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Organic farmers are often advised to plough shallowly (<15 cm) in order to optimise nutrient turnover and to promote the activity of soil biota, but deeper for better control of perennial weeds. Different ploughing depths (13 vs 25 cm) had minor effects on decomposition rate of barley straw and earthworm activity in the decomposing straw when using a light tractor (2 and 4 Mg). However, different burying depths (13 vs 25 cm) of barley straw had some important effects on decomposition and earthworm activity.


Seedlings of trees with a free growth pattern cease growth when night-lengths become shorter than a critical value, and this critical night-length (CNL) decreases with increasing latitude of origin. In northern populations, the light quality also appears to play an important role and a clinal variation in requirement for far-red (FR) light has been documented. In this study we dissected the light quality requirements for maintaining growth in different latitudinal populations of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) using light emitting diodes for red (R), FR and blue (B) light, as 12 h day extension to provide 24 h photoperiod. At equal spectral photon flux, FR light was more effective than R light in maintaining growth, and the requirement of both R and FR increased with northern latitude of origin. One-to-one mixtures of R and FR light were more effective in maintaining growth than either FR or R light alone, indicating a possible interaction between R and FR light maintaining growth. Using the blue light as day extension could not prevent growth cessation in any of the populations, but delayed the bud set slightly in all populations. Our results suggest that phytochrome(s) are the primary photoreceptors in high irradiance responses maintaining growth in Norway spruce seedlings.


Zero-valent iron improves the transformation of DDT [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane] and its metabolites in aged and highly contaminated lake sediment under biotic conditions. The addition of Feº has a strong effect on transformation rates at 22 ºC and 9 ºC, the most enhanced degradation being obtained for DDT and DDOH [2,2-bis(pchlorophenyl) ethanol]. At 22 ºC and 10 weeks´incubation, the DDT concentration is reduced from 2.75 lmol g-1 (974 mg kg-1) to 0.98 lmol g-1 (346 mg kg-1) and 1.98 lmol g-1 (702 mg kg-1) in samples with and without the addition of iron, respectively. After 40 weeks` incubation these concentrations have further decreased to 0.19 lmol g-1 (66 mg kg -1) and 0.74 lmol g-1 (264 mg kg-1).There is no significant transformation of any of the compounds at 9 ºC without the addition of Feº. In the presence of iron, however, DDT is reduced to 1.25 lmol g-1 (442 mg kg-1) within 40 weeks´ incubation. This study demonstrates the ability of adapted microorganisms to transform DDT under elevated temperatures in original, aged sediments, and also the stimulating effect of zero-valent iron, which is significant even at low temperatures.

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Avlingsskader på eng forårsaket av gåsebeiting er et problem for jordbruket i flere kystområder. Hvordan gåsemøkk påvirker kvalitet og smakelighet på surfôret, ble nærmere undersøkt som en del av et større prosjekt ”Tiltak i eng mot beiting av grågås” (1997-2001). Bakgrunnen for dette delprosjektet var at flere husdyrprodusenter hadde mistanke om at gåseekskrementene reduserte smakeligheten av surfôret – bl.a. gjennom redusert gjæringskvalitet.