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In summer, more than 2.1 million sheep and lamb graze in Norwegian outfield and mountain ranges. Up to the 1990ties, the losses of sheep and lambs were stable, with an annual loss of approx. 3,6 %, mainly due to accidents, illnesses and carnivores. The numbers of large carnivores (wolf, bear, lynx and wolverine) and the golden eagle has increased the last 15-20 years, due to international agreements and a political will in Norway to have sustainable populations of these species. At the same time, the annual losses of sheep and lambs has increased to a peak last year (2006) of 6,8 %. Reindeer has had the same development regarding increased depredation. The paper deals with present and future R&D in causes of loss and preventive measures, and information and advice to farmers and authorities on methods to prevent depredation. The main goal is to reduce the losses of sheep and reindeer, and at the same time reach the government"s goal on sustainable population of carnivores. In 2006, Bioforsk launched a website which summarize the knowledge of causes of losses and preventive methods on depredation, based on an agricultural approach and Biofosk"s competence in animal welfare, grazing and livestock management.


For instance in France, the number of vertical flow constructed wetland has increased from 0 to more than 400 units between 1992 and 2005. There is a lack of relevant tools for monitoring their functionality and detecting potential failures in the systems. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) combined with Induced Polarization (IP) could potentially provide such a tool. Preliminary field studies have indicated that spatial variability in the flow pattern can be revealed by time-lapse measurements of electrical resistivity, however the interpretation of these results require better knowledge about the constitutive relationship between electrical properties and water content, water conductivity and biological clogging in typical filter media. A laboratory experiment was conducted using a four-electrode arrangement in soil sampling cylinders. Under controlled water contents the electrical resistivity and IP was measured for different levels of water conductivity and biofilm development. Finally, results were compared with empirical and theoretical relationships


Artikkelen omhandel sprøyting mot overvintringssopp i høstkorn, hva som påvirker angrep og lønnsomheten ved behandling. Faktorer som tilsier sprøyting er: Områder med langvarig snødekke Store planter/mye bladmasse ved innvintring Redusert jordarbeiding/mye spillkorn Rug Nordvent/skyggefullt areal Anstrengt vekstskifte


Hvordan skal man beregne økonomien i grønnsaksdyrking på en gard? Tiltak som gjøres ett år påvirker resultatene i påfølgende år. Dårlig jordstruktur på grunn av kjøreskader, eller oppformering av ugras påvirker avlingene, og dermed økonomien.


The aim of this article is to present a concept of using airborne laser scanning (LIDAR), with one scan only, to map defoliation as a forest health variable. The idea is to apply two independent algorithms on the LIDAR data set, to produce both actual and expected leaf area index (LAI) values for every cell in a grid over the area. LAI is estimated based on laser pulse penetration through the canopy layer, and expected LAI values are derived from stand density based on position and height of single trees as obtained from a single-tree segmentation algorithm. The results are preliminary findings from four ongoing and related studies. In the first study repeated laser scans had close to equal extinction coefficients for LAI estimation although the instruments and flight specifications were different. In the second study, based on the findings in the first we derived normal LAI values from extisting and large scale data sets with LIDAR and field data. The main independent variable was stand density, defined as the ratio between mean tree height and mean distance between the trees. The ratio between LAI and stand density was around 0.5, and this is a preliminary standard for a healthy pine forest. In a third study the woody area fraction of LAI was estimated from 14 total harvested trees, and turned out to be slightly below 50% for a healthy pine tree, which means that a totally defoliated pine forest would have an LAI/stand density ratio around 0.2. In the fourth study, these LAI standard values were confirmed with LIDAR data from a severe insect defoliation event in Norway 2005. In conclusion, the present preliminary results demonstrate a potential for application of airborne laser scanning for monitoring or mapping of defoliation as a forest health variable.