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Frå og med 2004 vart det krav om å bruka økologisk frø i økologisk produksjon. Dette gjeld og for urter, og spørsmålet er om vi kan få fram sortar som eignar seg i norsk klima. Så langt ser det ut som det vil vera mogeleg å få fram sortar av sar, dill, kryddersalvie og sitronmelisse.


Så langt ser det ut som det vil vera mogeleg å få fram frø i Norge av sortar i dei eittårige vekstrane sar og dill. For  fleirårige kryddervokstrar vil dette også vera mogeleg for kryddersalvie og sitronmelisse. For bergmynte bør vi satsa på den som er tilpassa vårt klima.


I flere studier fra og med 1998 har vi studert vitalitet,  avlingspotensial og fysiologisk alder hos  settepoteter dyrket under ulike klimabetingelser både i klimarom og felt. Artikkelen gir en oversikt over resultatene.


This analysis is based on climatic data and increment cores from about 550 Forest officers from latitude 58-70N and longitude 6-18E. The strength of the data is the high number of plots scattering over most of the Norway spruce forest area in Norway. Tree ring-widths were transformed to ring indices to remove age disturbances and strengthen the climatic signal on the tree growth.We used regression analyses to examine the annually growth responses of these ring indices against 42 monthly climatic variables. The climatic variables we used were mean month temperature, precipitation and Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) with a range from previous year July to current years August.The results showed some correlations of climate on growth, with the June weather as most important. The most important variable in the lowlands (altitude 500 m) of southeastern Norway was the June precipitation, and the June temperature in the rest of the country.


This study is based on data from the Level I and from forest Officers plots. We combined three sets of data on growth, deposition and soil chemistry, totally 204 plots in south-eastern and mid-Norway. As response variable we used observed growth in % of estimated growth calculated from standard Norwegian growth models. In this way we filtered out the influence of site and stand properties as this were included in the model.The dependent deposition variable used was the N deposition from the national air and precipitation monitoring program. The dependent soil chemistry variables were N, C/N ratio, base saturation, pH, Al, and Ca/Al ratio. Soil chemistry variables should reflect the properties that most likely are influenced by S and N deposition, and that could influence the trees in the hypothesised ways.We used analyses of covariance as statistical method. Growth was positively correlated to nitrogen deposition and to soil nitrogen, and negatively correlated to the C/N ratio in the soil. Also, nitrogen deposition was positively correlated to soil nitrogen and negatively to soil C/N.It was concluded that N deposition probably has increased N availability and thereby growth in southernmost Norway with an order of magnitude around 25%. There were no relationships between growth and the soil acidification variables pH, base saturation, Al concentration or Ca/Al-ratio, and we concluded that no evidence for negative effects of soil acidification on forest growth was found.