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Aluminium (Al) is a key element in critical load calculations for forest. Here, we argue for re-evaluating the importance of Al. Effects of two levels of enhanced Al concentrations and lowered Ca:Al ratios in the soil solution in a field manipulation experiment in a mature spruce stand (1996-1999) on tree vitality parameters were tested. In addition, Al solubility controls were tested. Various loads of Al were added to forest plots by means of an irrigation system. Potentially toxic Al concentrations and critical ratios of Ca to inorganic Al were established.The ratio of Ca to total Al was not a suitable indicator for unfavourable conditions for plant growth. No significant effects on crown condition, tree growth and fine root production were observed after three years of treatment. In 1999, foliar Mg content in the highest Al addition treatment had declined significantly. This agreed with the known response to Al stress of seedlings in nutrient solution experiments. No support was found for using the chemical criterion Ca:Al ratio in soil solution, foliar and root tissue as an indicator for forest damage due to acidification. Al solubility was considerably lower than implied by the assumption of equilibrium with gibbsite, particularly in the root zone.The gibbsite equilibrium is commonly used in critical load models. Substitution of the gibbsite equilibrium with an Al-organic matter complexation model to describe Al solubility in soil water may have large consequences for calculation of critical loads. The results indicate that critical load maps for forests should be reconsidered.


Eit dyrkingsproblem er at søtkirsebær-trea utan synlege sjukdomsteikn brått kan stagnera i vekst og døy endå om feltet har fått optimalt stell. For tida er det ingen konkrete rådgjerder for dyrkarane bortsett frå å planta nye tre i staden for dei som gjekk ut. Med finansiering frå Statens Landbruksbank har Planteforsk Ullensvang i samarbeid med Planteforsk Plantevernet gjennomført det eitt-årige prosjektet "Kartlegging av årsaker til tredaude i søtkirsebær" i 1999. Kartleggingsarbeidet var delt i to: 1.Kartlegging av 5 bruk som har problem med tredaude blant medlemene til Hardanger Frukt og Bær med utttak og analyse av nematode-, sopp-, virus- og jord- og bladprøvar saman med feltinspeksjonar. 2. Spørjeundersøking til søtkirsebærdyrkarar ved 5 fruktlager i Ullensvang om tilhøve som kan tenkjast å påverka tredaude i søtkirsebær . Grupper av rotnematodar som gjer skade på frukttrea var registrert i alle hagane og kan såleis vera medverkande til symptoma. Det var også mogeleg å relatera høge populajonar av rotsårnematodar til dårleg tilvekst og høge spiralnematodetal til tidlegare observasjonar av tredaude. Det vart ikkje påvist at ulike insekt, soppar, bakteriar eller virus var primærårsak til denne tredauden. Spørjeundersøkinga viste at mange søtkirsebærdyrkarar meinte det var skilnad mellom kor utsette ulike sortar og grunnstammer var for tredauding i frukthagane. Gjenplanting på same arealet kort tid etter at det var rydda steinfruktplanting fremja tredauding. Lauvtrebarkbillen var årsak til tredaude, men då er diagnosen oftast enkel å stilla.


I prosjektet "Økt produktivitet i agurk og tomat gjennom miljøvennlig plantevern og effektiv dyrkingsteknikk" har en i perioden 1997-1999 arbeidet med ulike teknikker for rensing av resirkulerende næringsløsning i veksthus


Genetic associations between initiation of embryogenic tissue (ET) and susceptibility to the phytopathogenic fungi Ceratocystis polonica (Siem.) C. Moreau and Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. in Norway spruce have been studied by initiating ET from zygotic embryos of mature seeds collected from 19 clones tested for susceptibility to the pathogens in a clonal field trial.Initiation frequencies varied significantly among clones (families), ranging from 12 to 56%. The family variance component accounted for more than 40% of the total variance in initiation frequency of ET. The estimates of broad-sense heritability of fungus susceptibility of the clones ranged from 0.12 for length of phloem necrosis after low-density inoculation with H. annosum to 0.55 for blue-stained sapwood after mass inoculation with C. polonica.None of the susceptibility measures showed any phenotypic correlation with initiation of embryogenic tissue. Genetic correlations and their standard errors were estimated by bootstrapping. Two measures of fungal susceptibility correlated genetically with initiation of ET; estimated at 0.58 for lesion length after inoculation with C. polonica and 0.29 for H. annosum lesion length. A better measure of susceptibility, blue-stained sapwood following inoculation with C. polonica, was not correlated with initiation of ET.



Infection by Mycocentrospora acerina on carrots were examined in the period 1985 to 1995 in monoculture plots at four sites with crop rotation experiments in Norway. At two of the locations, with the most variable climate, the incidence and severity of M. acerina infections on leaves and roots varied most through the different years. At these locations M. acerina attack on the roots was positively correlated with  precipitation in July. At one location the incidence of leaf infection corresponded significantly with the incidence on the roots. At one site the length of the storage period was correlated with the incidence and severity of liquorice rot in storage.