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Gjennomgang av fem gode argumenter for omlegging til økologisk drift: lønnsomhet, etterspørsel, matkvalitet, miljøfordeler og faglig utfordring


Alle okser over ett år som ikke har tilgang til beite i beitesesongen skal kunne komme ut i luftegård hele året og luftes minst to ganger i uka, opplyser saksbehandler Petter Almaas i Debio. Det betyr at okser som kommer på sommerbeite første året ikke trenger luftegård neste vinter.


The aim of this study was to use Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) to localize chitosan in the cell wall of chitosan impregnated Scots pine. It is of both general and specific interest to investigate the concentration of chitosan in the wood matrix to gain further knowledge and understanding of chitosan as a wood protective system.After deacetylation, chitosan was re-acetylated with chloroacetic anhydride to achieve a covalent bonding of chloride to the chitosan polymer. Chloride labeled chitosan was measured by EDS using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and described in apparent concentration of chloride. Analysis for free chloride anions was tested by dialysis and ion chromatography.There was a significant correlation between the molecular weight of chitosan and the apparent concentration of covalent bonded chloride to the chitosan polymer. High molecular weight chitosan showed a better interaction with the cell wall structure than low molecular chitosan.