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Transportation planning is an important part of the wood flow chain in forestry. There are often several forest companies operating in the same region and co-ordination between two or more companies is rare. However, there is an increasing interest in collaborative planning as the potential savings are large, often in the range 5-15%. A key question is how savings should be distributed among the participants. In this paper we investigate a number of possibilities based on economic models including Shapley value, the nucleolus, separable and non-separable costs, shadow prices and volume weights. We also propose a new allocation method based on finding as equal relative profits as possible among the participants. A case study including eight forest companies is described and analyzed.


Transportation planning is an important part of the wood flow chain in forestry. There are often several forest companies operating in the same region and co-ordination between two or more companies is rare. However, there is an increasing interest in collaborative planning as the potential savings are large, often in the range 5-15%. A key question is how savings should be distributed among the participants. In this paper we investigate a number of possibilities based on economic models including Shapley value, the nucleolus, separable and non-separable costs, shadow prices and volume weights. We also propose a new allocation method based on finding as equal relative profits as possible among the participants. A case study including eight forest companies is described and analyzed.


Transportation planning is an important part of the wood flow chain in forestry. There are often several forest companies operating in the same region and co-ordination between two or more companies is rare. However, there is an increasing interest in collaborative planning as the potential savings are large, often in the range 5-15%. A key question is how savings should be distributed among the participants. In this paper we investigate a number of possibilities based on economic models including Shapley value, the nucleolus, separable and non-separable costs, shadow prices and volume weights. We also propose a new allocation method based on finding as equal relative profits as possible among the participants. A case study including eight forest companies is described and analyzed.


The manuscript is a part of a report on Eruopean research in organic food and farming, published by the ERA net CORE Organic in 2006. 11 European countries which have had significant research programmes in organic food and farming have contributed to the report. For each country, the history and organisiation of this type of research is described, as well as details about completed and on-going research programmes and their funding, research facilities, research strategies and scientific education within organic food and farming.


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Nordisk pæredyrking har funne ein nisje i Clara Frijs, men bør vurdera utviding av dyrkinga med fornying av sortimentet. I Norge foregår utprøving av nye pæresortar i regi av Bioforsk og Graminor med parallell prøving av utanlandske og norske sortar. I alt er det testa 141 sortar planta i åra 1997-2001, og 6 seleksjonar frå Graminor sitt foredlingsprogram i pære merkjer seg ut saman med Clara Frijs. Desse spenner i mogningstid frå 3 veker før til 2-3 veker etter Clara Frijs. Den tidlegaste seleksjonen er NP 4310 (Conference x Giffard) og den seinaste er NP 3043 (Clara Frijs x Conference). Resultata viser tydeleg at sortar frå foredlingsprogrammet på Njøs har utvikla seg betre under våre dyrkingsvilkår, og har synt betre marknadseigenskapar enn importerte sortar.


I Danmark er holdnigne til bruk av plantvernmidler på golfbanene enda mer restriktiv enn i i de andre skandinaviske land. Danske Golf Union, det danske miljøverndepartementet og danske kommuneres landsforening har inngått en avtale om at bruke av pesticider på golfbanene innen 2009 skal reduseres med 75% i forhold til 2002-nivå.  Dette gjør at mange danske greenkeepere er i ferd med å gå over til rødsvingel som den dominerede grasarten på golfbanene.