (NaCl) inneværende inter (2006/2007). Veien vil saltes fram til Gislesjøvegen. Fra og med vinteren 2007/2008 vil alternative visningskjemikalier bli utprøvd. Dette notatet oppsummerer det vi ble enige om på feltbefaringen 13.10.2006 vor Pål Rosland (Statens vegdirektorat), Torbjørn Haglund, Hans Sandland (begge fra Statens vegvesen, region ør), og undertegnede deltok. I tillegg har jeg tatt med enkelte momenter som har kommet fram i diskusjoner ed Vegdirektoratet. Det viktigste er at vi har prioritert ned to av de minst tilfredsstillende prøvepunktene. I tedet foreslår vi å komplettere målingene i og langs Bolvikelva noe. Jeg har også konsultert eksperter fra ioforsk Jord og miljø. Deres betenkninger er også tatt med nedenfor.


Split nitrogen (N) application to seed crops of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) was evaluated in twenty field trials, eleven in the South-Norwegian cultivar "Grindstad" (origin 59oN) and nine in the North-Norwegian cultivar "Vega" (origin 67oN) in Southeast (58-61ºN) and Central (63-64ºN) Norway during 1998-2000. Three N rates (25, 50 or 75 kg N ha-1) at the start of growth were combined with four N rates (0, 25, 50 or 75 kg N ha-1) at the start of tiller elongation (Z 31). On average for all trials, the highest seed yield was obtained when a total rate of 75 kg N ha-1 was split into a main application of 50 kg N ha-1 at the start of growth and a supplemental application of 25 kg N ha-1 at Z 31. In both cultivars, the optimal N rate at Z 31 was uncorrelated with soil mineral N (NO3 + NH4) in early spring and only weakly correlated (r2=0.16-0.17, P%=2-5) with the N concentration of aboveground plant material at Z 31. In "Grindstad", a better correlation (r2=0.46, P%


Melk er i utgangspunktet fri for sporer. Så lenge den befinner seg i juret, er den helt sporefri. Den direkte overføringa av sporer til melka skjer via skitne jur under melking, men innholdet i fôret er viktigste smittekilde.