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Mange truete arter i Norge forekommer fåtallig, klumpvis i bestemte naturtyper (hotspot-habitater) og i bestemte deler av landet (hotspot-regioner). Gjennom å kartlegge og overvåke hotspot-habitater, kan vi effektivt få bedre kunnskap om status og trender for mange truete og rødlistete arter.

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Modelling stem taper and volume is crucial in many forest management and planning systems. Taper models are used for diameter prediction at any location along the stem of a sample tree. Furthermore, taper models are flexible means to provide information on the stem volume and assortment structure of a forest stand or other management units. Usually, taper functions are mean functions of multiple linear or nonlinear regression models with diameter at breast height and tree height as predictor variables. In large-scale inventories, an upper diameter is often considered as an additional predictor variable to improve the reliability of taper and volume predictions. Most studies on stem taper focus on accurately modelling the mean function; the error structure of the regression model is neglected or treated as secondary. We present a semi-parametric linear mixed model where the population mean diameter at an arbitrary stem location is a smooth function of relative height. Observed tree-individual diameter deviations from the population mean are assumed to be realizations of a smooth Gaussian process with the covariance depending on the sampled diameter locations. In addition to the smooth random deviation from the population average, we consider independent zero mean residual errors in order to describe the deviations of the observed diameter measurements from the tree-individual smooth stem taper. The smooth model components are approximated by cubic spline functions with a B-spline basis and a small number of knots. The B-spline coefficients of the population mean function are treated as fixed effects, whereas coefficients of the smooth tree-individual deviation are modelled as random effects with zero mean and a symmetric positive definite covariance matrix. The taper of a tree is predicted using an arbitrary number of diameter and corresponding height measurements at arbitrary positions along the stem to calibrate the tree-individual random deviation from the population mean estimated by the fixed effects. This allows a flexible application of the method in practice. Volume predictions are calculated as the integral over cross-sectional areas estimated from the calibrated taper curve. Approximate estimators for the mean squared errors of volume estimates are provided. If the tree height is estimated or measured with error, we use the “law of total expectation and variance” to derive approximate diameter and volume predictions with associated confidence and prediction intervals. All methods presented in this study are implemented in the R-package TapeR.

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Bark beetles cause widespread damages in the coniferous-dominated forests of central Europe and North America. In the future, areas affected by bark beetles may further increase due to climate change. However, the early detection of the bark beetle green attack can guide management decisions to prevent larger damages. For this reason, a field-based bark beetle monitoring program is currently implemented in Germany. The combination of remote sensing and field data may help minimizing the reaction time and reducing costs of monitoring programs covering large forested areas. In this case study, RapidEye and TerraSAR-X data were analyzed separately and in combination to detect bark beetle green attack. The remote sensing data were acquired in May 2009 for a study site in south-west Germany. In order to distinguish healthy areas and areas affected by bark beetle green attack, three statistical approaches were compared: generalized linear models (GLM), maximum entropy (ME) and random forest (RF). The spatial scale (minimum mapping unit) was 78.5 m2. TerraSAR-X data resulted in fair classification accuracy with a cross-validated Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient (kappa) of 0.23. RapidEye data resulted in moderate classification accuracy with a kappa of 0.51. The highest classification accuracy was obtained by combining the TerraSAR-X and RapidEye data, resulting in a kappa of 0.74. The accuracy of ME models was considerably higher than the accuracy of GLM and RF models.


Use of genetic materials with a more “southern growth rhythm” has been suggested as one of the measures for adapting our forests to climate change. However, studies on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) provenances and families have shown a possible relationship between phenology (apical growth rhythm) and cambial growth rhythm that might have negative effects on latewood proportion and wood density. We made a detailed study of the xylem formation of four clones during one growth season. The clones were known to express contrasting phenology in terms of timing of bud flush equivalent to two weeks when assessed in 1997. Micro cores from four 20 year old ramets of the four clones, 16 trees in total, were sampled once a week from May to October in 2010. When bud flush were assessed in 2010 there were about one week difference between the most contrasting clones. Temperatures during the spring 2010 were low and flushing started in general late. No relationship was found between the clonal values for timing of bud flush and initiation of xylem formation. Large differences between clones in numbers of formed tracheids were found in later phases of the growing season. Both the rate of cell division and number of formed tracheids varied significantly between clones. Only small differences in latewood percentage were found between the clones. Genetic variation in xylem formation was found, but from this study the genetic variation in xylem formation seems to be independent from the genetic variation in phenology.