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Yield in blackcurrant is found to vary significantly between years, and fertilizer rates, methods and timing had only minor effects on this variation. Fertilization was generally most effective when applied during autumn, while fertilization in spring could be omitted or reduced without significant negative effects on the yield parameters studied. This short paper is based on results published by Opstad et al. (2007).


Lammekjøtt produsert ved grasbeite i tempererte klima er påvist å ha relativ høy andel flerumetta omega-3 fettsyre. Denne ernæringsgunstige fettsyretypen dominerer i andel hos planter og er viktig for fotosyntesen ved lave temperaturer. Ved Bioforsk Nord Holt undersøkes temperaturprofilen for fettsyrer i nordlige beiteplanter, for å undersøke om nordlig klima gir en spesielt gunstig fettsyresammensetning.


Lammekjøtt produsert ved grasbeite i tempererte klima er påvist å ha relativ høy andel flerumetta omega- 3 fettsyre. Denne ernæringsgunstige fettsyretypen dominerer i andel hos planter og er viktig for fotosyntesen ved lave temperaturer. Ved Bioforsk Nord Holt undersøkes temperaturprofilen for fettsyrer i nordlige beiteplanter, for å undersøke om nordlig klima gir en spesielt gunstig fettsyresammensetning.


Models to simulate the fate of pesticides in the environment are frequently used for risk assessments within the registration process. Experimental data are essential for model development, for evaluating the accuracy of models in the description of field behaviour and thus for assessing the confidence that should be placed in model predictions. Various experimental techniques used at Bioforsk Plant Health and Plant Protection Division were described and a short discussion of uncertainty of experimental data given.


We present results from early tests and field trials of offspring from two Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seed orchards containing clones that have been transferred from high altitudes to sea level and from northern to southern latitudes. Seedlings from seeds produced in the low-altitude seed orchard developed frost hardiness later at the end of the growth season, flushed later in field trials, and grew taller than seedlings from seeds produced in natural stands. They had the lowest mortality rate and the lowest frequency of injuries in the field trials. Similar results were observed in seedlings from seeds produced in the southern seed orchard. We found no adverse effects of the changed growth rhythm. Seedlings from two seed crops in the southern orchard, produced in years with a warm and a cold summer, had different annual growth rhythms. The results are explained mainly by the effects of the climatic conditions during the reproductive phase. Seed crops from different years in the same seed orchard may produce seedlings that perform as if they were from different provenances. It is argued that the effects of the climatic conditions during seed production must contribute to the variation among provenances of Norway spruce.

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Et filterbedanlegg (konstruert våtmark) er et plassbygd renseanlegg bestående av prefabrikkerte kummer og filterbasseng med tilkjørt filtermasse. Anlegget etableres i stedlige masser og består av slamavskiller, pumpekum, vertikalstrømmende biofilter med filtermasse, tett filterbasseng med tilkjørt filtermasse og utløpskum med muligheter for prøvetaking av renset avløpsvann. Filterbedanlegg krever et visst tilgjengelig areal for etablering av filterbassenget. Anleggstypen har imidlertid svært god renseevne både med hensyn til fosfor, organisk stoff og sykdomsfremkallende organismer og kan anbefales i de fleste områder.


Beskrivelse av filterbedanlegg som renseløsning i spredt bebyggelse. Beskrivelse av dokumentasjonskrav og dimensjonering, utforming av anlegg og forventet renseeffekt. I tillegg beskrives krav til drift og vedlikehold.


The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has been funding an NORWEGIAN SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE (SEE) PROGRAMME IN AGRICULTURE; ?Competence transfer and institutional contact and co-operation between faculties of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in South Eastern Europe?, (2002 ?2005). The main objectives under this programme were: - To improve organising, content and quality of academic education and research in agriculture, veterinary medicine and forestry to meet with needs for qualified people in ongoing rebuilding after wars and to reach the general European level and standards. - Create functional and sustainable networks of regional institutions and professionals to support each other and cooperate for optimal use of limited available resources in the SEE region in a difficult rebuilding situation. The main activities were: - Research and development projects in the areas of animal sciences, crop and fodder production and use of GIS-methods in forestry and agriculture. - Support to development of staff and institutions in form of study stays, study material, covering of costs for laboratory analysis etc. related to M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis work, guest lecturing and some equipment. - Support to reorientation of academic education in agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine. - Support to regional networks, professional meetings, further development and use of the Programme web site and web-based teaching. The most important strategy in this Programme was to facilitate for institutional cooperation and network building between partners in the SEE area. Therefore a broad approach was chosen with a large number of partners (16) from all actual geographical areas in SEE - West Balkan - (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia & Montenegro) and representing most of the different ethnical groups in the region. In 2004, Norway?s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) invited the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Noragric to present plans for a new, targeted programme on agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine in the SEE/WB region. Noragric is UMB?s Department for International Environment and Development Studies. With its professional staff from several nations, Noragric plays active roles in national and international committees and networks, in advisory roles for NORAD and MFA, and in institutional collaboration with many partners throughout the world. Noragric brings together research, education and development-related assignments with a focus on developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Besides its role as the international gateway for UMB, Noragric also acts on behalf of the Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine (NVH) and Norwegian Agricultural Research International (NARI), which form alliances with UMB. With more than 40 years of collaboration between UMB and academic and professional institutions in developing countries and in Eastern Europe, Noragric has established a broad network of worldwide contacts.


The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has been funding an NORWEGIAN SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE (SEE) PROGRAMME IN AGRICULTURE; Competence transfer and institutional contact and co-operation between faculties of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in South Eastern Europe, (2002 ?2005). The main objectives under this programme were: - To improve organising, content and quality of academic education and research in agriculture, veterinary medicine and forestry to meet with needs for qualified people in ongoing rebuilding after wars and to reach the general European level and standards. - Create functional and sustainable networks of regional institutions and professionals to support each other and cooperate for optimal use of limited available resources in the SEE region in a difficult rebuilding situation. The main activities were: - Research and development projects in the areas of animal sciences, crop and fodder production and use of GIS-methods in forestry and agriculture. - Support to development of staff and institutions in form of study stays, study material, covering of costs for laboratory analysis etc. related to M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis work, guest lecturing and some equipment. - Support to reorientation of academic education in agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine. - Support to regional networks, professional meetings, further development and use of the Programme web site and web-based teaching. The most important strategy in this Programme was to facilitate for institutional cooperation and network building between partners in the SEE area. Origin application (05/420-3, 07.12.06) to MFA, for budget of activities for the secon year 2007, was NOK 4.830.000. The MFA reduced applied budget approximately by 18%. Funding of NOK 4.000.000 was granted by the MFA for this program?s second year 2007. See UD bevilgningsbrev, 05/00396-12, from 19. April 2007, Appendix 1, page 48-51. According to the UD bevilgningsbrev budget and activities for the secon year 2007 wear redused, see NORAGRIC?s letter 05/420-3, 07.05.2007, e-mail 07.05.2007, page 45 and UD letter 05/00396-16, from 19 November 2007, page 46. See also e-mail Status report for UD Project nr. 2070061, 25.06.2007, page 47. The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), through Noragric, UMB?s Department for International Environment and Development Studies, has been responsible for the overall preparations, coordination and implementation of this programme. The programme?s Coordinator has also been part time active with scientific and education in several projects and activities. UMB/Noragric has been responsible for accounting and reporting for the programme. Programme activities include: ? Programme budgets for each projects and activities have been prepared. ? There have been preparations of agreements (54 agreements) between SEE/WB partners and Norwegian partners for the implementation of planned programme activities and transfer of funds for 2007. ? FINAL reports for the second year of the programme activities (2007) have been prepared ? for each of the 9 projects according to MFA?s template for project reporting.