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Formålet med kartleggingsprogrammet «Skadegjørere i potet» er å få kunnskap om status med hensyn til forekomst av planteskadegjørerne lys ringråte (Clavibacter michigaensis spp.), mørk ringråte (Rastonia solancearum), rotgallnematodene Meloidogyne chitwoodi og M. fallax samt potetkreft (Synchytrium endobioticum) i norsk produksjon av mat- og industripotet. Denne rapporten omhandler status for rotgallnematodene. Rotgallnematoder (Meloidogyne spp.) er en stor gruppe obligate planteparasittære nematoder som finnes over hele verden. Skadene etter rotgallnematoder forringer både kvalitet og avling, og gir store avlingstap på verdensbasis. M. chitwoodi og M. fallax har mange vertsplanter, og er vanskelige å bekjempe dersom de etablerer seg. Derfor ansees disse artene som alvorlige planteskadegjørere, og som en trussel mot europeisk potet og gulrot produksjon. Både M. chitwoodi og M. fallax er påvist i Europa i begrenset omfang. Begge artene er de senere årene funnet i Sverige. M. chitwoodi og M. fallax er ikke påvist i Norge, men det er risiko for at begge artene kan etablere seg og gjøre omfattende skade i norsk potet- og gulrotproduksjon.

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Invasive species are leading causes of biodiversity loss and economic damage. Prevention and management of invasions requires risk assessments based on ecological knowledge for species of potential concern. Interactions between introduced species and heterospecifics in the recipient community may affect the likelihood of establishment through biotic resistance and facilitation and are therefore important predictors of invasion risk. Experimentally exposing one species to another to observe their interactions is not always safe or practical, and containment facilities offer artificial environments which may limit the number of species and the types of interactions that may be tested. To predict biotic resistance and facilitation in a more natural setting, we deployed traps with pheromone lures in the field to mimic the presence of two potentially invasive spruce bark beetles, the European Ips typographus (tested in eastern Canada), and the North American Dendroctonus rufipennis (tested in Norway). We identified and counted possible predators, competitors, and facilitators that were captured in the traps. In eastern Canada, possible predators and competitors responded strongly to I. typographus lures, suggesting the potential for considerable biotic resistance. In Norway, D. rufipennis lures prompted little response by predators or competitors, suggesting that D. rufipennis may experience reduced biotic resistance in Europe. Dendroctonus rufipennis was also attracted to I. typographus pheromone, which may encourage facilitation between these species through cooperative mass attack on trees. Our findings will inform invasive-species risk assessments for I. typographus and D. rufipennis and highlight useful methods for predicting interactions between species that rely heavily on semiochemical communication.

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T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive malignant leukemia with extremely limited treatment for relapsed patients. N6‐methyladenosine (m6A) reader insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IGF2BP2) participates in the initiation and growth of cancers by communicating with various targets. Here, we found IGF2BP2 was highly expressed in T-ALL. Gain and loss of IGF2BP2 demonstrated IGF2BP2 was essential for T-ALL cell proliferation in vitro and loss of IGF2BP2 prolonged animal survival in a human T-ALL xenograft model. Mechanistically, IGF2BP2 directly bound to T-ALL oncogene NOTCH1 via an m6A dependent manner. Furthermore, we identified a small-molecule IGF2BP2 inhibitor JX5 and treatment of T-ALL with JX5 showed similar functions as knockdown of IGF2BP2. These findings not only shed light on the role of IGF2BP2 in T-ALL, but also provide an alternative γ‑Secretase inhibitors (GSI) therapy to treat T-ALL.