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Oversikt over nye energieffektive systemer for veksthus; GesloteKas" (lukket veksthus), Intelligrow, forsøk med lukket veksthus i Finland.


Dette er den andre av to artikler der det fokuseres på mulige stategier å redusere energiforbruket i veksthus på. Bedre isolering, "semi-lukket veksthus" og bruk av varmepumper, samt redusert bruk av natur- og propangass for CO2-produksjon er noen av tiltakene som trolig kan gi mest effekt under Norske forhold.


Sammenhengen mellom engdriftssystemer og melkekvalitet i økologisk landbruk skal undersøkes i et nytt prosjekt. Valget mellom kortvarig og langvarig eng er avgjørende for den botaniske sammensetningen i drøvtyggerfôret og en kan forvente at melkas kvalitetsegenskaper påvirkes.


This study is an investigation of the nature-based recreation services industry in Norway. A recent study in Forest Policy and Economics identified two main elements of entrepreneurship, the ability to recognize business opportunities and the ability to take calculated risks. Further, that study examined how entrepreneurial attitudes affect the probability for start-ups. It is suggested that entrepreneurial attitudes influence the likelihood for process innovation and increased performance. Entrepreneurship and innovation theory were used and an e-mail survey was conducted. The questionnaire was forwarded to 324 Norwegian micro-enterprises selling forest recreation services. The response rate was 55 percent. Respondents that exhibit a stronger entrepreneurial attitude appear more likely to change the way they organize their enterprise and tend to have higher income growth.


Public concern for the environmental consequences of spreading manufactured nanoparticles is growing, but research on these aspects is only starting to gain momentum, and very little is know about how manufactured nanoparticles interact with environmental matrices like soils, sediments and natural waters. Some progress has been made on toxicity and ecotoxicity, and it is now accepted that some manufactured nanoparticles may have harmful effects on certain organisms. A crucial aspect in toxicity is however the mode and extent exposure, and apart from toxicity dose-response relationships in clean in vitro systems, practically nothing is known on uptake, metabolism, bioaccumulation and excretion. One of the reasons for this is the lack of suitable detection methods for manufactured nanoparticles when these are added to complex media like soil. We have developed a tool for tracing and quantifying mineral-based nanoparticles that has recently permitted the demonstration of their uptake and retention as compared to excretion in vivo. With this method, we have demonstrated that Co3O4 nanoparticles are ingested and absorbed in earthworms, and that these nanoparticles are to a large extent absorbed and retained within their body. The implications of these findings for ecotoxicity and ecological risk assessment studies, and the extension of this methodology for examination of environmental fate and toxicity of other manufactured nanoparticles, will be discussed.


Foredraget ga en orientering om behov for erter, og mulighetene og utfordringene ved en produsjon i Trøndelag