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Michel VerheulSammendrag
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Abstracts from The 22nd Triennial conference of EAPR in Oslo 7-12 July 2024. The organizer of the conference was the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO).
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Marit JørgensenSammendrag
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Habtamu AlemSammendrag
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Ragnhild Aabøe Inglingstad Tove Gulbrandsen Devold Nicola Damiano Anna Caroline Holene Nina Svartedal Irene Comi Tone Inger Eliassen Tora Asledottir Ellen Kathrine Ulleberg Gerd VegarudSammendrag
Six cattle breeds native to Norway, have for almost half a century been at risk of extinction. Due to their small population sizes, they have hardly been improved by breeding for many decades. Still, the endangered breeds represent a source of genetic diversity with special milk qualities compared to the modern breed, Norwegian red (NRF). This study reports for the first time a detailed overview of their milk composition. Milk from seven native breeds, in total 200 individuals, were included in the study. Rare genetic variants of αs1-and αs2-casein, and β-casein A1 and κ-casein B were more prevalent in milk form the endangered breeds compared to NRF. Moreover, milk from these six breeds showed better renneting properties and lower incidences of non-coagulating milk, compared to the NRF milk, which showed better acid coagulation properties. This study shows the potential for native breeds in small-scale production of high-quality rennet cheeses.