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Jing Zhang Zilan Du Liqin Fu Yongming Han Wei Zheng Fuhua Yu Huimin Chen Lu Feng Yeqing Li Weiying PingSammendrag
With the development of the world economy and society, the living standards of residents have been improved, along with a large amount of food waste and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In the face of global warming and energy shortages, food waste can be used as high-value bio-energy raw materials which is also an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel anaerobic digestion and CO2 emissions efficiency analysis based on a Slacks-Based Measure integrating Data Envelopment Analysis (SBM-DEA) model to evaluate and optimize the process structure of anaerobic treatment of food waste. The total feed volume and the discharge volume of liquid digestate are taken as inputs, and the total methane (CH4) production volume is taken as the desirable output and CO2 emissions are regarded as the undesirable output to build the biogas production and CO2 emissions evaluation model during the anaerobic digestion process. Finally, the proposed method is used in the actual anaerobic digestion process. The results show that the overall efficiency values in January, April, May, and June in 2020 are higher than those in other months. At the same time, due to the optimal allocation of slack variables of inputs and undesirable outputs, the efficiency values of other inefficient anaerobic digestion days can be improved.
In this study, the nutrient dynamic and growth performance of lettuce in a closed recirculating hydroponic system were investigated. Lettuce was grown in three parallel nutrient film technique (NFT) units, illuminated with LED-light. A balanced standard nutrient solution (NS) was used, and the electrical conductivity (EC) and pH were adjusted regularly to constant average values of 1.16 mS cm‑1 and 6.2 with standard deviations of ±0.12 and ±0.5, respectively. The volume of NS in each unit was kept at 20 L by adding refill solution to replace nutrient uptake and transpiration. Lettuce growth during the first six weeks in the NFT-system was normal and stable. After six weeks, a decrease in concentrations of N, P, and K was observed, with a corresponding decline in yield of lettuce. After ten weeks, lettuce weight at harvest was reduced by 56% in average compared to the control, and the concentrations of N, P and K in the NS were reduced by 54.5, 90.5 and 96.6%, respectively. Contrarily, more slowly absorbed nutrients like Ca, S, Zn, Cu, and B experienced increases by factors of 2.2, 2.9, 6.6, 4.9 and 2.5, respectively. The depletion and accumulation of nutrients in the NS were reflected in corresponding deficiency and excess levels of nutrients in leaf tissue compared to norm-values of healthy lettuce. The study showed that after six weeks, corresponding to a yield of 1 kg lettuce per 10 L tank volume of NS, the reduced growth implied that the recirculated NS should have been discharged and replaced, or a “tailor-made” refill solution should have been used to avoid depletion of some nutrients. Based on the foliar analysis and calculations of actual nutrient absorption rates, the composition of such a refill NS was suggested.
Denne rapporten gjev eit litteraturoversyn ved ulike sider av næringsopptaket av ulike mineral og tilførsel til epletre. Det er omtalt dei fysiologiske sidene av næringsopptaket hjå grunnstammer og sjølve sorten, transporten gjennom sil- og vedvev og funksjonen til dei ulike minerala i epletreet. Bladanalysar er eit viktig diagnoseverktøy for vurdering av næringsstatusen i treet. Terskelverdiar for dei ulike minerala er vurderte og tiltak for å retta opp eventuelle mangelsymptom ved hjelp av eit bladgjødslingsprogram. Tilsvarande er eigenskapar ved jorda vurderte, normer for jordanalysar omtalte og tilråding om kalking. Siste bolken omhandlar ulike måtar og mengder for å tilføra gjødsel til frukthagen. Dette gjeld gjødsling til jorda, gjødselvatning i dropevatningsystemet i trerekkja og bladgjødsling.
Vibeke Lind Angela Dagmar Schwarm Marcello Mele Alice Cappucci Giulia Foggi Özge Sizmaz Eleni Tsiplakou Alberto Stanislao Atzori Joni Van Mullem Nico PeirenSammendrag
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Anna Birgitte MilfordSammendrag
Geir-Harald StrandSammendrag
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Hege UlfengSammendrag
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Arne BardalenSammendrag
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